Overwatch 2: How to Play Hanzo (Pro Tips & Strategies) 2025

Hello everyone! In this blog, we will talk about Hanzo. More specifically this blog will be a guide on him. We will discuss things that we should do and things we should not do with Hanzo. What play style suits him the best? Also, the best team compositions for him so he can shine in the game. After reading this blog, you’ll learn things about Hanzo that the other 80% of Hanzo players don’t know about.

Overwatch 2 character hanzo and Immortalboost brand logo

Since I am working with the Overwatch 2 Boost squad here at Immortal Boost. I have to stay updated so that I can perform my job better when my client asks me to play any hero or just for high KDA they ask me to play tank heroes or support heroes only. 

So firstly I will give you an overview of the character and then we will jump right into the guide.

Hanzo was in the first 21 heroes that were released with the original game in 2016. Hanzo is a damage-class hero. His kit consists of a bow and arrows and he is widely considered one of the best DPS heroes in the game. 

Due to the release of Overwatch 2 blizzard had done a rework on him. The rework includes an entirely new character model and they also have tweaked his abilities. Now that his intro and overview are out of the way. Let’s get into his playstyles. How he can increase his impact by adapting to a certain playstyle.


There are a couple of playstyles that you adapt with Hanzo. Keep in mind that Hanzo is considered to be the single most aim-dependent hero in the game. So you should not play with him if you don’t have the raw aiming abilities. Apart from aim, Hanzo also requires a good game sense because since his kit is entirely based on bows and arrows it is harder to keep him alive. So you have to really pinpoint your time to peek at your enemies because if you miss your shots then you’re done.

The first playstyle of him is just being passive and waiting for opportunities. You should hide at an angle where you can see the enemies and just take them out one by one. You could also position yourself in a way that if an enemy attacks you the reaction would be immediate. Since Hanzo is considered a sniper you could also tuck in the corner like Widowmaker and just peek at the enemies when it feels right. While it would take a little bit of time to get used to it, less passive Hanzo can provide a lot of value to this team.

You could also be the assassin but this requires a lot more skill and quick decision making to excel at. Being aggressive with Hanzo is harder because he doesn’t have the mobility of Genji or Widow which can get him out of trouble quickly. The only thing that favors you is your aim and the fights you choose to take good crosshair placement is also a plus. Be exceptional at aiming and only then try to be an aggressive Hanzo. 

You must have noticed that I did not mention Hanzo’s real name. To find that out, you can check the real name of Overwatch 2 characters and find Hanzo’s name as well! 

hanzao character in overwatch 2

His Abilities and how to maximize their impact:

Wall Climb:

This is the first bit of mobility of Hanzo. So he can climb walls or any vertical object as long as it is less than 7 meters in height. The wall climb helps Hanzo to be creative while peeking at its enemies. He can climb towers that are facing towards his enemies so he can take them easily since his arrows do 250 damage on a headshot (depending upon the charge)  it is easier for him to kill his enemies from an easier angle. 

Since it has no cooldown you can even spam this and you can also mix it with other abilities to maximize the impact.

Storm Arrows

Storm Arrows or the burst arrows whatever you wanna call them. These arrows are a little bit different from being a secondary fire of Hanzo. So the storm arrows go in a burst with each of them damaging the enemies for around 75 per body shot and the damage increases on a headshot and the distance between you and your enemy.

The storms are really good for finishing off the low-hp enemies. It can also be used to attack an enemy which you can’t aim at. I know this might sound somewhat dull but because the storm arrows are projectile-based they are a burst and also have no recoil and no bullet drop. So using them requires little to no skill. But since they don’t have great damage it is not recommended to use them against full hp enemies.

Sonic Arrow:

If you’re familiar with first-person competitive shooters then you would know what walling is. Blizzard had to do something with it and they have done it so elegantly. The Sonic Arrow is a kind of walling that is fair in Overwatch 2. Sonic Arrow lets you see your enemies even when they are behind the walls for a brief period of time. Of course, there’s a distance on how much the sonic arrow covers, and that distance is 9 meters.

The sonic arrows are really good for jiggle-peeking your enemies. Since you can see them and they can’t see you. You can line up a headshot pretty easily not only that your allies can also take benefits from and they can kill the enemies thanks to your sonic arrows. To maximize its impact you could aim it in the sky just above your head and it will land in front of you after 6 or 7 seconds. 

In that time your sonic arrow cooldown would also be done and you’ll get around 12 seconds of walls instead of 6 which in my opinion is a really neat trick.


His fourth and last ability apart from his ultimate is lunge. Hanzo’s lunge provides a double jump which you could either use for jumping vertically or horizontally or you could one jump for both of them which makes it easier for Hanzo to get out of trouble quickly. The lunge is a situational ability that can only be used in some scenarios. You can use it after peeking at an entire team or you could also use it when you are low. All in all, lunge is a movement ability and its use is pretty situational. 

Dragon Strike:

Dragon strike is Hanzo’s ultimate he can launch a dragon from his bow which is kind of cool to think about. The dragon strike is a destructive ultimate since it can wipe out the entire enemy team if you time it really well and actually land it properly. Now it is not the hardest one to use but it has its difficulties. Such as timing requires a lot more game sense. It also requires good decision making because you can only use it once or twice in an entire game.

One of The best things you could do is to play with a friend and chain the dragon strike with another ultimate. The result in most cases would be a team wipeout and if not you can still do some serious damage to them. 

Team composition:

A damage-class hero always needs a wingman to succeed. Hanzo’s story is not so different and he needs a reliable ally to rely on. There’s always a need for a wingman for Hanzo. So let’s talk about some of the heroes that are best suited to Hanzo.


The first on the list is Widowmaker. Hanzo and Widowmaker are snipers and if you have experience to go along with they can be super annoying to face. Both of them are damage class heroes which can be destructive if you and your team have some co-ordination. It might not be the best pair since both of them still require a healer to boost their health. They still are good at damaging the enemies.


Baptiste can also be a great duo with Hanzo since Hanzo needs quick healing and support from his side. Baptiste is an ideal candidate for that because he has both of them. You can use his support to attack the enemy side with preferably a tank so you can maximize the impact of it.


Orisa is often considered to be the best tank in her current form. Her mobility allows her to move freely on the map while also controlling some parts of it. Orisa does have a skill barrier but if you get used to her she can be a great pick for any map. Combining the damaging ability of Hanzo and the mobility and defensive abilities of Orisa can be a lethal combo nonetheless.

Wrapping it up:

Now we are at the end of this guide. After reading this guide I hope that you will be a better Hanzo in your upcoming matches. If I have missed anything or said anything wrong in this blog then you could comment down below it would really help me and the other fellow overwatch players. 
Another important announcement is that we are also offering Overwatch 2 win boosting services to help you increase your wins with Hanzo! Make sure you check that out. Our boosting process is very smooth, no hacks or cheats!