Heretic’s Fervor is a Stasis Rocket Launcher in Destiny 2. Rocket launchers are great and come with cool perks and deal a ton of damage. Heretic’s Fervor has an aggressive look and is a frame rocket. We got you covered with god roll for Heretic’s Fervor in Destiny 2.
Destiny 2 has added a new sidearm Tinasha’s Mastery, which equips a Rocket-powered pistol and Stasis element. It’s the first weapon from this archetype to have a Stasis element. There are also new perks included with Tinasha’s Mastery to help boost the elemental subclass. You can also check out Destiny 2 and Street Fighter Collectible skins.
Slayer’s Fang is a new Exotic Shotgun in Destiny 2 added with Revenant Act III. Revenant Act 3 will be released on January 7 with the weekly reset, per Destiny 2’s in-game schedule for the season, and run until February 4, 2025, when it will end and be replaced with Episode Heresy. Moreover, the Weekly reset takes place at 9 AM PT, 5 PM GMT, and noon EST.
Destiny 2 is enjoying a brand new event with a ton of rewards which is part of the Revenant Episode 3. The event offers multiple quests that give rewards including loot and currency. This is a perfect event for new players jumping in to Destiny 2. Getting god roll Legendary weapons and high armor can give a good head start to players.
Here’s everything you need to know about how to get Bento Tokens and complete all the quests from the event in Destiny 2.
How to get Bento Tokens
Bento Token is a special currency in Destiny 2 that you can get from the new event. There are a total of eight Bento Token you can earn. You can only earn five from farming them via completing the week 1 quests. And the remaining three Tokens can be earned at the last week of the Episode Revenant.
You can follow all these steps to get all the available Bento Tokens and complete all the week 1 quests.
How to get Bento Box quests in Destiny 2
In order to get started, you will need to head to Drifter at the Tower to start the Packed Lunch quest. The main objective requires you to complete five Bento Box quests. These are week 1 quests. After completing the Packed Lunch quest you can access the Limited time event. It includes that gives you five Bento Tokens which you can claim this week in Destiny 2.
Bento Tokens and complete Quests
After you get the Limited time event, you’re set to get started and earn the Bento Tokens. Here’s what you need to do in all the quests. There are a total of 4 quests.
- Quest 1, The Stuff of Legends: Finish either one final encounter of a Raid, or two final encounters of any Dungeon. Rewards include two Bento Tokens.
- Quest 2, Martial Mementos: Defeat enemies using any one of the weapons between Malfeasance, Witherhoard, Touch of Malice, Whisper of the Worm, Xenophage, and Arbalest. Rewards include one Bento Token.
- Quest 3, A Dubious Bento: Collect Dubious Celery from enemies in Gambit, and on the Moon. Rewards include one Bento Token.
- Quest 4, Nightmare Lunch: Complete activities on the Moon. Bonus progress will be given for Nightmare Hunts. Rewards include one Bento Token.
All Rewards for Limited Time Event
After completing the four quests from the event, you need to head to Eris Morn at the Moon. She will reward you with Bento Tokens. Here are all the rewards you can get from Eris.
- 2x Ascendant Alloy: 1 Bento Token for each stack.
- 2x Ascendant Shard: 1 Bento Token for each stack.
- 1 Exotic Cipher: 1 Bento Token.
- 25x Spoils of Conquest: 1 Bento Token for each stack. A total of three stacks are available.
- All Mementos except Trials: 1 Bento Token for each Memento.
- Five Artifice armor pieces for all three classes: 2 Bento Tokens for each piece
- Cloudstrike Exotic Sniper Rifle: 3 Bento Tokens per copy.
- Cataphract GL3 Adept with Envious Assassin and Bait and Switch: 1 Bento Token per copy.
- Igneous Hammer Adept with Fragile Focus and Precision Instrument: 1 Bento Token per copy.
- Riptide with Compulsive Reloader and Chill Clip: 1 Bento Token per copy.
- Horror’s Least Adept with Perpetual Motion and Kill Clip: 1 Bento Token per copy.
These rewards and Bento Tokens are limited time rewards and will be a part of the Episode Revenant 3.
Destiny 2 new Episode: Revenant launched on October 8, 2024, bringing new story content including Fikrul, Master of Souls, and other popular characters like Mithrax, The Crow, Eido, and more. There is a new Exotic Armor for each class, a new Season Pass Exotic Weapon called Alethonym, and the returning Exotic Weapon Ice Breaker that can be acclaimed by defeating the final boss of a dungeon. New Exotic Weapons are also coming with Episode Revenant.
That’s all you need to know about How to get all Bento Token from the quests in Destiny 2.