Overwatch 2 – Complete Paris Map guide 2024 Updated

Paris was an Assault map in Overwatch 2 and was released on 19 February 2019, making it the 30th map added to the game. due to the removal of the Assault mode from standard modes, the map is only accessible in Custom games and Arcade. In this guide, I’ll cover everything you need about the Paris map in Overwatch 2, the best team composition and strategy, and much more on Paris.

ow 2 paris map guide

Source: https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Paris

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Paris Map Lore

Paris is the capital city of France and it was a site of civil unrest during the Omnic Crisis. Paris was identified as a hotspot by Overwatch 2 at some point in the decades. Paris was one of the locations that Heroes; Roadhog and Junkrat raided during their heist. In the present, Paris is one of the most important art cities in the world, shown through its galleries, street art, and rebuilt architecture. 

It is a hot tourist destination with many restaurants and clubs in the city. It’s a great map with lots of hidden gems, including Cafés, Shops, a Police Station (with cameos from two Aussies), a library, and an amazing Cabaret with an Omnic singer. 

Paris Known Locations 

  • La Bonne Affaire
  • Cabaret Luna
  • Les Deux Escargots
  • Hôtel Beau Ciel
  • Maison Marat
  • Paris Police Station
  • Pâtisserie Galand
  • Quartier Omnic

Best strategies for the Paris map

Both teams have to capture two points to win. Paris is very similar to the other assault maps that are already playable in Overwatch, such as Hanamura, Temple of Anubis, Horizon Lunar Colony, and Volskaya Industries

Whether you’re a Widow main, or she’s your worst hero, this strategy guide will break down the best Paris plays, as well as the best Paris counters, so that you can learn the map before anyone else and win every time.

Focus on the long game 

There’s often a feeling that to win you need to be going as fast as possible at all times. It’s an idea that’s particularly pervasive in some of the lower ranks of Competitive play. you’re best off playing the long game just like the other assault maps. If you lose a team fight early on, and the enemy team is capturing point A then it’s much more productive in the long run for you to ditch point A, and set up a defense at point B. This is the case with Paris more so than most other maps, as the walk from the defender’s spawn back to point A is long. 

You’ll do is feed enemy Ultimate percentages and stagger yourselves, allowing the enemy team to push B with a whole host of Ultimate abilities against a team that’s flocking to their defense point in twos and threes only if the other team is capturing A, and you’re rushing back one by one. 

  • Play the long game on Paris
  • Set up solid, static defense compositions
  • Know when a fight is lost

You’ll often perform better by doing less rather than more as the map is so big. Defenders always have the advantage over the other assault maps.  

The best defensive technique for point A is to set up on the ledge opposite the attacker’s choke point. Orisa is a great pick here as it is similar to Anubis. If you’re attacking then taking the deceptively open left route is not a good option as it leaves you vulnerable to high-ground defenders with far better cover than you, so go right through the police station. 

Room to experiment

Paris is blown wide open after point A is captured. The route to point B goes directly through an open courtyard that’s essentially a playground for Widowmaker. Paris’s courtyard definitely will if point A’s hard defense wasn’t enough to deter aspiring GOATs comps. 

You can play heroes that have a little bit of range at their disposal. It’s widely open for defensive DPS picks, like Junkrat, but then again you could debate that Mei has a lot of potential here. This is open enough for you to pull out your most niche picks and experiment with clever walls to freeze enemies in the open. 

Widowmaker is dominant here and that’s the fact. To camp the choke from the safety of her point her sight lines can be used, but the openness of Paris’s courtyard allows her to pick off enemies at her leisure, especially when you take her mobility into account.

Winston, D.Va, Pharah, Sombra, Lucio, Mercy. All of you can just jump over the building flank to the left of attack choke point A and force the enemy to rotate. Need a semi-coordinated team to do that though. If you see the Pharmercy going for it, you could jump in as Winston and D.Va’s above Gold usually will just follow Winston. You want to surround the enemy team before they’re able to deal with you (Sombra in the mega room, Winston/D.Va bubbled distracting, a couple of people in building left of choke, someone on point, etc.)

