Hey everyone! Today, I’m going to discuss Revenant, the new Apex Legends hero added to Season 4.
He is an aggressive legend with an interesting kit and a tactical ability. Since I’m a professional Apex booster here at Immortal Boost, I need to know how to play every legend so that if the clients ask to play a specific legend, I should be ready.

So, I’m going to share some of my tips for Revenant with you today. Let’s dig into it!
Revenant is the first legend to receive a massive rework of his kit in all of Apex Legends. This guide will include everything that you need to know including how the abilities work, how to use Revenant abilities efficiently, the best loadouts for Revenant, and the fabled Revenant movement. Revenant pick rate is up 468% from being one of the least picked Legends to be the number one picked Legend with a whopping 16% pick rate and that’s all thanks to his fun kit. If you are looking to master Caustic, then check out our Master guide.
A brand new and reworked Revenant has arrived in Apex Legends with a massive number of ways to utilise his abilities. Let’s get you on your way to mastering the new and improved Revenant in Apex Legends.
Revenant now has improved movement abilities and an additional shield to protect him from incoming damage to cancel out other legends’ abilities and instantly respawn his squad via his Death Totem.
Revenant Playstyle
Revenant’s playstyle is unlike any other Legend in the game. He is an offensive Legend, However, the most effective Revenant players will most likely be in the middle to the back of their squad in a fight. This is due to Revenant’s large hitbox and due to his poor mobility. If he gets caught out in the open or too far in enemy territory, he doesn’t have an ability like Pathfinder grapple to get out.
Revenant can get some good flanks from enemies with high ground as he sneaks up and climbs to the top. You’ll just need to coordinate this timing perfectly with your teammates, as you’ll need backup immediately when you reach the top.
Assassin’s Instinct (Passive Ability)
For most parts Revenant’s reworked kit all works together to increase his fighting power but for starters, his passive is Assassin’s Instinct which still lets him have that higher climbing but now with increased possibilities in the horizontal plus faster crash walking speed.
It also now lets him target and identify low Health enemies and will add ping or mark on them if Revenant himself is the one to get them to low health. The higher climbing was unchanged in the vertical and is still about six times the high of a normal character or 25 to 30 meters.
Due to the increased speed he starts climbing, Revenant also gets faster climbs, even if they are shorter. This means he can very quickly climb up on enemies and shoot them in the side, even if they are small objects that he is mantling. However, climbing is now much better for flanking enemies in an atypical way.
You can climb horizontally for almost an infinite amount of time as long as you are ever so slightly pushing Revenant upwards, but you’re going to be more or less limited to the length of the wall or the area that you are climbing.
The first combat technique is to climb around on walls to pop up in areas where enemies will just not expect. The climbing was already good for flank enemies from unsuspecting angles but now assaulting buildings are areas by climbing horizontally where someone will not expect even more so is huge.
If a building doesn’t have a 90-degree turn or a square turn, you can more than luckily be around the corner. Sometimes, if you’re in trouble, dipping out and attaching to a wall as you fall and then climbing on it horizontally is a massive big-brain tactic to escape and reposition.
Other than this, always be on the lookout for a train that you can utilize as I can’t stress enough just how much players do not expect Revenant to pop up from somewhere that they think is lockdown and safe.
There’s not much to know about Revenant’s faster crash walking speed. Still, it can be useful to crash block into an area to make a stealth play on an enemy but with increased speed compared to a normal character’s crotch walking speed also popping healing items is going to let you move at the same speed as walking. This can be better to reduce your overall hitbox while still having a small amount of increased Mobility while healing.
Shadow Pounce (Tactical Ability)
Revenant’s tactical is shadow pounce. This is a 20 to 50-meter pounce or jump with a 25-second cooldown. You can either tap the ability to get a quick short jump of 20 meters or hold it down to its full charge getting a 50-meter leap. I don’t recommend the 20-meter jump that much as I find even just charging it and holding it down for a fraction of a second is going to get a more consistent leap that is much further and faster.
The biggest thing to not do with the leap is to look the vertical purely. This jump has minimal to no viability by jumping outside of say 30 to 40 degrees to the ground. If you want to go vertically more than say 10 meters, you’re probably just better off climbing or leaping into a wall and then going straight into a climb.
Revenant’s new abilities work together, and you can leap straight into a wall and instantly start climbing. I find this very important if you don’t want to leap into an enemy’s sight line. Leaping into a wall and climbing up will be a little bit better than staying concealed until you’re ready to fire, as your weapons are generally not out while you’re leaping forward.
