Best Dota 2 Tips to Win battle cup Tournament in 2024

Hello everyone! Today, I will guide you through the most awesome feature of Dota 2 Plus: the “Battlecup Tournament.” This feature increases the competitiveness among the players, and the rewards are incredibly awesome.

I am working with the Dota 2 MMR Boosting squad at Immortal Boost and my peak rank is Immortal 143 in the current patch.

I also provide Dota Battlecup boosting at immortal-boost. To win this tournament, you must follow these tips and tricks. Before entering the Battlecup, check your eligibility and understand the rewards for winning the tournament.

Eligibility to Play  

  • Players must have at least 100 hours in unranked matchmaking.
  • Players must be in a team to participate.
  • Each team requires a Dota Plus subscription or five Weekend Battle Cup Tickets.
  • Tickets should be owned by any team member, as long as there are five in total.
  • Teams must sign up for each region before the tournament starts.
  • Teams must queue for matches within the fifteen-minute window after registration. 

Winning Rewards

  • A special Battle Cup Trophy and chat badge
  • Prestige profile description detailing.
  • An exclusive Battle Cup effigy.
  • 20,000 shards (Dota Plus subscribers only)

Tips & Tricks 

To win Dota 2 Battlecup Tournament, you must follow the top 5 tips.

  • You must understand the Art of Drafting as it is a team game. If you are playing with your friends or your stack, you should know what heroes they play and what they are weak against. Make a synergy to combine and ensure your picks work out. To do that, you have to practice the draft in normal matches or ranked matches. Also, ban heroes that can counter your draft, as 70-80% of wins are confirmed in the draft phase; the rest is the gameplay. 
  • While playing make sure to make neutral camp and ancient camp stacks for the team to get the required items earlier. Stacks will give you an advantage in terms of net worth and experience.  
  • Vision is the most important thing to win a tournament. The more control you have over vision, the easier the game is. Always monitor the enemy’s support inventory and where he places the ward. It’s easy to identify. You have to click on the hero carrying a vision, and the moment the observer ward disappears from his inventory, that is where he put the vision.
  • Coordination is important in a team. You have to communicate whether you are playing with your stack or playing solo in a random team, chain stun the enemies to kill them easily, and try not to waste your spell by overkilling. In team fights, let the initiator jump in. Supports should make utility items, the core should make the required items, and you should act according to your role.
  • Use smoke before ganking so enemies can’t identify your positioning on the map. Do the same thing while taking Roshan. This will help you win team fights and Battlecup matches.

Wrapping it Up 

These are the best possible tips that every professional player or team uses to win the big tournaments as an immortal rank booster I can guarantee you that you can easily win the Dota 2 Battlecup tournament if you strictly follow this given strategy. Try these tips and let us know what you have experienced. 

I am also providing Dota 2 coaching services in case you want to hire me for personalized 1 on 1 sessions where I will guide you about the drafts too to win every tournament!