Overwatch 2 Pharah Guide – Abilities, Best Combinations, And Tips

Pharah is present as an unlocked character in Overwatch 2, which you can easily access after the training. You have such a strong hero without any unlocking requirement, and this part is really exciting. This high-flying hero is a difficult character to learn, but you will do it with patience and determination. His abilities of movement and offense work simultaneously, which makes it a little harder to use this fantastic hero.

Overwatch 2 character

No matter if you are already aware of Pharah, or you are a beginner, you would need to learn Pharah tricks. This would truly make her an advantage to your team. So, let’s read this guide, which covers everything in detail about the Pharah hero of Overwatch 2. Pharah was also available in Overwatch 1, but there are some major differences between OW 1 and OW 2


People often refer to Pharah as the Queen of the Sky, a nickname that suits her well. Pharah’s mobility is better than any other hero’s because she can fly into the sky. She can also use her offensive abilities from the sky, to cause huge damage. Most of Overwatch 2 is focused on distracting enemies by moving rapidly and then causing them harm. It distracts the enemy from their objectives.

Pharah has not seen any major changes in the new gameplay, but you should be aware of the minor changes. The damage from her rockets has been boosted. Yet, in turn, the area of damage has been used. So, you would be required to focus more on the enemy bodies rather than any area near them. Her reload speed and speed of concussive blast have also boosted. 

Before we jump into the abilities of Pharah, you can also check out our Overwatch boosting, and while placing an order just mention Pharah in the order notes. Our next-gen boosters will only spam Pharah on your account. 

Abilities Of Pharah overwatch 2

Rocket Launcher

Pharah comes with a single weapon, her primary weapon which is quite powerful. This works both with close and far away enemies. It makes Pharah a deadly hero if you combine it with her flying abilities. Yet, refrain from just moving around anywhere. Keep a check on the surrounding areas before you can change your position. This weapon will cause damage of 120 if it directly targets the enemies. You can easily kill powerful heroes like Tracer with this weapon. 

It will release 6 shots, for which a reload time of 9 seconds is required. Use it against the characters with low health to kill them. Keep in mind that the fire would take some time to reach the enemies. So, they might have a chance to protect themselves. Estimate where your enemies would be moving to direct your targets precisely. Despite an increase in her speed, being out of ammo is always a threat to her. 

Hover Jet

One thing to remember is that Pharah does not fly, she only hovers in the air. Her hover jet allows her to stay in the air for 2 seconds. She moves in the air because of her momentum and gravity actions. If you press the spacebar while hovering, you can get the flying ability. You can go up as high as you want, but it will consume more fuel. Once you are down on the ground, your fuel will start regenerating.

Pharah’s speed decreases while she is in the air. Pharah is an easy-to-target hero, particularly if the enemy has Soldier 76. Don’t stay in large open spaces. Be careful while you are there because you are also vulnerable at this point. 

Jump Jet

The hover jet enables Pharah to go 8 meters high, but the jump jet takes her even higher. Use the shift button to go up to 11 meters in the air. This takes you far away from the enemy attacks. Yet, Mercy, Echo, and Ashe can still be a threat to you. Use this ability in combination with the Hover jet to stay airborne. Try to save this ability for critical situations because the Pharah has no defensive ability. His only way of escaping enemy attacks is through flying.

Concussive Blast

With a concussive blast, you can confuse your opponents. When this is released, it will explode within an 8-meter radius. It causes little damage of 30 points, but the Blast will knock down the nearby opponents. Use it on maps where edges and pits are present. The concussive blast works similarly to Lucio’s soundwave ability.

You can also use Concussive Blast to escape from bad situations. This is because Pharah will also get knocked back. You will not get any damage, and you can easily escape the situation. So, whenever things are getting hard, you can escape with this blast. This ability has a cooldown of 9 seconds.


Here comes the ultimate of Pharah with a damage of 40 in a direct target. Rockets are released that travel at 20 meters per second. Any enemy in her path would exert massive damage. You can target it to a group of enemy heroes to get an advantage. 

Yet, this ability comes with some flaws. While you have activated the ultimate, you will stay statue in the air. If any enemy attacks you, they can easily kill you because you have a small health bar. Enemies can also stun you. Often people save it for a good situation, but that opportunity never comes. This ability is left as it is till the end of the match. Use it anytime you feel that you have threats to your life. Use it against heroes like Orisa or Roadhog who are a threat to your allies. 

Best Combinations with Pharah

Pharah and Zarya

Using Zarya’s ultimate, you can gather the enemy team into one location. This would be a major advantage for Pharah. She will use her ultimate to cause them harm.

Pharah and Mercy

Originally, people were not very satisfied with the flying pair, Pharah, and Mercy, but now this has become popular. These strong heros can be pocket heros for any ally. Her rockets would get even deadlier with this pair.

Pharah and Mei

The only way to counter Pharah is by dodging her rockets. This prevents huge attacks. If you have a Mei on your team, the enemies cannot do this. Use Mei’s ultimate to freeze the enemy at their positions. Some enemies would get too slow to dodge her rockets.

Pharah and Ashe

The only way to counter Ashe’s ultimate is by changing your position. This will take the enemies into a place Pharah shoots at. They will get into tight spaces. Pharah’s concussive blast would damage the enemies.

Tips and Tricks for Playing with Pharah

  • Pharah is an offensive hero. Your goal is to cause as much damage as possible. However, the flying part makes it a little challenging. You need to pair up Pharah with good support to make your win easier. 
  • Be aware of Bastion‘s station mode, and Torbjorn’s turrets because they can counter Pharah. You can use the rockets to target the targets, but targeting them requires precision. Never fly if the enemy’s turrets are prepared. It will only take your life. 
  • Use Pharah as an offensive damage dealer by keeping her high in the air. Her health is low, but if you use it carefully you can get the best from it.
  • If the enemies are hiding behind their tanks, they may be prepared to target you. This is important if you are vulnerable in the air. In this case, use your projectile. It will keep the enemies away from each other. You can also secure some amazing animations by kicking the heroes out of the map. 
  • Use the concussive blast ability to separate the enemies from their support heroes. Many heroes rely on a helping hero to cover their damage. Time the concussive blast well. When you separate the enemies another hero should target them. They will die because their support cannot heal them.
  • You can easily surprise your opponents with the barrage. It has been made easier with the 5v5 mode. If you shield in place strategically, players may get themselves eliminated. Don’t use your barrage too close to a wall or a barrier. 
  • Keep in mind that Pharah’s shots take time before they get released. They do not get released instantly like the fires of the Pulse pistol by Tracer. So, use your rocket along with other offensive heroes. You can combine it with a Tracer to eliminate the enemies one by one.
  • It’s better to fire the rocket at closed-range enemies, it is considered a long-range weapon, but the nerf to its area of damage makes it harder.
  • You are a difficult hero to counter, but only if you move strategically. This only happens if you are a constable moving and confusing the enemies. Try to look for different combinations with Pharah and her abilities to chase as much damage as possible. Use the Jump Jet to get above the objective or knock the enemy with the ability. Your enemies should not be aware of your next move. 


Hope this guide will help you master Pharah in Overwatch 2 as I have shared all the pro tips with you. If I missed any tips, you can write in comment for me to add up later! Also, check out our Overwatch 2 Rank boosting services to see how our pro players play Pharah when our clients tell them to!