There however are a couple of ways you can’t better use the leap and still get your guns up quicker. First is that if you slide off an object while holding the pounce in the release after you start falling to the ground then your weapon will instantly be brought up. Second, if you charge the leap, jump, and look down at a 30 degree or so downward angle, then you’ll be able to float more or less across the ground with a much lower arc.
Tips to use Revenant Tactical Ability
Typically, Revenant will not be able to bring up his guns until he comes back in contact with something like the ground, so if you do this lower arc fly, you’ll hit the ground sooner and start sliding in the direction you want to go with some insane speed, and your guns will be drawn up.
The lower launch is very viable and, in my opinion, the way you will want to launch more times than not if you’re not trying to ascend in height. You also want to try your best to land and use the ability in spots that let you slide off objects. Anytime you can slide down hills edge, and slide off objects and just terrain to your advantage as you’re going to increase your travel distance and speed greatly.
This is great for attacking and forcing plays, but I find it even more important for escaping out of bad situations. Since Revenant can jump or lead from a standstill, staying behind the cover and repositioning when you might have taken big damage or if you did just overextend is a great way to get yourself out of trouble and reset that fight.
If you’re in a 1v1 fighting around buildings or on doors, you can utilise the lea to your advantage. if you’re camping on a door trying to heal after taking some damage and the enemy is running to the other side camping on it or trying to kick it down then you can leave from that doorway to greatly reposition and make a quick gateway if they’re trying to breach you.
Similarly, if you are trying to fight a team that is being held up in a building, assaulting from one doorway and then leaping to the back side of a building or an alternate entry point is sometimes a nice way to quickly surprise enemies since Revenant does have the super-fast Repositional power.
It is obvious that using the leap to gain General High Ground is the most basic strategy that you can utilize, but you can also leap into a zip line and instantly connect to it. This can be great if you want to avoid taking some big damage while riding on a zip line. You can also reposition yourself while you’re traveling on a zip line.
In general, when it comes to that shadow pounce, the biggest thing is to be creative with your place. There is so much room for freedom and flexibility with this that you need to be fairly creative as a player. This is even more so when you combine Revenant’s ultimate Forge Shadows.
Forge Shadows (Ultimate)
Forged Shadows create a 75-damage shield of protection around Revenant upon its activation. This Shield does have a larger hitbox, so it will be much easier for enemies to break it down, but having a flat increase in your total health pool means having a lot more options in a one-on-one or multi-team fight.
Note that only the hitbox of the 75-damage shield is increased and not all of Revenant as per the lore or the dev team, the shadows are just around Revenant, protecting him. The first and one of the most important features of this ability is that it does last 25 seconds but more importantly you can get 10 seconds added to your duration for every knock that you get.
Tips to use Revenant Ultimate
For every knock, your shield instantly becomes charged. Revenant is not a massive tanky-like character, he has tank-like properties and Revenant will want to be the first one to enter the battle for the team. This is because he can’t absorb up a 300 total damage if he does have an Evo Shield and that Ultimate is active.
You get a knock and this means you have another instant 75 shield recharge and now you’re acting like a 375 Health enemy. When I say Revenant should be the first one to enter the battle, this could mean Revenant is just the first one to appear in the enemy. Sight lines so maybe it’s just a fraction of a second but taking that extra damage is so critical to team fights since he has some instant replenishment tactics and will not pop a battery like someone else would.
Note that if you do not get a knock, your shield will recharge as long as you’re not taking damage, and you will be able to get another go with that shield during the ultimate as long as you are a little passive aggressive in your game.
This doesn’t mean you can’t play ignorant though as you’re not invincible so don’t just sprint into that battle with no regard to your safety. The biggest part of the ultimate, even Beyond the shield in the bonus and being a walking tank is the fact that you get increased tactical usage so more pounces.
Every knock that you get the tactical comes back and even without this the Tactical’s cooldown is reduced in half during the ultimate. So, only 12 seconds, and upon ultimate activation the remaining cooldown is cut in half as well. This means pop the ultimate, leap into battle, get a knock, reposition with another leap, maybe heal or reset, and then hop back in shortly later.
Tips to improve Revenant Gameplay
I will give some tips to help you improve with Revenant.
- For my first tip, did you know that you can pop Revenant’s tactical ability whenever you’re riding any zip line, jump tower, or even an Evac tower? This can be used to make insane plays off his zip lines and jump towers.
- If you’re looking for a straightforward Dash in the ground without having to deal with any of the vertical jump Revenant tactical ability at this movement. What you can do is look straight down to the ground and then pop your tactical ability. This will give you the same speed and distance stack would provide but it’ll just be straight on a flat surface.
