There are 40 characters in Overwatch 2, and each of these characters has a complex and detailed kit.
In today’s guide, we are going to talk about Echo. So you can avoid being clueless in the match if you ever choose him to play with. Echo is a damage hero. She was added to the game in 2020, and she was the 32nd character in the game.

My name is GUG, and I am currently working with the Overwatch 2 boosting squad here at Immortalboost. I have completed around 52 orders, and I have a rating of 4.8. You can check out my complete profile here.
Echo’s Playstyle:
As a damage hero, Echo has to be the biggest value provider on her team. In Overwatch 2, certain heroes have certain classes, and each class has a different job to do. Echo’s class is offense, and the offense has the responsibility to take an early pick and provide an early man advantage for them. They are the team’s star players, and players with great mechanical skill should be offense heroes.
Now, what playstyle she belongs to is pretty straightforward. If you like to play aggressively and have somewhat decent aim, then Echo can be a great choice for you, especially since she has aerial abilities that let her rotate pretty fast. Or you could be a dive hero, which essentially means that you dive onto a side. Kills some guys and moves back to your herd. Getting in a flow of the character and making a worthwhile ability combo takes time.
So practice her regularly, and you’ll be a Genji-type hero with aerial abilities in no time. My advice would be to use the mini-map frequently while also finding isolated enemies. The damage that Echo’s abilities give off is not enough to take on head-to-head fights with more than one hero at a time, so try to take isolated 1v1s that help you get those kills.
Her Abilities and how to use them effectively:
Tri-Shot (weapon):
The tri shot is Echo’s primary weapon. It pushes out three pellets per shot in a triangular pattern. Which gives 51 damage per shot, and the per pellet damage is 17. Which is low considering that she only has 12 ammo. But that is not so bad because the tri-shot’s reload time is 1.5 seconds. The reload time should be fine if you are diving into a full-team fight and taking every possible fight.
Effectively using tri-shot has a simple rule: do not use it on a long-range target. Even avoid some middle-range 1v1s unless you are only spamming the enemies. Now, why should you avoid long-range fights? The reason is simple: she puts out three pellets per shot, and every shot has a spread. Now, the chances of landing all three pellets on an enemy are slim. So, use your other abilities for longer-range fights.
Sticky Bombs (Ability):
Now, we are getting to the exciting part of her kit. If you have played any action role-playing game, then you would know how fun it is to throw sticky bombs at your enemies and strategy their explosion. The same thing can be applied to Echo’s bombs, but her sticky bombs have a set timer that detonates after 1 second, which is pretty much instant, if you ask me.
Keep in mind that you have to be precise while throwing these sticky bombs. They stick to whatever they hit first, so if you miss an enemy while throwing them, they are pretty much useless. Now, her sticky bomb has some use cases. It can be used to finish off low enemies. As the total damage these bombs do is 180, if you land them on a DPS hero, you can pretty much get the finishing kill.
Focusing Beam (Ability):
Focusing on her beam is kind of her secondary fire because it has much more damage and a lot more range to cover. You can target a long-range enemy while using the beam. The damage on the beam increases relative to the target front. The beam damage is around 50 hp per second usually, but when it crosses an enemy whose hp is lower than 50%, then it increases to 175 hp per second, which is more than enough to kill any enemy.
The beam has a really low skill level at which to be proficient. I think you don’t need any tips or things to consider when using it in your matches.
Echo can fly freely, using her flight ability, which gives her an elevation speed of up to 8 meters per second. Thanks to this, she can cover a big part of the map in seconds. Although the cooldown is about six seconds, it can be a bit annoying. But if you manage to time it, then you could use it to your advantage pretty seamlessly. Combining this with her gliding ability, you could cover even more distances on a flight.
Keep in mind that the maximum distance covered is 8 meters per second. You could either get 8 meters per second elevation in that time frame, or you could go forward by 8 meters per second. You can’t do both at the same speed. Some other abilities, like Ana’s dart, will not affect the flight; also, you could manually cancel the ability by pressing the activation button again.
Glide (Ability):
Her glide ability lets her nullify the fall damage. Her glide ability is pretty self-explanatory since the word glide is the only thing this ability is good for, which is just to use it while falling. Other than that, her glide hasn’t got many use cases. You could combine it with her flight so you can travel longer distances, or you could use it for parkour to glide down into a side.
Duplicate (Ultimate):
Echo’s Ultimate might be the coolest in the game. So her ultimate lets her change shapes into any hero who is on the enemy. She can be a Mauga or Soldier 76. For some moments, you would just have to aim at the hero, and she would shift herself into it. Her ultimate can be really good in the right hand, as her ultimate shifts her into any other regular and ordinary hero. So it can be, or it can be nothing special because it all depends on how you use it.
Echo’s duplicate takes a long time to charge, so think twice before using it. My advice would be to use it as soon as it loads up because that would leave enough time to recharge it twice. Also, don’t rush toward the enemy during the duration of your ult because Echo’s HP is capped at 300, and it will be easier for the enemy team to focus on you and kill you.
Team composition:
As an offense hero, Echo needs someone she can rely on to take space for her or who can provide her with much-needed help. So, choosing the best possible team composition is very vital for Echo’s individual performance.
In its current state manga can be a great tank for Echo as he can take up space quickly while also providing her with a clear line of sight. With his machine guns and bigger-than-life health bar. They can be a destructive couple all things considered.
As most of you know, Mercy is great for pocketing a hero. That is why her role is defined to be a pocket healer. Unlike other healers, Mercy can only heal one ally at a time or she can boost one ally’s damage at a time. This can be perfect for Echo’s as she can pick a dive-like playstyle, and coupled with Mercy, they can both do some serious damage to the enemy team.
Moira is the most versatile and a real value provider in the game as she can be paired with any other heroes and can be its plus one. Now, her case with Echo is a little different as she can’t travel in the air like Mercy, but her health orb can give health to Echo in scenarios. She can also damage the enemies and soften them up so that Echo can finish them.
Wrapping it up:
Now, we are at the very end of this blog. I have tried to give you every detail that can make you good at playing with Echo. Hope you dominate every ranked game in Overwatch 2 now.
Still, if you are looking to improve your game with Echo, queue up in Overwatch 2 Rank boosting and take your game to the next level with the help of top-tier Echo players.