Blizzard’s classic shooter gameplay has changed a lot with the launch of Overwatch 2. If you were already playing Overwatch 1 (Check the difference between Overwatch 1 and Overwatch 2), you must be waiting for this. Before you play the new gameplay, you should learn about its upgrades to the heroes. You can play as a support, A DPS, or a tank hero. When we talk about tanks, how can we forget Reinhardt?

Tanks are the foundation of any team. They are a defender for their team and lead them to their objectives owing to their defensive abilities. They have healing powers for all the allies. In this guide, we will cover everything about this German tank with a strong hammer.
Reinhardt Playstyle
Reinhardt is one of the players who went through many changes, yet his playstyle remains unaffected. He has a barrier field that allows him to move forward with safety. He is a protector of his team. He has a second charge in his fire strike that allows him to play offensively. It has gotten much more than a defensive shield.
If the charge moves at a high speed, players will be more confident about their barrier field. His rocket hammer remains the same. It causes massive damage in a 5-meter radius.
Abilities of Reinhardt
Rocket Hammer
Overwatch 2 has only two melee weapons, and one of them is Reinhardt’s Rocket Hammer. Its damage is two times greater than a Brigitte’s rocket flail. It moves at a rate of one per second to cause damage of 85 points. This only targets enemies within a 5-meter radius. It can be an ideal pick for close-range combat. Enemies will never come near the Rocket Hammer of Reinhardt because they would never want to die. So, you can only use it after a successful charge of an Earthshatter.
Barrier Field
This ability makes Reinhardt unique and special. It is a large barrier or a wall that shields him from all types of bullets, and properties. It can even protect against explosives. Even if this child’s power is decreased, it will recharge again. There is another exciting benefit of it. It not only protects Reinhardt, but he will protect the entire team. His team can hide behind this shield and attack the enemies. The capability of this shield has been decreased in Overwatch 2, yet it remains a powerful weapon.
Charge has almost completely been changed in Overwatch 2. Previously, it was a bit challenging to use but now it has been made easier. However, its damage level has decreased. Charge will propel the Rocket forward and pin any enemy hero he wants to target. If the enemy hero is pinned, he will suffer from damage when he strikes a solid surface. This damage has been reduced by almost 33%, yet it remains effective. You can now inactivate this ability anytime you want. It will have an 8-second cooldown while it was 10 seconds in Overwatch 1.
Fire Strike
Fire strike is another issue with some major changes. It is the only ability Reinhardt has to target long-range enemies. It is related to a piercing projectile that will kill any enemy heroes in the choke points. It can crush all vulnerable enemy heroes that are trying to escape. Fire Strike now has a huge buff so you can fire it twice without any delay. To balance this effect, the damaged has been lowered to 90 from 100.
Reinhardt’s ultimate ability is his devastating hammer. The amount of damage it causes is incredible. It will stun the enemy characters. It spreads like a cone in front of Reinhardt. However, this ultimately has countering options. This does not work against enemy heroes that are not visible to Reinhardt. Moreover, enemy ultimates such as shields can prevent its damage. It causes damage at a short range, but the stunning lasts several seconds. It will be a golden opportunity for other team members to kill down the enemies.
Best Combinations with Reinhardt
Reinhardt and Lucio
Lucio’s ability to boost the speed will propel Reinhardt forward. He can use his barrier field, and move forward rapidly. Lucio will also help him to chase enemies while he is using his Rocket hammer.
Overwatch 2 boosters always spam Lucio if they see Reinhardt in their team because both make a very strong combination in every gank!
Reinhardt and Ana
Reinhardt cannot heal his damage. So, Ana can be her rescue. At times when his barrier field is on cooldown and Reinhardt gets damaged, Ana will help him. Her biotic rifle takes a few seconds to heal her allies completely. Ana can also use her nano boost o Reinhardt’s Rocket hammer.
Reinhardt and Mei
Mei can control enemy gatherings. He splits the enemy team into groups and prevents them from escaping. Use Reinhardt’s primary weapon at this point while the enemies are stuck in an area. Even if they escape from Reinhardt’s weapons they will get caught by Mei’s ice wall.
Reinhardt and Sojourn
Sojourn is a new overwatch hero that can be a good pick with Reinhardt. Reinhardt would give Sojourn time to charge her railgun. Use Sojourn’s Disruptor shot at the enemies that have been stunned by Earthshatter to crush all your opponents.
Reinhardt and Baptiste
Baptiste is another healing agent that can keep Reinhardt alive after he has suffered damage. He has an immortality zone that prevents enemies from targeting Reinhardt while he is vulnerable. You can find the best firing position using the Amplification matrix and the barrier field together.
Tips for playing with Reinhardt
- Reinhardt does not work well at long ranges, unlike other Tanks like Orisa. The area of the effect of the Reinhardt Fire strike is very low. So one can easily escape from it. Always use the fire strike at the enemies that are near you to get its advantage. You can also use it on mid-ranges if your Rocket hammer swings are not working.
- Use the Fire strike in smaller areas. Try to push the opponents towards the narrow pathways of the map. You should know all about the map locations before playing the game. Then, use the fire strike to omit them. Smaller spaces prevent moving heroes like Tracer from escaping too early.
- Another way to use fire strikes is on enemies that have gathered around the choke points. It is better to use it in combination with the Rocket Hammer so you remain safe.
- You can break through enemy front lines by his charge ability. Yet, this act involves a huge risk. If Reinhardt’s support allies do not take timely action, he may lose his life. Even his armor won’t save him if numerous opponents surround him. So, always refrain from charging at the front lines.
- Use charge ability in close or mid-range fights. Divide the enemy team and pin them. Your enemies will not find any way to escape so you can maximize your damage. It will not kill the tanks, but it can secure the kills of DPS or support heroes.
- Avoid Pinning heroes that are in constant movement such as Genji. It is hard to target them if they are moving continuously. Try to pay attention to the enemies that have a harder time escaping. It will guarantee a kill for your team.
- Hit any enemy you see near you when you slam the Rocket hammer on the ground. Your enemies are stunned so they will not backfire. Use the Earthshatter along with Pharah’s ultimate ability. It will prevent the enemies from moving around. At this time, your team members can target all of them.
- Always find a balance between using your barrier shield and your rocket hammer. If you are using the shield too much, you will not be able to get many kills. If you use the Rocket Hammer, you risk your life. Keep in mind that you are the only tank for the team, so they need you to move forward. Your barrier field is essential for them. Always positions Reinhardt in the team’s center so his barrier ability can cover damages on all his allies. He can block self-destructing mesh also.
- While under the protection of the Barrier, you may face enemy attacks from the sides. Use your hammer to counter them. It has a great range with a wide swing. Any opponent that crosses your shield will not be saved from your Rocket hammer.
Closing Remarks
Reinhardt is one of the strongest tank heroes in Overwatch 2, yet he is not as flexible as others. He works well with specific teams. If the enemy has moving heroes like Mercy, Reinhardt might not be a good choice. If your allies are moving heroes, they will not want to get restricted by your barrier ability, They have to move constantly.
However, it depends on the strategy you choose. Always plan according to the team members. You have to turn the game in your favour. If you still need help, check out our ow2 coaching services.