Overwatch 2 heavily relies on the team aspect. Every member of the team has a different and distinct role. Some heroes are solely healers and are there to provide support to their allies. Some others are tanks that provide the much-needed muscle to take space and control the map. Lastly, there are damage heroes who kill and do damage to their enemies.
If you want to excel or grow your rank in the game, you have to play with a team. Apart from an individual’s mechanical skill, team composition is the most crucial one. Because in Overwatch 2, you cannot carry the whole team on your own. This is unlike Apex Legends or Valorant, where you could carry your team with your skills and drag them to win. In overwatch 2, you had to have good support and a reasonable tank to go along with you.

In this blog, we will discuss the best support heroes you can pick. These heroes can greatly enhance your team composition. While some of them do have a learning curve, there’s nothing to worry about. If you have any problems with a healer, you could pick a different one from this list and try again.
This blog is going to be a ranking system because, as you know, there are only 10 support heroes in the game. I figure that listing them down won’t be enough, so I’ve decided to rank them on this list from worst to best. I will describe their abilities and some tips on how to use these heroes more proficiently.
10) Zenyatta:
The first on the list is Zenyatta who is a talon member and was one of the first 21 heroes that were added to the game. You might ask why Zenyatta is so low on this list. And there’s a reason behind it. So Firstly what Zenyatta does another healer can do better. His kit is easier to use and the hero itself is beginner-friendly. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that he is a bad healer, and you shouldn’t play with him.
Zenyatta has been in the game for eight years at this point. There have been several additions to the healing lineup since then which left him in this bad shape. he can take 1v1’s to support his team, but He can not move quickly, which makes him sometimes. Of course, He can give a good amount of damage to enemies while he is also really capable of healing his allies. But other healers do that way more efficiently.
9) Illari
Next on the list is Illari, but the interesting thing about her is she is not a member of either Talons or Overwatch 2, as she has an independent origin that is not connected to any of the other already existing heroes. She was added to the game in August of 2023 as a 38th hero addition. Now, let’s get back to why I have put her in number 9. The simple reason is that while she is a really capable healer. She also has some weaknesses because her rate of fire is not that great, which means she has to make her shots count. In the damage department, Zenyatta has better damage than she does.
Areas, where she beats him, include providing longer and more healing to her allies while she also has more mobility than him, which makes her a little more of a strong contender for this list.
While you are going through the remaining 8 heroes, if you need any help improving your rank, make sure you check out Overwatch 2 Boosting to start getting better in OW2.
8) Brigitte
The 8th position goes to Brigitte. She is an overwatch 2 member and is the 27th hero in addition to the game. She was released back in March 2018, which makes her addition to the game more than six years old into the game. You might ask, What makes her better than Illari and Zenyatta? The simple answer is her kit makes her a better option than both Illari and Zenyatta. In this list, we are talking about which hero is a better support player.
Brigitte’s inspire lets other heroes peek freely. Her repair pack gives an instant health boost to her low-hp allies. Her shield can also provide cover for her when she is low. I admit that her damaging abilities aren’t that great, but her healing abilities compensate for them.
7) Lucio
Next on the list is Lucio, and his place in this list might upset some people, but before that, let me give you his little introduction. So Lucio is a part of the overwatch team and was in the first 21 heroes released with the game. The reason for his early appearance is that, in modern overwatch, his kit isn’t that great. While I agree that Lucio was a really good support hero in Overwatch 1, the game evolved, so his pick rate has also dropped.
He can rotate towards any side of the map pretty quickly. While also providing decent health to his allies. But that is it. He can’t do serious damage to his enemies while he isn’t the best option on the board, considering other support heroes.
6) Baptiste
We are halfway off our list, And the 6th place is for Baptiste. Baptiste is a member of the Talon clan, and he was added to the game on 19th March 2019. He was the 30th hero of the game. Baptiste can be a really capable support player. His healing abilities, like Regenerative Burst and immortality field, can come in clutch. His Exo Boots help him to rotate or to get out of sight quickly. Baptiste could be higher up on this, but he has his weaknesses, such as not being a part of a fast-paced team. Also, his healing can give another chance to his allies, but they do not heal them fully. Like every other hero, baptiste’s impact greatly depends on the player playing it.
5) Kiriko
We are in the top five, and each of these healers can be a great pick for you. Kiriko came into existence with Overwatch 2’s release on October 4, 2022. She was the 31st hero addition to the game and the first support hero for Overwatch 2. Kriko’s kit is heavier on damage while providing an adequate amount of healing. She can be a great pick if you want to be an aggressive healer. Her Swift Step and wall climb abilities would help you do that.
She can also be a great pick if you want a stand-alone healer. The only thing that she lacks is her healing potential, which she can use to provide some healing to her teammates. They can’t rely upon her for healing. Also, her healings are aim-based, and because of that, she can miss them sometimes.
4) Lifeweaver
Moving on to the number 4 in this list. Lifeweaver has got this place, and surprisingly, he is the latest addition to support heroes. He was added to the in April 2023, just a mere six months after the game’s initial release. Lifeweaver was the 37th hero addition to the game. Lifeweaver is a great support hero, considering that he has the potential to beat DPS heroes with raw firepower.
If you have a good aim and an adequate amount of game sense, Life Weaver can become a great pick for you. As a support player, Life Weaver has one of the coolest abilities, and he can pull you out from near death. He can provide his team with new elevated angles thanks to his Tree of Life. While I agree that he has a bit of a learning curve, if you give a shot at him and practice his abilities, I am pretty sure you’ll love him.
3) Mercy
The bronze medal here goes to Mercy. For some people, they might be the best healer in the game. That is partially true since her whole kit is only focused on healing, and she doesn’t have damaging abilities. That’s why she can become a liability; therefore, she is third on the list. Everybody who has played the game knows about Mercy. She was one of the first 21 heroes of the game and was a part of the overwatch team. Her healing abilities are great, and truly, she can be the best healer in the game if in the right hand. She can pocket a hero throughout the game, making that player the MVP of the match, or she can also support her whole team.
But that is it. She can not hold her own. She doesn’t have anything to defend herself with apart from that measly pistol. That is why she came in the third place.
2) Moira
The runner-up on the list is Moira, who is my favorite support hero in the game. Moira was added to the game in November 2017, Making her addition to the almost 7-year-old, and of course, she is a part of the talons. Moira might be the easiest hero in Overwatch after Soldier 76. Her kit is pretty straightforward and capable of dealing with some serious damage.
Moira can carry her whole team if the player behind it has the skills to use her at its full potential. She could very well be the best support hero in the game if it wasn’t for the next hero on the list. All in all, Moira is extremely good in any scenario. Her damaging ability and her health orb provide some sound value to her team.
1) Ana
You already know who was going to be number 1 on the list. Ana was the first hero to be added to the game after the first 21 heroes that the game was released with. She is a part of the overwatch, currently Ana has the highest pick rate out of any other hero in the game. She is considered to be the best support hero in the game currently. While some other professional e-sports players also said that she is indeed the best hero in the game.
Ana has a sniper which either kills the enemies, or it heals the allies. Her sleep dart is also humorous and really effective. Every support hero has a different ability to either heal or deal damage. But if she has the same ability, she can do both. Her biotic grenade can damage an enemy while it can also heal an ally. That is why she is too good in the game.
Wrapping it up:
I have listed my top 10 list of support heroes. Based on my limited knowledge of the game, I think this ranking is accurate. But if you don’t like the list and you have other heroes in a different order, then you could comment on this blog with your hero list. I am interested to see your list and how you put the heroes in it.
Also if you are a tank player, you can check out the top tank heroes in Overwatch 2 as well!