Best Paris Attack Team

Best TankSigma
Best DPSSojourn, Sombra
Best SupportsBaptiste, Lucio

Team Explanation

This unique team composition focuses on having strong area-based disruption for fights around the map’s payload and Chokepoints and high mobility DPS to deal with foes on top of Paris’s high ground. 

Best Paris Defense Team

Best TankReinhardt
Best DPSAshe, Sojourn
Best SupportsBaptiste,Lucio

Also Related: Best Tanks in Ow2

Team Explanation

This unique team composition offers a balance of defense and offense, capable of using Paris’s numerous vantage points to its advantage and efficiently holding down the map’s choke points.

Alternate Tank

Zarya: Zarya is another excellent Tank for both attacking and defending in Paris, capable of absorbing heavy firepower with her Barriers and turning the damage around with her Particle Cannon. Graviton Surge also excels at disrupting enemy teams that clump up along the map’s tight corridors and around objectives. 

Orisa: Orisa is another best alternative Tank for Paris. With the latter also capable of blocking projectiles and disrupting enemy positioning, Fortify, and Javelin Spin allow her to absorb damage efficiently. Her Energy Javelin and Terra Surge are strong crowd control skills when you use them around the map’s choke points and objectives. 

Roadhog: Roadhog is also a must-pick strong, aggressive Tank in Paris. His Chain Hook and Scrap Gun can quickly pick off key enemy targets, giving his team a numbers advantage in most engagements. To push and pull enemies toward the map’s numerous environmental hazards, he can use Chain Hook and Whole Hog. 

D.Va: D.Va is an excellent alternative Tank in Paris, covering her team from projectiles with Defense Matrix and bursting down nearby foes with Fusion Cannons and Micro Missiles. To let her easily shove foes into pitfalls and reach the map’s flanking routes, her Boosters are significantly effective in Paris. For controlling space and dealing with foes around the control point, Self-Destruct is also a great ultimate in this case. 

Alternative Damage

Sombra: Sombra is another potent alternative flanking hero in Paris. She can move through sightlines unseen with Translocator and Stealth, quickly reaching key enemy targets and disrupting and dispatching them with Hack. To deal with heavy percentage-based damage and inflicting Hack on all nearby foes, her EMP is also great for initiating team fights on control points and inside narrow pathways. 

Soldier: 76: Soldier: 76 is a well-rounded alternative frontline pick in Paris, sporting a potent Hitscan with Heavy Pulse Rifle and excellent burst damage with Helix Rockets. To take advantage of the map’s open sightlines to attack from different angles, maneuver around the map with Sprint, and set up devastating Tactical Visor plays, he can quickly reposition. 

Widowmaker: Widowmaker is another strong marksman pick for defending teams. She easily picks off crucial enemy targets from afar with Widow’s Kiss while providing vital enemy information with Infra-Sight by reaching the map’s vantage points and sightlines with Grappling Hook. 

Alternative Supports

Zenyatta: Zenyatta pairs well with Paris’s high vantage points and long sightlines that let him efficiently mark teammates with Orb of Harmony and crucial enemy targets with Orb of Discord. To provide supportive fire and land devastating critical hits, he can also efficiently use Orbs of Destruction from these positions. For defending control points with its massive healing aura, his Transcendence is also great.

Brigitte: Brigitte provides excellent frontline support with Inspire and Rocket Flail while covering her team from flankers with Whip Shot and Barrier Shield. To let Brigitte move around faster while providing temporary health to her allies, her Rally is also an excellent tool for attacking and defending the map’s control points. 

Moira: With Biotic Grasp and Biotic Orb pairing well with Paris’s narrow terrain, Moira is a well-rounded alternative Support pick for Paris. Her Fade is also a great mobility tool, letting her safely cross sightlines and reach teammates in need. Coalescence is also a potent ultimate in Paris, providing excellent healing and damage when fighting near the map’s objectives and straight roads.

Wrapping It Up:

There we have it! we are at the end of this blog, and we have talked quite a bit about Paris. While this guide won’t make you a pro, it has all of the information that you would need to do so if you need help while playing this map, you can always check our website for the coaching services that we are offering for overwatch 2.