Overwatch 2 is an exciting game, but learning it can be a hard part. You will enjoy playing it, but you need to learn about this game and the heroes you can play with.
Overwatch 2 has many heroes and one of the hardest to learn is Symmetra. Her abilities are comparatively harder to learn than any other hero. But worry not, since we are here to provide you with all hero guides from Overwatch 2.
If you are curious to find out her real name, check Overwatch 2 characters real name to find her name.

Abilities of Symmetra
In Overwatch 2, symmetry comes with an array of abilities that make her unique from other characters. She may not always be a good pick, but in some cases, her abilities can make you win the game with strategy. If you love playing in close quarters, she is the one for you! Pair it up with a Mercy damage boost to fight against enemies best.
Photon projector
This is the hero’s primary short-range weapon. It is one of the limited-beam weapons. It resembles the primary abilities of Zarya and Moira. This photon projector will gradually refuel its damage. It will melt quickly when in contact with the opposing characters. It can cause a maximum damage of 34.56 in 0.192 seconds.
This weapon has an alt-fire that can cover a distance of 2 meters. It releases energy balls that explode and cause massive damage. The higher the charges, the greater the damage. Use it to target the edges of walls or any other barriers. It can provide a cover fire while your allies are trying to get out of a challenging situation. Keep in mind that this weapon is not meant for a headshot.
Sentry Turret
It is a small turret or tower that can slow the enemy’s movements. Symmetra loves to use her Turrets against enemies like Torbjorn. These are leased like projectiles and penetrate enemy barriers. They will adhere to the surface they come in contact with. They can even stick to the Lifeweaver’s Petal Platform.
You are free to use up to 3 turrets that cause damage of 40 points in a second. This is a good pick for fighting against enemies in close-quarter fights inside closed spaces. With this ability, you can easily surround the enemies and compel them to turn around. This sentry turret will not cause damage if it is represented in the air, but it can be destroyed by the enemies.
While Heroes like Kiriko and Reaper can teleport themselves, Overwatch 2 only has Symmetra who can teleport both herself and her teammates. These teleporters can get destroyed easily so avoid placing them near the front lines. Place them at a distance so your allies can get back to it and fight safely. To get your player teleported, you have to use the Interact key. If you fire a projectile at the teleporter, the Symmetra’s turrets or D.va’s ultimate can travel through it.
Photon Barrier
The ability that makes Symmetra unique and powerful is her Photon barrier. This is a strong defensive ability if compared with other ultimates of Overwatch 2. You are free to adjust the position or the angle of the Photon barrier. Yet, if it is in place once you cannot move it. It will stay in the same place for 12 seconds, till this ability works.
You can use it to partition a site or to invalidate another hero’s ultimate ability. Heros who face the highest form of the Photon barrier are Pharah and Soldier 76 because they use projectiles. If you are fighting against Symmetra’s ultimate, get near it. Move towards the sides and come to the enemy to straddle the sides of the photon barrier.
Tips to Play Symmetra
- The photon projector is a great ability, the best one is her Beam. The beam’s damage continues to increase and it gets even deadlier. It will neglect all the tank mitigation and crush the enemies. You can use it against D.va’s defense matrix, Sigma’s absorb, and Genji’s Deflect. It can penetrate through these shields.
- Symmetra’s sentry turrets have undergone major updates. They cause a good amount of damage but they are best to distract the enemy. Place them strategically or you can throw them freely. Use them overhead at a choke point where you think the enemy will be approaching. Pair it with Pharah as it can look up for the enemies. It will set up a good trap that the enemy cannot get out of.
- Her high barrier can cover almost all of the map. It allows enemies to shoot through it, but they cannot move across it. Place it near your allies and far away from the enemies. Don’t get too far that shooting them gets difficult. Find a balance between being far away but close enough to shoot them. Take down the enemy while you move side by side on the map.
- Throw out the turrets as much as you can because they will not take much damage. Moreover, the cooldown time for this ability is very short. Keep your team informed of the enemy’s flank using Symmetra’s turrets. They will slow down the emails and send you a reminder. You can also connect them to objectives like Payload.
- Although the photon projector works best for short-range, it can be good for long-range targets. It releases an explosive orb that causes damage upon hitting a surface. Decide which method of shooting you should use while you are playing with Symmetra.
- Symmetra’s turrets can be easily destroyed if they are not placed in a good position. Stack the turrets up to three times and use them strategically. Place them near the paths where the enemy will cross so you can secure a kill.
- You can place two teleports to teleport your allies. Place one where the ability will be used and another one where you want to go. Place them where the enemy cannot see them, because they can also be destroyed easily. Communicate with your allies to find a suitable position.
- Use the teleporter to surround your enemies. It may seem a little hard but you will learn it with practice. If you are trying to flank the enemy with the teleporter, confirm that they are not aware of your strategies. They should not see you using your abilities.
- Symmetra requires strategic planning. But if you use the same trucks a lot of times, the enemies will predict your attacks. Don’t do the same things repetitively, as it can cause you harm.
Combination with Symmetra
Symmetra and Torbjorn
The combo of Symmetra and Torbjorn is still a great one in Overwatch 2. They are a shield from each other’s turrets, so the enemy is left with no option other than talking them down. They are a great defensive option.
Symmetra and Bastion
Bastion is another defensive hero. He can bring down the skies along with the enemies. He will cover all the distant enemies, while Symmetry attacks the close-ranged enemies. They will cover up for each other, so the enemies are left in a challenging situation.
Symmetra and Lucio
Lucio can lead the characters toward danger. He is very quick to attack, so anytime Symmetra gets into a bad situation, Lucio will help her. He will give her some quick healing before getting back to the fight against the enemies.
Symmetra and Widowmaker
Widowmaker has always been a great combination because of his ultimate, but it is particularly helpful for Symmetra. Ir can release her alt fire as enemies go toward the corners. The gas mine would also cause some damage, further worsening the situation for the enemies.
Wrapping it Up!
So, this was all you should know about Symmetra. She is an amazing hero of Overwatch 2 who brings some exciting abilities to the match. Consider the strategy of your play, to decide whether you should choose Symmetra as the hero. Pair it up with the above-highlighted heroes, as they can further enhance her powers. Follow our guidelines to get the most from her abilities.
Also, if you need help in increasing your rank with Symmetra, you can choose our OW2 boosting and start a new journey.