Learn How to Play Lucio In Overwatch 2 – Complete Guide

In overwatch 2, few characters are versatile and suit a wide variety of strategies, and can adapt to different situations. There’s Ana, who can make her slot in any team, and then there’s Hanzo and Soldier, who are good at damaging the enemy team by being in the right hand. To get the best of both worlds, there’s Moira, who is good at healing while also having some astonishing amount of damaging abilities, and lastly, there’s Lucio, who is a really good value addition to any roster.

Lucio overwatch 2 character

He can stun enemies for his allies; he can heal them, and he can damage the allies. In short, he is a near-perfect support hero in the game, and this blog is going to be a guide on him about how you should play with him, what his playstyle is, how to use his kit properly, and some other stuff. So, if you want to get better at Lucio, you should stick around because, in this blog, I will try to explain everything that could help you become a better Lucio main.

But before jumping into this guide let’s talk about his backstory a little. So you would feel a little more connection with him. Lucio grew up poor in the crowded and congested place of Rio de Janeiro. To fight those challenges, he looked upon the music and made himself a renowned name in underground music as a DJ. As the days passed, a multinational corporation named Vishkar started cracking down upon his communities.

After realizing that this multinational corporation was using technologies that his father helped them to build Lucio began to fight back against it. After driving the Vishkar corporation out of his community, Lucio started to look after people in need all around the world. Now that you know a little bit about his backstory let’s just get back to the topic. 


Lucio has two playstyles which are the most impactful ones. You could invent your one by adjusting things according to your taste. The playstyles I am talking about are the ones that the top 500 players usually use. The first one is the peeler playstyle where you try to damage the enemies attacking your ally. The second playstyle is hyper-mobile and always ready to engage one. I will be talking about both of these playstyles in depth so you get an idea about each of them.

The peeling playstyle of Lucio can come in handy. However, some players are saying that peeling is now dead in Overwatch 2. Since there are just too many variables to take into account, peeling is no longer a viable option in the current meta, but in my opinion, that is not the case because peeling is simply distracting your enemies and protecting your allies.

Now, whatever you do to achieve this distraction is up to you. Lucio has abilities like Soundwave can save his enemies from the offence class players, while his crossfade and amp-it-up can provide a sound solution for his allies. Peeling can be impactful since Lucio can just dive in, give his ally a hand in the fight, and then just dip out. 

The second playstyle is a hyper-mobile one in which Lucio acts like Sombra and Tracer but in the support class. Since he has abilities that allow him to move relatively faster, he could be a brawler in the match. His wall ride allows him to just pop off the heads of the enemies while running on the walls.

His amp-it-up and sound waves are enough to distract the enemies and put them to sleep. But there’s just one flaw with this playstyle, and that is his damage. Lucio is great for healing purposes but can’t do it all alone like Moira or Ana. He needs someone to be on his side to perform well.


Wall ride:

As you might know, Lucio has two passives. The first one is his support role, which allows him to regenerate his health by staying out of combat for a brief period. The second passive ability is his wall ride, which was uncommon up until the release of Overwatch 2. Now, a couple more heroes have this ability, like Kriko or Hanzo. So, what is a wall ride? 

Wall ride lets Lucio glide or strafe on the walls with a buff in movement speed, which allows him to escape more quickly. The passive has a cooldown of only 0.25 seconds which makes this ability handy in combat since you regain it so quickly.


There’s no argument against Soundwave being the best Lucio ability. So, what does this sound wave do?  It is essentially a small blast that pushes away the enemies that are in the impact area. It also knocks them out, making them a really easy target to kill. It gives 45 hp to enemies on impact. It has a cooldown of only 4 seconds which makes it a sound option to opt for multiple times in a team fight.

The sound ways can be used in two ways. The first one is passive, where you are trying to peel off the enemies and want to save your allies. The second way is to use it to aggress towards the enemies and kill them while they are out. I like the second option a little bit more since if you have an ally who has a good aim then it is easier to just wipe out a couple of enemies in the span of them being unconscious. The sound wave is also viable to finish off the low-hp enemies without doing any extra work. All in all, numerous plays are possible with the sound wave, so try them out in your regular matches.


Lucio could support his team by doing one thing at a time. His crossfade allows him to either heal his allies or buff their movement speed up to 25%.  So he heals his allies for about 16 hp per second with an area of effect of 12 meters. Now, I agree that his crossfade healing is not great at best; it is sub-par since the maximum health boost it can provide is about 40 to 50hp, which is nothing compared to his peers in the support class. 

But the buff in movement speed kind of redeems it. You could use the crossfade to help out your tank allies because they have the slowest movement speed in the game. The crossfade is a viable option for you when you have to pull out your teammates from a team fight. Just keep in mind that crossfade’s healing is not that reliable you would need something else to back it up.

Amp It Up:

Amp it up is what makes Lucio a better choice than Baptiste, at least in my opinion. Amp it up provides a health boost of 52 hp per second for over 3 seconds. Making it a good option to throw at the ally in the middle of a fight. This ability also provides a 60% movement boost for 3 seconds, which makes it a Superb option to use while committing or while aggressing towards the enemies.

The only flaw or drawback that the ability has is its cooldown. The duration of the ability is a mere 3 seconds, but the cooldown it has is 12 seconds, making it a scarce thing to use in fights. My advice would be to use it in the middle of fights and not before so you could either kill the enemy or you could back off easily, thanks to the buff this ability gives off.

Sound barrier:

Now it is time for me to tell you about Lucio’s ultimate. The story is the same with his ultimate. He can give a hefty amount of health boost to his allies the health boost is around 750 hp. But unlike his other abilities, his ultimate does not give movement speed buffs to his teammate, which is, in my opinion, fine since Lucio makes you a literal tank with this ultimate.

The best time to use this is whenever you are ready. You could use it at the very end of the match when the match is not closing out. You could use it as the first thing to throw while being in a team vs team fight. You could also use it while committing to a site. So the possibilities of the usage are endless. Try to find your own by playing pugs regularly.

Team compositions:


The first hero that is suitable to duo with Lucio is the lifeweaver. Lucio’s movement buffs, coupled with lifeweaver’s damaging abilities, make this duo the backbone of any team. Both of them can do solid damage and can provide a lot of value to the team.


Kriko is considered to be one of the best healers in the game currently. Pairing her with Lucio can be a suitable idea. Kriko is great in the damaging department, while Lucio can hold his own by being a mobile healer. The duo can carry a team on their backs if used correctly.


As you probably know, Genji is considered to be the most hyper-mobile hero in the game. Pairing with him Lucio, who also has abilities to make him move around the map quickly, can be a lethal combo. Most teams can not take Genji even when he is playing alone. Now imagine the destruction he can cause while being with Lucio.  

Wrapping it up:

I guess that is all for now. I have shared all the tricks and tips to get better in Overwatch 2 with the help of this Lucio. Make sure you follow my tips on using the abilities to win every game! If you have any suggestions, make sure you write in the comments section below.