- Whenever using the revenant’s tactical ability, you want to try to keep that momentum at the end of the ability. Try landing on an edge so you can continue to edge slide or land on a slope that keeps pushing you down a hill and you’ll keep that momentum.
- Currently, whenever Revenant pops his ultimate ability, he does not take damage from Arc Star’s grenade that he throws, but he does take damage from thermite grenades.
- When it comes to taking height, Revenant’s tactical ability isn’t very useful. He mainly sticks to his passive for taking high ground. Keep his tactical ability for use when you’re on flat surfaces, and this is where you’ll get that maximum 50-meter dash.
- Whenever you pop up in his ultimate ability, try not to go down even though you become a tank with almost 300 HP red shield and you’re a good entry Fragger. Going down will cause you to lose your ultimate, even if your teammate rescues before your timer runs out. You will ultimately lose the ultimate the moment you down.
- We all know that whenever you get a knock or a revolt, you will get 10 seconds added to your ultimate. Your shadow will refill automatically, and you’ll get your Tactical ability refill. However, you will also notice that it happens whenever you get an assist. All these effects will be added back the moment you get one of them.
- In season 18, you can stick Revenant with Arc Stars. Whenever he pops his ultimate ability, your teammates can load up at Arc Star, and he can dive into the enemy team to try to get a few knocks.
- Whenever you pop your Tactical ability and you want to avoid that animation Revenant lands on all four. What you could do is angle your pounds towards the wall after you’ve gotten your distance in a Max your height, perform will not kick on that. This will take away ending animation and you’ll have your gun out once you land.
- Another way to escape the ending animation is by simply edge sliding and then using your Tactical ability. After you’ve Edge slide and your mid ear then pop your Tactical ability and you’ll be flying with your gun out.
- When you pop your Revenant ability, your attack cooldown is now cut by half, so every time you use your Tactical ability instead of 25 seconds, the cooldown is now reduced to 12 seconds.
- Whenever you use Revenant’s tactical ability, you don’t need to look all the way up in the sky. This will give you more vertical movement, which will reduce the distance you’ll travel. Just keep yourself at a high level and pause the tactical ability.
- Although Revenant’s entire kit is based on being stealthy, Be careful whenever you pop in your tactical ability and you’re trying to be stealthy. Revenant normally releases a super loud sound whenever he pops tactical ability and this will alert the enemy team. So, just make sure that whenever you’re popping this ability, you’re ready to fight.
- When it comes to Revenant’s playstyle, you want to play him like the assassin. You want to prey on those who are weak. Linger around the fight using your pounce to take off angles and to poke your enemies throughout the engagement. Whenever you see an enemy highlighted orange, this means they’re under 40 HP. It should instantly pounce on them or make this your main focus for you and your teammates.
- You should always know when you should pop roughness to Ultimate ability. Normally you don’t want to pop the ability and run and win if the entire enemy team is in full health. You want to stick around then poke, wait till you see too much low health then pounce on them. It might take your shadow and a little bit of shield but knocking down will instantly restart your shadow and you’ll be good to fight the 3v2 with you giving your team an upper hand by knocking one low player.
Legend Combos
If you’re looking to experience Next-Level Revenant play, then try this. With enhanced weaponry and enhanced survivability, there are few Legend combos out there that can give a singular character as many possibilities as the ballistic and Revenant ultimate combo. Faster movement, unlimited ammo, and more health make for an incredibly good time.
Old but still underrated Revenant and Octane use Revenant tactical leap during a pad launch for unlimited potential through redirecting your movement. A sleeper no one is talking about is going to be the Revenant and Ash combo. Pop Revenant’s ultimate and then dropping Ash port to aggressively push enemies with that extra shield.
Best Loadouts for Revenant
Since Revenant should be near the back of the squad or in the middle, I definitely recommend an assault rifle for your primary weapon paired with a range scope. You can also utilize a sniper to rank, and that would work well with Revenant.
The wingman and the G7 Scout are both very good with Revenant since he can be accurate while crouched with those weapons. You can pair one of those weapons with a secondary shotgun or SMG that can get tons of big burst damage off immediately while you’re in shadow form to guarantee you a quick knockdown when you get close to an enemy.
Wrapping it up
Thank you for reading my guide and I hope you have great success as Revenant! Don’t forget to check our Apex badge boost, where we can unlock any badge for you with Revenant. I would also like to remind you that we provide the top Apex rank boosting services here. We can help you reach any rank in Apex, whether by having you play with us or us playing with you. Book your desired division today, and let’s get started!