How to Play Gibraltar in Apex Legends – Updated Guide

In most of the battle royals, there are no characters or agents who affect the gameplay. In warzone or pubg, the only thing that can give you an advantage is your skill and aiming abilities. Because in those games their core features are the gunplay and survivalist mechanics. In these games the skill set required to win is elite. There are other games in the genre of battle royals that do take the skill ceiling to the next level. In these games not only do you have to learn all the guns and their recoil patterns, but you also have to learn the maps and their hot loot points and most of all you have to learn the individual character’s abilities To play these games and dominate them

For instance, Apex Legends has a complicated movement system while also having complex gunplay. You also have to learn its legends and their abilities to be somewhat decent at the game. In apex legends, these legends play a massive role in the team chemistry and overall match performances. There are 24 legends in the game at the moment this count fluctuates because of the bimonthly seasonal updates that Respawn hosts for apex legends. Now these Legends affect the game the same way that heroes in Overwatch do. In apex legends blending all of the classes of these legends does take the team combination to a higher tier. 

In apex legends, there are different classes of legends in their respective domain of abilities some of them are skirmishers which means they have movement abilities while some of them are assaults which means they come in handy in a head-to-head fight and some of these legends are medics or support And they are impactful for the team combination as well as versatile for going head to head. In this blog, I am going to talk about one of these support Legends “Gibraltor” This blog is going to be a guide for him. So if you want to become good at playing this legend then this guide is for you. I am going to give some of the tips that I have tested in games and have found effective. 

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How to Use His Gunshield Effectively

So if you do know how to play with Gibraltar’s passive you’ll be a very good player at apex. Now there are different ways that you can use His Gun shield. Like for peeking advantages or just being the tank in the team. 

For starters, because of his passive he has an immense amount of hp as compared to other legends. So if you want to use his gun shield to its maximum potential you should always engage in a fight with aim-down sight. If you want to be a more team-oriented player then you could also become a first peeker or an entry fragger. The reason behind that is that Gibraltar has more than 28% hp when equipped with red Evo armor, Fortified hp, and his passive. So you will be the best person to do this kind of job. 

Another thing that you could do is to take head-on fights with sub-machine guns because they have a higher rate of fire and because you have a headroom in the Health department you could win some of these fights. Remember don’t rush play with your head and not adrenaline. 

Precautions for using his passive is that while the gun shield seems to be a great ability it has a hp counter and a rechargeable timeout. So bear with it because while you are aiming down sight you will not be able to recharge this shield hence leaving you in a vulnerable spot. 

Another thing that you need to consider is while you are using the gunshield it has a sparky orange color that can lead to you being spotted and because Gibby is a big dude and has a bigger hitbox than other legends he can be an easy target in open areas. Another thing to consider is that don’t be a sniper with him. While there’s nothing wrong with being a Gibraltor sniper but it is better to use him as a support player or entry fragger. 

The Dome of Protection (bubble ) and How to use it:

The tactical on Gibby is a good one and there are many ways that you can utilize it. So let’s get through to each of them. Use it as an initial reaction to a fight to get an instant cover. Doing this could give you an upper hand in open-air fights but due to its recharge time and effect time you had to have quick fights or quick elimination otherwise, this dome will be of no use to you. Remember that only throw your tactical when you are engaging in a fight and not for using cover to loot because it is very visible and this can lead you to fight third-party battles. 

Another way to Use the Dome Of Protection is to develop a skill called ”Bubble Fighting” This means that if your teammate is down you should drop your tactical on him and play around it. Doing bubble fighting will provide you with the necessary cover while also preventing the enemy from finishing off your teammate. You should use shotguns in these fights because of the shotgun range and damage from this distance. you could also use the tactical to loot on hot drops but it is a pretty standard thing to do so let’s move on. 

For precautions you need to understand that the Bubble only lasts for 12 seconds. Which is not enough to consider it a solid cover to build your fights around.

You also need to keep in mind that you should always look out for your teammates but don’t have or need to jump in their fight too quickly because remember you are the only one in the team with the shield. So you don’t need to rush toward your teammates you always need to be clinical about it because once you rush them you’ll most likely have an unfair fight with the other squad.

How to use Defensive Bombardment

The last thing in his kit that we haven’t talked about in this blog is his ultimate. So What is Defensive Bombardment and how to make the most out of it? Like every other ability on his kit, the Ultimate also has its various use cases. 

You could use it to start third-party fights. the benefit of doing that will be you would be getting easier enemies ahead who don’t have any idea where you are or what hit them. While doing this is a great way to utilize the ultimate without any extra work you’ll get free damage or some free kills. Keep in mind the recharge timer of the Ultimate is around four and a half minutes and a typical Apex game lasts 20 to 30 minutes. So you might not get too many chances to use it. don’t use the Ultimate and save it until you have to. It’s better to have it when not needed than not having it when needed.

Another way that you could use the ultimate is on the teams on higher grounds. You could use The Ultimate on them to push them out of there or let them sit there and eat the damage and be stunned. In both ways, you’ll be getting a useful outcome out of the ultimate. If you want to play aggressively then you could also combine his tactical with his ultimate It’ll provide you much-needed cover in the ultimate and you can push the enemy team more freely keep in mind that Gibby’s ultimate does hurt himself self but not his teammates they will only get stunned. So blending both of them will provide you a much-needed competitive advantage. 

For Precautions, you should keep in mind that this ultimate does not damage the players inside the building or on the roof cover. So you can’t push out or vacate any enemies that are inside the building. Another thing to consider is that while the ultimate is a superb way to finish off knocked-out enemies it has a long recharge time So you shouldn’t waste it on things like this.

Legends to Duo with Gibraltar

Gibraltar is one of the if not the best legends in the game his versatile kit makes him a great pick for any good aimer But if you want to make the most out of your pick you need to duo with your friend so you can play and dominate together. Now there are several legends that you could pair with him to get the most optimal output. I am gonna list down some of them so you can pick one:


You could pair Gibby with Valkyrie. I know that she is not a free legend but bear with there are other fishes in the sea. I will feature a free one in a bit. So pairing her with Gibby can be a good blend between air support and ground support. 


The combo of Gibraltar and wraith is also lethal because the wraith’s mobility mixed with the dome of protection can give an extra layer of surprise. Wraith is also a default legend which means you don’t have to pay money to unlock her. So even if you are new you could try this combo out.


The last legend that I will feature on the list is Bloodhound. His tactical and Gibby’s passive will complement each other because once Blood hound reveals the enemy’s position you could take the risk and aggress toward the enemy or you could also use your own tactical to avoid the enemy firing. All in all bloodhound and Gibraltar’s combo can be a good choice. \


So that is it for the blog i’ll conclude it with a simple message that you need to put in the work and practice his abilities and most importantly practice his skill “ Bubble fighting” because that one is a tough nut to crack. Other than you should try to practice your gun shield in the firing range this way you could take a calculated risk while aggressing towards an enemy. If you keep in mind all of the information that I have given and act upon it you’ll be a great Gibraltar main in no time.