Overwatch 2: Ultimate Wintson Guide (Tricks, Tips & Strategies)

Winston (Check real name here) has the designation of the first exceptional Tank in the Overwatch game. With the release of Overwatch 2, this tank hero has come back in some exciting ways. You may need some advice to play with him, so we have compiled this guide for you. This Winston hero guide for Overwatch 2 is all that you need to master him.

winston character from ow2

Let’s look at who Winston is. Winston did not have a life full of roses, he faced major struggles. But the good news is that it is back in a more stable way. Overwatch 2 will only have a single tank, Unlike the previous season. If you learn to play with Winston, your enemies will be fearful of your team.

Winston was available in Overwatch 1 as well. You can also check our guide on the Difference between Overwatch 1 and Overwatch 2


Winston is a simple yet powerful tank with a shield. It can cause a moderate amount of damage. He may be out of the list of the best tanks because his abilities are not as deadly as the other tanks. However, he has some amazing abilities that make him a good tank hero. 

He works a fast face and captures the critical points. His large shield is enough to protect his allies. His ultimate can wipe out all the enemies with a few steps.

If you want to master Winston, try our Overwatch 2 Carry services and start getting better in the game! 

Abilities of Winston in Overwatch 2

hero abilities

Tesla Canon

Tesla Canon is the primary weapon of Overwatch 2. It is simple to use, but the damage it causes significantly affects the enemies. This will not release any secondary fire. This can penetrate through the shields and automatically target the enemies in his way. So, you can use this ability without being good at aiming. This causes damage in a cone-shaped region. This works best for close-range targets so it’s good to disrupt enemy formations and deal with agile components. 

Barrier Projector

The barrier projector is the shield that can protect all the team members of this overwatch hero, Winston. This shield is placed below the feet of Winston. You can use it at the objective or as an escort. It allows the whole team to crush down the enemies. They can restrict the enemy’s movement and shoot them down. It is a good defensive ability that releases a bubble-shaped barrier. It will absorb the incoming fire from the enemies. The team members can shoot through this barrier. Using this ability, the team can protect the teammates, and control the space. You should follow a planned strategy to position the barrier and time it perfectly so it can get maximum advantage.

Jump Pack

Winston’s mobility is one of their key strengths, and this is even highlighted by his Jump-pack ability.. Using this, Winston will launch himself into the air. It will span a great distance and cause damage to enemies if it lands in the targeted area. This way Winston can initiate the fights, and chase the enemies. Moreover, Winston can escape from challenging situations with this ability.

Primal rage

The ultimate ability of Winston, Primal rage, will enhance the durability and strength of his primary availability eHealth points will increase, along with his movement speed of Winston. These primary shots will turn into a powerful melee strike with knockback effects. Moreover, it will reset the cooldown of the jump pack. This way Winston can leap around the battlefield with increased mobility. It disrupts enemy formations and knocks the enemies down.

Tesla Barrier

Here comes a great passive ability of Winston, that is new in Overwatch 2. This is a personal barrier that will surround his whole body. It provides additional protection from the incoming enemy ires. This passive ability aligns well with Winsotn’s play style as he can dive into the enemy teams. It allows him to survive in chaotic situations. 

Best Combinations with Winston

Winston and Hanzo

Winston has always been loved by snipers as he can move the frontlines. This way he can easily target headshots. Hanzo works well because his ultimate ability is hard to aim for. While Winston can kill enemies as they are flying away.

Winston and Birgitte

Overwatch 2 has only one tank left, so anyone who can help the tank will be a good pick. Birgitte is a frontline helper, so she can create some chaotic situations to help Winston get his target. Winston needs someone to save his leap cooldown, so Brigitte can improve the lifespan.

Winston and Genji

All DPS heroes are good allies with Genji. Winston can help Genji by protecting him from enemy fire so he can take down the enemies easily. Genji is a good shooter, but he fails because he cannot protect himself. If he is coupled with Winston, he will get a chance to survive.

Winston and Reaper

Reaper is a hero with good escaping skills. Winston cannot get a punch, but Reaper can do this. They can clear the backline together and escape from the situation easily if anything bad happens. They will stay alive and get ready for the next round.

Tips for Play Winston

  • Winston Leap has much more than just flying in the air. He can go behind the enemy lines and prevent the formation of groups among them. It will weaken the opponents. His leap is higher than the leap of Doomsfit so you can use it to get near to Genji or Widowmaker. You can also handle Ana while staying behind the barrier projector so you can stay safe from her darts.
  • Go above the enemy with the Winston. It will give you some advantages over your opponents. They might assume that you are close to them and that you can cause some damage in the meantime. Make sure that you are aiming in the right direction because this is where all your efforts will show up. Winston will leap in the direction of his sight, so you may get confused with it. Your aims may not reach the target if you are not careful about it.
  • The shield of Winston varies greatly from other overwatch 2 hero shields. This barrier can halt the projectiles, but you and your enemies can pass through it. If you are playing with close-range gears like Reaper, be aware because they may cross it easily. You may think that this is useless because the enemies are not stopped. But, it will block enemy fire. 
  • The dome of the child will also span across the walls. You can use it to help your teammates who are in another area. This gives them a chance to escape from a bad scenario. They can also launch a counterattack against the enemies. You can use this bit as a lure to attract your enemy to the shield while you are planning on something else. 
  • Winston moves very fast, and this may take him far away from his team members. The tank is alone so some practice is required to get the blogger targets.
  • Winston can read the enemy’s backlines but he beads a healing companion that can keep his life safe.
  • You can use origami rage to resort to the health of Winston. So, you don’t need to worry about your health and escape from the enemies.
  • Don’t use the Tesla cannon against the enemy tanks. It will only cause minor damage, which does not compare with the damages of other tank weapons.
  • Once the primal rage is activated, the jump pack cooldown will get back to the original point. Use it when Winston is in a good situation.

Final Remarks!

Hope you loved learning the tips and tricks to play with Winston, he is one of the great heroes who will make your game stronger. You can play with it strategically to enhance your chances of winning the game. Don’t get afraid, just get into the match and do your best. You can learn from some pro players to help you out. Know their strategy and use it in your matches according to the situation.

Also, the new season might be around the corner so rank will reset any time soon. If you want to unlock a new higher rank then you should definitely check our Overwatch 2 Placement Boosting service.