The Ultimate Overwatch 2 Widowmaker Guide

Overwatch 2 is back with its exciting matches. Yet, some of the heroes have received some upgrades. Widowmaker is one the best sniper heroes available in Overwatch 2. She was a well-loved hero among all the Overwatch 1 players. This series has come back, keeping the title of the longest-range DPS hero. She has experienced minor changes, that have made him even more stronger. 

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Every hero in Overwatch 2 has a unique playstyle, and they work best for specific situations.w, if we talk about the best long-range hero, it is Widowmaker. He shorts accurately at far-away targets and causes enormous damage. She has a low HP owing to her defensive abilities. Here, we will cover the most updated guidelines for playing with Widowmaker.

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Abilities of Widowmaker in Overwatch 2

Widow’s kiss

The primary rifle of Widowmaker is her Widow kiss. This is an accurate and precise weapon that can hit the target directly. Its damage rate is higher than other heroes. It causes damage of 2.5 health bars. It has the highest single-shot damage in the entire game. They can easily shoot at the non-tank hero.

Keep in mind that you need to take time to act with the Widowmaker. You should take time to charge up the rifle because quick targets usually cause lesser damage. You can try quick shots against Low-HP Heroes like Genji because they can be killed with low damage. 

It best works in close-quarter situations. It has a large magazine that allows you to shoot till the enemy is finally killed. This weapon can be used in an automatic mode. 

Grappling Hook

The grappling hook is a great way to escape from tank heroes that have come near you. This way you can move to an elevated position and find yourself in a better position to attack the opponents. This works from a higher position, so you need to climb up. If you get down from this high position, this ability will end. It means if the enemy is about to target you, just jump down to escape from their attacks.

Venom Mine

It is a position region that is released to protect yourself from opponents. It is useful in protecting the objectives. This venom mine can cause damage of 75 points, and around 15 points in one second. It works at a 20 m/s projectile speed and covers an area of 3m radius. You can see it through the walls on your screen.

Once the mine is activated, it will release a gas burst. This gas will destroy all the enemies that come into it. It will notify if the enemies have been damaged. You can also see it through the walls. A drawback of this mine is that it can be targeted by enemies if they can see it. If one mine is active, you cannot use another one. Remember, if you shoot another one, the previous one will get inactivated.


Here comes the Ultimate ability of Widowmaker. It makes Infrasight a powerful hero. It will show up all the locations of the enemy. You can see them behind the walls. What’s more good is that this location is visible to all your allies. You don’t need to communicate with them, it will automatically show up. 

You can use another ability once the enemy is approaching the objective or trying to gather to attack your allies. You can prevent their sneak attacks. Though this ultimate does not cause any damage to the opponents, it is beneficial. You can pair it up with shooting heroes to target the enemies. It will give an overall team advantage. 

widowmaker hero in ow2

Best Combinations with Widowmaker

Widowmaker and Ana

Ana loves to support her allies. She is a good pair with almost all of the overwatch euros. Ana can help the widowmaker and boost his abilities using her Nano boost power. Using it, Widowmaker can target one-shot tanks with 400HP. It will kill even the strongest heroes.

Widowmaker and Sigma

Widowmaker depends on his team to effectively position her because she is a fragile character. She needs someone to protect her from the return shots. Sigma has an experimental barrier that will protect Widowmaker. Sigma’s Gravity Flux ultimate will make headshots easier for Widowmaker.

Widowmaker and DPS heroes

DPS heroes like Genji, Tracer, and Sombra are all good pairs with Widowmaker. It creates a way for a clear and direct shot from the Widowmaker by compelling them to change position. She can cause serious damage to slower tanks with these pairs.

Widowmaker and Mercy

Though Widowmaker causes massive damage, if we get to boost it, your enemies will be killed within seconds. Mercy’s caduceus staff has a 30% buff power. If she keeps it adjusted on the Widowmaker, it will greatly help him target the opponents. Mercy can also align well with the mobility of Widowmaker using her Guardian Angel ability. 

Tips for Playing with Widowmaker

  • We know Widowmkaer causes good dagame at long distances, but you need to be precise in targeting the enemy. If your headshot does not hit the enemy, your efforts will be in vain. In the quick game, once you release your headshot, the enemy would move till it hits them. So, you need severe practice with your aim. You can play against some AI tools for on-shooting apps to get better at achieving the targets. You will learn everything with practice.
  • If you have a Widowmaker in your team, you need a safe spot for her. She has to be in a safe point to save her life. You can use the Grappling hook to fly away from critical and challenging citations. Find an elevated position to escape from the attacks. She has a low HP, so she requires time alone. So, a safe spot should be your first focus.
  • Use the ultimate ability to find the weak points of your enemy. For example, it will expose Ana’s location and you can act against her. The gun works for long-ranged targets, but you can use the ultimate bit for nearby targets. It can target a mine and weaken your enemies approaching the objective.
  • If you have a widowmaker on your team, choose maps with large open areas like Junkertown. Remember, that you should not shoot from the same location multiple times. This way the enemy might predict your attacks. Wdiwkiss has a unique sound so it will show your location. You have to keep yourself safe from counterattacks. However, if you are playing on a narrow map, Widowmaker can target more effectively. In open areas, the chances of missing the headshot are higher. 
  • If you are attempting a body shot, keep your rifle full. If it is charged, it will cause a good amount of damage. Two completely charged body shots are enough to kill the enemy hero. Moreover, if the enemy knows about your location they may move to escape the headshot, but you can catch them with a body-shot. Once you release some shots, you have to move from your position. If you stay in the same place, the enemy will move towards you. Widowmakers do not have good defensive abilities, so it is better to flee from the situation.
  • Widowmaker works best against enemies with a lower HP. If they are already weak, you can kill them without any difficulty.
  • Save your ultimate for a good situation. Don’t use it on a single enemy hero. You should get the maximum advantage and try to prevent critical scenarios.
  • Always know which targets will get killed with a Widow kiss. Use it against low-HP heroes like Genji. 
  • Position yourself in a suitable spot where you can see the enemies and your range can shoot them.
  • Venom mine is a good option if you are camping. It tells you if your enemy is planning to flank from the sides. Use venom mine as much as you can. Get information about your enemy whenever you want. However, spamming it too much means that you miss it in a challenging situation. If it is recharging, and your enemy plants to flank, you will face difficulties. 

Wrapping it Up!

This was all you should know about the Overwatch 2 hero Widowmaker. Remember that you can play it well in large and open areas, and it works best against far-away targets. You need to master the aiming aspect, so you can miss a headshot. Use the ultimate easily strategically when you need it the most. These valuable tips would help you turn the match in your favor!

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