Hey everyone! Today, I’m going to discuss Loba, the new Apex Legends hero added in season 5.
She is a supportive legend with an interesting kit and a passive ability. Since I’m a Predator Top 500 rank Apex player working with Apex Boosting service Squad here at Immortal Boost, I need to know how to play every legend so that if clients ask me to play a specific one, I should be ready.
Today we’re taking a look at the spunky bracelet-slinging Legend herself Loba. Loba is not an overly complex Legend but there are some things to know when it comes to mastering her. She is the best Legend in the game when it comes to keeping herself and her team on the move, making looting quicker, and allowing you to get into the action faster than ever. Let’s get you some tips on how to master Loba in Apex Legends.

Loba Overview
Loba might not be one of the simplest Legends in all of Apex Legends but she can make a World of difference in the looting experience. Since her induction at the launch of Apex Legends season 5, she has seen a series of buffs making her more popular and better than she has ever been. Loba is all about making the looting experience quicker, easier, and better than ever in Apex.
This is what Loba is all about and what you should remember when playing as a Loba. Have no fear though because this guide will give you some in-game examples of how to master all of Loba’s abilities. She fits well into any mode, any squad, and even any level of play which does make her not only desirable but also a very useful Legend.
Eye for Quality (Passive Ability)
Loba’s abilities are straightforward and effective. Her passive is no exception to this. Loba’s passive ability is her eye for quality and this just lets you see a high chair loop meaning purple and gold items through walls and other objects. Not a lot to know about this ability but the range that you can see is about 110 to 115 meters.
Tips for Passive Ability
There are two huge tips that you need to know about this ability, so you’re getting yourself into trouble. First, you do not want to become hyper-fixated on this loot that you can see through walls. It’s not uncommon to see a purple or gold shield and then you B-line it straight to those items. This is good to know but you don’t want to miss other very important loot that could be like those blue attachments or the extended mags.
Don’t lose all of your awareness because you do become too loot-hungry with this passive. The second thing to know is that the passive loses value the later on you do get in a game. This does mean that it’s probably not the greatest ability out there. Anything after your drop is more of a convenience ability but on your fly-in, this passive can be massively clutched and you do need to pay extreme attention to your surroundings as you’re landing.
Letting this passive help guide you at the last second to a high-tier Armor or an attachment is going to greatly increase your early-game survivability. A big thing to be aware of is that this passive can develop tunnel vision when looting. This means you need to care to not only go after purple and gold items.
I often find items when me and my teammates are only partially looting areas because they are just bopping around from legendary-to-legendary items which cause Loba to miss blue items which can be crucial. You do not want to be missing that blue or gray shield if you do not have shields, magazines, and other attachments, so just be mindful of this ability and don’t develop tunnel vision when you’re looting
Burglars Best Friend (Tactical Ability)
Now, we do have the burglar’s best friend which is the teleportation bracelet that she is canceling up to 70 or so meters away on horizontal level ground and up to about 100 or so meters if you’re throwing that bracelet from height.
The timer on this thing is 24 seconds and once the bracelet is slung then you can manually cut the travel and stop yourself short before you do reach the end. This will help you not overthrow your drop spot and it will require a little bit of timing and patience to get this right. So, you’re not putting yourself in a bad spot.
Tips for Tactical Ability
A major warning though is that once you do send out the bracelet then you’re not able to cancel it, so you need to either cut your movement short by hitting your fire button right away or you just let it run its course.
When you throw it, be sure where you’re going is really where you want to go because you’re going to go there no matter what. The first tip to know is that the bracelet has much better horizontal travel than vertical and throwing it at about a 30 to 40-degree angle to the ground is going to produce the best results for maximum distance.
It still can be thrown vertically so repositioning to high ground or somewhere that is not too far up is a strategy that every Loba can take into consideration when it does come to their fights.
The way you’ll find yourself using the bracelet the most is for a quick gateway or an escape players can fairly easily chase Loba while the bracelet is getting sent out. So, you do need to be aware of this. If you’re slinging it, sling the bracelet in one direction while you run or slide in a different one and this will better confuse enemies as they will need to either gamble on chasing you right now or chasing where that bracelet is going. So, if you can separate yourself even more from that bracelet as it gets sent then this is going to help you survive.
