Overwatch 2: How to Play Wrecking Ball (2024)

Overwatch 2 brought some significant changes to Wrecking Ball, and made it stronger. He is not like the usual heroes. He is a dive tank, also known as Hammond. He has an extremely high HP and a good movement ability that gets him towards the enemies easily.

wrecking ball from ow2

In this guide, you will learn about the abilities of  Wrecking ball, and you can utilize them to plan a good strategy for the match. We will further cover some amazing hero combinations with the Wrecking ball. Before we jump right into the playstyle of this awesome hero, you should know that we are providing boosting services for OW2, and if you want to improve your rank, you should definitely give it a try! 


He plays similarly to the other aggressive tank heroes like Winston and D.va. he pressurizes the opponents through his powerful abilities. He pushes the enemy’s heroes into the danger zone with his roll movement ability along with the speed booster Grappling Claw. He is a strong euro that is difficult to counter for the enemies. Even Widowmaker and Sojourn cannot damage it easily. 

The wrecking ball is considered one of the strongest tank in Ow2! 

Abilities of Wrecking Ball 

hero abilities

Quad Cannons

The Quad canon can only be used if the Wrecking ball is out of his rolling mode. It does not cause very high damage, but it can release the fires at a very fast rate. If used for nearby or medium-distanced targets it can be very effective. Another drawback is the widespread use of fire, which makes it easier for the enemies to counter it. It can kill the opponents after utilizing the Piledriver or the Grappling Claw. 


This roll ability can work anytime, anywhere. It will turn this quadrupedal character into a rolling ball. A third person will control this. This ball has a fast movement speed that will remain the same no matter which direction the ball is going. If it goes downhill, the speed increases further. This mode gets deactivated if the ball is hooked, hacked, or slept. It will also get inactivated if you try to use the Quad cannon. 

Grappling Claw

This ability is very useful when it comes to overwatch 2 matches. This works while the Wrecking ball is in his rilling mode. Through this claw, the ball will adhere to a vertical surface. He will take a swing to move at a fast rate and fly into the air. If the swing is high enough to give a 15-meter speed, the damage it causes reaches up to 50 bars. He will destroy the enemy heroes that will collide with him. This is an all-rounder ability that can be used to attack, defend or simply accelerate the movement speed.

Adaptive Shield

Similar to the other diving tanks, Winston and D.va, Wrecking Ball also has a shield to protect him. This defensive ability will provide 100 temporary HP. There is an extra 100 HP for the enemy heroes that are within 10 meters of his radius. It gives a maximum HP of 1300, which is almost double that of the other tank heroes. This ability lasts for around 9 seconds and requires an additional 15 seconds for the cooldown.


Piledriver can only be activated if the Wrecking ball is mid in the air. It should be at least 2.25 meters from the ground. It is indicated by an orange arrow on your screen. Once activated, this will bang the Wrecking Ball to the ground at a very fast rate. It will damage the heroes that are within 10 of this falling point. These enemies are tossed into the air. If the enemy is tossed high, their control is restricted. They cannot control their movement, and thus it is a golden opportunity for your allies to target them.


This ultimately releases 15 inflammable mines that will position as two concentric circles around him. It is advised to use them while the Wrecking ball is in the air because it will give a larger spread for the mines. They will be exposed after 1.5 seconds after an enemy hero comes into the covered area of 1.5 meters. It causes 130 damage. If you use these mines in choke points or an area where the enemies have gathered, you can compel them to get back. They last for a long 20 seconds, so your enemy will move back from the minefield.

Best Combinations with WreckiBallall

Wrecking Ball and Ashe

A wrecking ball has a good movement ability, and any hero who can take advantage of it will pair up well with him. Ashe’s high damage rate, along with the precise targets will give serious damage to the enemies after the grappling claw tosses them.

Wrecking Ball and Hanzo

Hanzo works similarly to Ashe and thus works well with a wrecking ball. Combine the Dragon strike of Hanzo with the Minefield to restrict the enemies; It leaves no room for them to escape. If there is a good shooter in your team, he can take the enemies down easily.

Wrecking Ball and Tracer

Tracer has a high damage along with a low HP. Tracer works best if the opponents are moving alone. Wrecking balls can separate the tanks from their supports and compel the heroes to move from their positions. Here, Tracer will find good targets before they get together. 

Wrecking Ball and Widowmaker

He is a strong sniper hero who can target enemies at low health through long-range shots. A Wrecking Ball will knock down the enemies and make targets easier for Widowmaker. It protects her from the medium-ranged heroes that may be a threat.

Tips and Tricks for Wrecking Ball

  • Using the movement abilities of the wrecking ball, reach places where the other heroes cannot reach. This way, you can find some time to think about a good strategy.
  • An adaptive shield should be used when the enemy has gathered. All the enemies near the Wrecking Ball would give him additional health, so that would be advantageous in defense and offense.
  • Keep in mind that You will fall to the ground after a few seconds of activating the Piledriver. So, there is a chance of enemies moving from their position after you use the piledriver. In this case, use other abilities to target the enemies.
  • Using the Grappling claw will distract your enemies. They will never know where you are heading. You can know them down with a rapid swing. It will give a massive 50 damage per hit.
  • If you are using the grappling claw or the roll ability to get close to the opponents, pair it up with the Adaptive shield. It will keep you protected. Another way is to use a Grappling claw to reach an elevated point. Use a piledriver with it to create a huge amount of damage.
  • Take full advantage of the movement abilities of the Wrecking ball. Stick to a surface with the Claw and swing around. Your enemies may try to reach there to target you. In the meantime, you can get to another position quickly. 
  • Players often say that Minefield could be a better ultimate for a strong hero like a wrecking ball. In most cases, the enemy can escape this ability easily. Though the damage it causes is high, it can be destroyed easily with other hero abilities. You can use it near the objective so it can prevent the enemies from approaching it. Another way is to use it in areas where most of your opponents represent. This will cover a large area that is difficult for the enemy to get out of. In some cases, a minefield causes huge damage, while in some scenarios, the enemy can escape it. Use it strategically to increase the chances of getting damage to the enemies. 
  • A critical learning aspect is knowing when to deactivate the rolling ability. We suggest you remain in roll mode till you get the sight of an opponent. You will stay safe as the ball, so why get out of it? 
  • You have to swing at the right angle with the grappling claw to get a good speed boost. A simple measure is to stick to a surface directly behind the enemy and then swing in a forward motion. This provides a comparatively low boost, but it is still effective. This is useful for beginners who face difficulty in getting the right angle to stick. 
  • Use the Quad Cannons to kill the enemies that are already in low health. Use it against enemies that the Wrecking Ball or his allies have damaged. 

Wrapping it Up

Wrecking is a strong and aggressive hero when he plays against long-range targets and heroes who can escape easily. Heroes like Ashe and Widowmaker cannot fight against the Wrecking Ball because of his rolling mode. 

Moreover, the heroes with low movement abilities also have a hard time escaping from Wrecking Ball. Implement the above-given tips to finetune your strategy further when you are playing with a Wrecking Ball! He is the best tank hero in Overwatch 2.

Hope this guide will help you master this hero! If you want to learn more about other heroes, check our blog section, where we upload guides and daily news related to this game!