Overwatch 2: How to Play Orisa

Orisa has been the character that faced numerous changes and upgrades with the release of Overwatch 2. This has made Orisa even stronger and powerful. She is always an exciting addition to your gameplay. Are you already excited to learn about Orisa? If yes, you are at the right place. In this guide, you will find everything that you should know to master Orisa Hero. Learn what her abilities and real name are and how you can use them to get the maximum advantage.

ow 2 character

Orisa was previously a huge tank that was usually immobile She had a massive shield as a defensive weapon, but now this tank has gotten quicker. It focuses on more enemy attacks rather than defence. She does have some defence abilities that allow her to be called back, but she excels as the attacker. If you have Orisa on your team, you can easily approach the objectives. 

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In Overwatch 1 Orisa protected her team while they moved towards the objective. Yet, not the circumstances have changed. She can cause massive damage if used at the right targets. Her abilities focus on DPS. Along with these, she has some excellent passive skills that reduce the knockback. 

Now, the HP of Orisa has been reduced. It is a major drawback of this character. You need to keep a check on your health bar while you are playing. It can be distracting and challenging for you. Orisa weapons work best at close-range enemies, so you need to get near the enemy lines to secure a kill.

Abilities of Orisa’s hero

Augmented Fusion Driver

This weapon works on the principle of heat energy. It is suitable for killing enemies that lie at a closer range. She works similarly to D.Va as they both benefit from the ammo. The primary weapon will get overheated, so you need to charge it again after every five seconds. 

This has a range of up to 25 meters. To get the maximum damage, you should lie closer to the enemies. You can spare yourself from recharging if you use the Fortify ability. Keep in mind that if you fire a bullet, it will take a little time to get to the target. So, time your shots accordingly.

Energy javelin

This Javelin is used to stun the enemies and bring them to their knees. It causes massive 60 points of damage, within 0.2 seconds. If you further stun the enemies for 0.3 seconds, it will cause a huge damage of 40. This happens if you knock back the enemy into the wall or any solid object. 

Thus it is quite useful if you are dealing with a strong and squishy hero that is difficult to target. It will remove the layer from your map. It has a rapid movement speed, around 70 meters per second. Use this high speed to confuse the enemy heroes. Use this weapon against heroes like Reinhardt or Roadhog who are difficult to kill.


Fortfuy provides temerity health to Orisa. It is a very strong ability that allows Orisa to have 75% health. It will cause a damage decrease of 40%. This ability will continue for up to 4,5 seconds, during which all the abilities of enemy heroes are nullified. 

You will stay safe from Junkrat’s Steel mine, Mei’s freeze, and Roadhog’s chain hook. They cannot stun Orisa if she is in Fortify mode. While this is active, what is released by the weapon is decreased to half. So, you can use it in a one-on-one fight. You will stay safe from headshots as well. The only character that can counter Orisa’s Fortify is Sombra’s hackability.  

Javelin Spin

The defensive shield of Orisa has been taken away from her, but now she has the javelin spin. Though it does not provide as beneficial an effect as the shield, it will help you in combat. You will spin this weapon, to counter the projectiles coming towards you. It will also push the enemy backwards Once this activity is activated you will get an increase in speed. 

If you hit any enemy hero during this time, they will get 100 HP damage. So, it is better to use it while the enemies are planning to approach the objective. While using this ability, the primary ability and the quick melee are deactivated, yet you can use Fortofy. Javelin spin works against primary fires but does not counter Sigmas Accretion. Or Symettra’s Photon projector. 

Terra Surge

This was a new ultimate introduced in Overwatch 2. This is much stronger than the previous one which only boosted the damage of the other abilities. If you charge Tarra to its full capacity, you can cause damage of 500 points. It works at a 9-meter radius. If used in combination with Fortify, Orisa would be safe from Ana’s sleep dart. If the Fortify is inactivated, Ana may bring an end to your ultimate. 

Don’t use your Terra Surge while you are alone because you may need help while your ability is charging. It takes around 4 seconds to charge fully. To kill a 200 HP opponent, you will need to charge Orisa’s ultimate for 2.6 seconds. Zenyatta’s transcendence cannot counter terra surge because of the rapid damage. 

Best Combinations with Orisa

Orisa and Zenyatta

Orisa is a strong tank, but she does not have any barrier that can defend her allies. If you choose Reinhardt or Sigma, you will get this benefit. So, you need a hero like Zenyatta, who supports herself. She can heal all her damage and cause damage at the same time.

Orisa and Baptiste

Baptiste is another hero who can pair up well with Orisa because of his self-healing ability. Terra surge will cause massive damage if it is charged fully. While this is being charged Orisa is vulnerable. Baptiste immediately filed will keep her safe. It gives her time to get charged.

Orisa and Tracer or Genji

Orisa’s fusion driver gives stress to the enemy team, so they are focused on dealing with her. It will create a good strategy with moving heroes like Tracer, or Genji. Enemy supporters will be protecting their allies, so they will not pay attention to the flank from the Tracer. Use the Terra surge soon after the Pulse bomb from Tracer. It will finish all your enemies at once. 

Orisa and Ashe

You can make it easier for Ashe to line up the enemies and target them while they are facing primary fires from Orisa. Activate your terra surge, and detonate the dynamite. It will make all your enemies vulnerable if they get caught in the ultimate. Orisa would require less charge to kill them.

Tips for Playing with Orisa

  • Always approach the enemy frontlines with your support heroes. This is because you have little moving abilities that make it difficult to escape from a hard time. You need a barrier or a shield that can protect you from enemy attacks. 
  • You have to choose the orisa location carefully. She has to protect the team and herself at the same time. If you go too far you may get caught by the opponents staying in your position will not allow you to accompany your team.  You can use the speed boost Javelin spin to knock down the enemy heroes. 
  • Always target headshots at the enemies even if you are a tank. It may not be the primary job, but it would be beneficial for your team.
  • You have to go near the enemies and scare them. Quickly run near them, release a shot, and get back.
  • Predict the damage coming from the enemies so you can time your Fortify ability well. Do not use it just because you are low on health. You should remain good in HP, so you can use the Fortfy in good combat. While in the fight, use the Fortfy to decrease the amount of damage you suffer from. It will save you even if your healing allies are not with you. 
  • Use the Javelin spin to push enemy attacks. Get to the back of enemies so you can push them toward your team., During this make a sound that informs others about your actions. 

Final Words

If you are used to playing Orisa in Overwatch 1, you might get confused with her new abilities. It will take time to get used to them. Till then, keep practicing and stay demented. Orisa is an excellent hero against Junker or Reinhardt

It works well with DPS or support heroes like Trobjorn or Briggittee. Let’s talk about our weaknesses. She can’t counter Soldier 76, Widowmaker, or Zenyatta. You have to pair her with a good team and use the right strategies to win the match. Orisa will work wonders for your team if you know how to utilize her abilities perfectly. Her ultimate also saves her from other enemy ultimate. 

This complete guide is written by Immortalboost