You do have nearly full movement when the bracelet is being sent out so edge sliding, jumping, and running away should be utilized to keep yourself healthy. The opposite way to use this bracelet is going to be from point-to-point travel using a cover as a bracelet does get sent out. You can send the bracelet out through windows, or doorways. So, sending out and then staying completely covered is a very safe way to travel when there are many enemies around.
Another way to use a bracelet that is not always the most useful is to be on zip lines though. If you’re taking a longer horizontal zip line then you can’t toss the bracelet out and be ripped off that zip. The bracelet is more of a repositioning tool and not per se a normal combat footing ability. Taking areas of slight height is going to be the big takeaway and using this bracelet to get alternate angles repositioned to support the team in a fight is a great atypical combat ability.
This ability, in my opinion, is not the best to be aggressive with. The teleport is quite easy for enemies to track. Loba’s movement with this ability gives both an audible cue and a white tracer line from the throw and it is easy to follow. On top of this, there is a moment at the end of the ability where your weapons are down and this makes it difficult to use if you are teleporting close to enemies. That may be able to shoot you as soon as you teleport.
Black Market Boutique (Ultimate)
Loba is best known for her Ultimate that is Black Market Boutique. It is a deployable Market that she can throw down onto the ground and let anyone who interacts with it loot up to two items 110 to 115 meters away. This is the same range that she can through walls with her passive.
Upon initial placement of the market, a blast of audio and a white wave do get sent out that will alert anyone around that Loba just placed her market. In addition to this though, when you do pull items then a white line or Tracer will go from where the item was pulled back to the center of where the market is.
Once you do start using the market, there’s a fair number of ways for enemies to locate you. The black market has 100 health and a quick two-minute timer after use and it does have a special perk where you do get 50% of the charge back upon your initial drop.
After a short minute right after you have landed on the ground, you will be able to use your first market pretty quickly. While you can take two items from the market and you can also take unlimited added ammo which will make it easy to run any gun that you wish and you’ll never really have to worry about Ammo.
You can also stack up on a little bit more grenades. After all, you don’t need to horde as much ammo because you are going to be able to get it a little bit easier. While you get two items from the market this does mean two stacks of items, so this would either be four shield cells, four syringes, or maybe two batteries or two med kits.
Tips for Ultimate
One of the biggest scenarios where the black market will enhance your combat fighting ability is going to be to get a quick Armor swap at end games. When you’re in a fight, placing the market down, controlling those engagements by peeking, fighting, and then pulling some armor from that market then it’s a great thing to do.
Pre-pulling armor and dropping them on the ground, around the market, and fighting will allow for very easy-to-grab armor swaps and this is just a completely overpowered strategy that every Loba needs to be utilizing.
In addition to this though, pulling loot from cover and safely getting geared up while you are in a sweaty end game with a lot of players around also is the best strategy and it’s one of the stronger capabilities of Loba during a ranked match.
The Black Market does not have a ton of health. 150 health means you can get some quick protection if you’re in the open by dropping it down for a very quick second of cover. If you’re chased by enemies as well then you can go into a building and place that black market down on a doorway as this is going to stop the market from being opened.
You can either use that market quickly or you can continue to run away letting you create more separation from those enemies. One sneaky tip that is a small counter to Loba that you need to be aware of is that the loot floats off of the ground when a player is actively in the black market.
It’s very situational but this is something that you should know and in general when you’re pulling items or if you’re placing down the market then players are going to try and get you and get some shots on you while you seem more or less distracted.
When a care package is coming down during a late game then you can use Loba Black Market to more or less instantly get items from that care package once that package does hit the ground. This is before anyone can even open the package as well because the gun does show up in our market as soon it hits the ground.
One thing that you can do during your rotation is you can skim some hot areas where you know there’s loot that players might not have gotten or if there are a lot of death boxes. Simply putting a Loba ultimate down near or adjacent to these areas and quickly looting up before moving on is a super solid thing to do.
Something many players do not know though is that you can see where loot is when you ping the black market. If you already use your two item pulls but you still want something else then you can ping the item in the market back out of the market and then hold your ping button down while you’re looking at the item that is pinged on your market.
