The Ultimate Overwatch 2 Sojourn Guide – Become A Pro 2025

New heroes and weapons are launched every season in Overwatch 2. It gives exciting offers for Overwatch 2 players. Enthusiastic players are always waiting for the launch of new weapons that can bring something exciting to their matches. Overwatch 2 is a continuing series of Overwatch PvP. Sojourn was an agent launched along with this latest sequel. He is a high-mobility hero with many exciting abilities for her team. 

Overwatch 2 agent sojourn and immortalboost brand logo

She has an array of possibilities, but playing with her takes work. Like all other heroes, her abilities make her powerful. This guide will cover everything about Sojourn, its abilities, and some exciting tips to help you play with her. Learn her abilities to know what they can do for your team.


Sojourn has a huge clip, and her guns have a fast reloading time. So, it would help if you were near the backlines. It requires keeping a hand on the squeezer at all times. Her firepower is enough to eradicate the enemy shields within a short time. When these shields are going down, they directly target the heads of the enemy. It will gather her energy and increase her ultimate ability to charge. If you get into a challenging situation, move backward and jump. This way, you can escape from the fray. Don’t take your hands away from the gun trigger; you have to shoot from a slightly higher level.

Sojourn’s Abilities


Sojourn has a primary fire that will cause 9 damages per a single shot. It requires around 14 rounds per second. After playing for 45 rounds, you need to reload the gun. This reload takes 1.2 seconds, so don’t miss the opportunity. The hitboxes are larger so you will need tank heroes to fuel the railgun.

The railgun also has a secondary shot, which can cause damage up to 130 points. You can do this after all energy for the primary gun has been dissipated. According to its shots, the damage spans over an area of 0.1 meters. 

Power Slide

The second and very important ability of Sojourn is a power slide fueled by a rock. A challenging situation can be easily passed through by jumping high over it. The high jump gives a view of the enemy heads. This gives Sojourn greater control over all the Overwatch 2 maps. It is not difficult to immerse it in close quarters, but your options are restricted. Keep a distance from DPS heroes to survive as a Sojourn. 

During aggressive play, you can use a power slide to take control of the area. Another way is to insert the power slide below the enemy shields or launch it above the map. This will wash away the fire downwards. 

Disruptor Shot

This disruptor shot is a trap for the Eenkes. It is an AoE projectile that will capture the enemies for 4 seconds and cause damage of 210 points. This is a golden opportunity for the other team members to fight against the enemy. Build up the charge of Railgun when your enemy is halted. 

The disruptor shot extends to cover an area of 30 meters, which is quite large. Yet, the perimeter is around 5 meters. Here is another exciting characteristic. It will give a 15-second cooldown. You can use it anywhere you want. The best palace is to use it where the energy has gathered so that you can slow many of them.


If you are not getting the primary shots well, use the overlock, Overclock is the ultimate or the strongest ability of Sojourn. This works in coordination with the railgun. If this is used along with a railgun, the energy of the railgun is automatically recharged. You don’t need to charge it for the secondary fire. This will last around 9 seconds, and the energy charges can be filled in 1.2 seconds. This means one overclock would provide seven railgun shots. This secondary fire from the railgun will penetrate through your enemies when used while Overlock is active.

Tips for Playing with Sojourn

  • The Sojourn gun can reload rapidly, so why not take full advantage of it? Never stop shooting. Keep attacking your enemies until you kill them.
  • Sojourn’s abilities can work well from a large distance. They cover a large area, but her gun does not allow her to combat close. Don’t get close to the enemy particularly if the enemy has guns suitable for short-range attacks. Characters with short ranges that Sojourn should avoid are Brigitte and Tracer.
  • Railgun charges increase if you damage the enemies. You can use it against the tank heroes. However, this is not very beneficial if used against tank barriers. 
  • After chagrin, the railgun to its full capacity, supports characters instead of tanks. This is because you can shoot the heroes with one shot, but not the tanks. Your priority is to kill the enemy characters.
  • The disruption shot has a 15-second cooldown. Use this golden chance wisely. Use it to target a cluster of enemies as you can get a lot of damage. It will make the situation easier for your fellows. It will keep the enemy from fleeing so you can kill them with the railgun.
  • The power slide’s best use is to pass through enemy shields. Instead of wasting it, keep it for a useful and critical situation.
  • Sojourn works best with Zarya. She has a Graviton surge that makes precise targeting easier for the Sojourn. So, always choose Zarya as your tank player along with Sojourn. 
  • If you are firing from a large distance, always lead the shot with a primary fire. It takes time to reach the weeks so always lead your attacks.
  • Practice hard to achieve precise aims. If you are constantly missing the targets, take a deep breath and slow down.
  • Crosshair positions matter a lot for the right targets. It should align well with the enemy heads so you can finish them off easily. It does not require you to adjust your target position. 
  • If you notice players like Moira and Cassidy, try to predict their movements. This can tell you how they will struggle when fighting with you. If the enemy walks towards your crosshair, you can easily get them.
  • You should confirm the kill so the injured player cannot return to life. Try to get a headshot, but don’t be afraid to shoot once more if it is missed. 

Heroes Countering Sojourn

Venture overwatch 2 character

Sojourn, though a very powerful character, struggles to play against heroes like Pharah. Pharah can stay airborne and be shot from a long distance, so it is hard for Sojourn to target her directly at the head. If the railgun is charged, you can get positive results in such a situation. 

Close-range attackers like Tracer and Venture are difficult for Sojourn to deal with. They can cause damage in tight and closed quarters, and Sojourn can use her slide to flee from bad situations like this.

Closing Remarks

Sojourn’s major power is her damaging effects, yet it requires you to have good targets. If you can aim precisely, Sojourn would be your best ally.

If you still need help learning Sojourn, you can book Overwatch 2 boost today and let the professional booster play on your account so that you can sit back and watch how he plays!

Don’t worry, you can also use Sojourn if you don’t aim for precision. The high damage rate allows for some missed targets. She is a good competitor for the conventional snipers and the assault heroes.