When using Loba in that black market, it’s all about improving the rate at which you can get gear, and in turn, this does mean a Loba team is more capable of taking more fights and just surviving longer in sweaty environments.
If you’re done with the black market and you’re ready to rotate then just close it so enemies can’t use it.
Loba’s Role in Apex Legends
We can discuss Loba tips in Apex Legends for hours but the key is to understand your role on the squad. As you are the master of loot, so your job is to keep your squad as looted as possible but most importantly on the move with good loot. While you want to make sure you have the best loot a big perk of having a Lobo on your squad is being able to move quickly while still ensuring you have solid loot.
She allows her squad to get loot from safe distances and quickly opens up her options on pathing across the entire map. As Loba, you should be looking to use her ultimate as often and as early as you can. Whenever your squad is low on resources or there’s a valuable area you want to loot, stay close to your squad and use the black market.
Keep in mind that you don’t have any speed boosts or gun shields to keep you alive. While you have your tactical to jump to another location, it’s slow and has very heavy animation when using it. So stay with your squad and play the supportive role. Using your bracelet to keep the high ground will allow you to scout and stay safe while also being in the best position to help your squad in a nearby fight or using your bracelet from height to get more range in a fight.
How to play as Loba
Loba suits Loadouts that will hold the line like decent ranged marks on weapons because of her incredibly easy access to high ground and to do a hard reposition regardless of the terrain around her. It’s not to say that you can’t play around your preferred loadout but her nature allows her to stay put quite comfortably.
Her Alt is bringing the necessary resources to her. If you throw Loba’s tactical while under fire then make the most of the waiting period during the bracelet’s travel time to move sneakily. You only need to survive long enough for the bracelet to land and you teleport away. Any player in the lobby can use her ultimate once it’s placed. Consider using the secondary tactical button to close it once you’ve moved on.
You should always be thinking about her ability to arm a swamp with the black market so first-in players for access to their shield is more valuable if you playing Loba. Depending on the situation, pulling armor swaps to you straight away will deny teams from doing so. Your squad must have a Pathfinder due to his unique abilities during the match as they will make the best pair.
How to play against Loba
A few things to consider when coming up against the Loba team is that you can hear and see a pulse when enemy Loba puts their alt down. If they loot something that is within your line of sight then you can see the stream of blue light pointing straight to them.
You can also see floating ground loot as a sign that there’s a Loba within 112.5 meters away and that an enemy is currently interacting with it. Finally, Loba’s kit doesn’t support aggressive play very well. Mainly because she is locked out with an animation after teleporting so if she uses it to push you then take advantage of that window of opportunity if possible. Pick the right agent in the squad to team up with the Loba to dominate the map.
Legend Pairing Viability
In my opinion, good teammates for Loba are like Seer and Bloodhound for their ability to check buildings for enemies as you rotate and hold new points. Additionally, Legends like Wattson and Caustic as the squad can reliably raid the buildings while having access to outside the loot through the black market.
However, her kit is versatile enough that many other team strategies can work with her too. After getting the grips with the versatility of Loba and being able to play her comfortably in rank I would suggest you look at some of the highest-level players who use her often.
Ranking Loba
Loba in my opinion would be right in the middle in terms of the overall ranking of the Legends, somewhere around the top seven to the top nine area. I can’t put Loba any higher on the list because Loba is more of a Legend who improves the quality of life and play rather than bringing to the table a move set that allows her to excel in combat.
Final Verdict
Loba might be the best for casual pub games with friends who are less skilled or just want to have a good time trying to get into some action quicker. Loba is all about helping her team look quickly and effectively. With her ultimate being the primary method of her loot stealing ways. She isn’t as flashy as a lot of other picks but she’s a great support option that can help her squad win some games. As winning the match is crucial in Apex Legend to maintain or shift your rank therefore we offer Apex Legends Win Boosting service to our clients.
Thank you for reading my guide and I hope you have great success as Loba! Don’t forget to check our Apex 4K badge boost, where we can unlock any badge for you with Revenant. I would also like to remind you that we provide the top Apex Legends Arena Boosting services here. We can help you unlock a new rank in Apex, whether by having you play with us or us playing with you. Book your desired division today, and let’s get started!