Overwatch 2 Season 10 – Everything You Should Know About

Look how time flies. It feels like Overwatch 2 was released last month, but in reality, it’s been out for two years, and we are getting the tenth edition of the seasonal updates. The game was released in 2022 on PCs and consoles. Blizzard’s been regular when it comes to updating the game, as Overwatch 2 has always been a huge crowd-puller and a massive game.

There have been ten overwatch seasons since the inception of Overwatch. With each of them, Blizzard introduced a new hero to us with multiple meta changes and a lot of content for us to consume. These seasonal updates are bimonthly, and Blizzard’s been consistent in making sure of it. Season 9 ended on April 8th, 2024, and we have a brand new season on our hands.

It’s high time to discuss what’s new in this season, which new heroes are getting, what meta changes Blizzard has made in this season, and finally, what content updates we are going to get. In this blog, I will cover all of this, and at the end of it, you’ll know everything there is to know about season 10.

An all-new character, “Venture”:

ow2 venture agent

Venture is the latest addition to the line-up. Venture is an archeologist by profession, and her kit is based around digging things into the ground. Venture is an offense hero, and the addition of it makes the overall character count 40. Venture’s pick rate has skyrocketed for obvious reasons. Most pro players’ opinions about her are that she is the best DPS hero currently in the game.

Venture’s abilities are as follows: 

She can use a cobbler as her melee attack, which gives a total damage of 70. Forty at first and 30 for the duration of the attack. The burrow takes her into the ground and makes her invincible for a shorter period. The ultimate “Tectonic Shock” is as it sounds. It causes electrical shocks and damage of around 130 per shot, and Venture has four shots of it. There’s also room to show creativity with its excavating abilities.

Since this character was released, everyone has been using this character to win the games! You can always hire Ow2 booster who knows how to perfectly spam Venture without losing a single game. 

All Agents are unlocked ?:

While this might be pretty big for some players and some other players, it will be somewhat disappointing as this season’s release, Blizzard, has made all of the overwatch heroes unlocked for free, whether they are from the past or even if they are locked in the game’s current state. Suppose you have completed your new player’s experience tutorials. You can choose any character you want. As was the case in Overwatch 1, but as time went on and the game went free-to-play, Blizzard took away this luxury from the players. Now, Not only is Blizzard making the current heroes free to unlock, but they are also making the future ones free to unlock. This means that you would be able to play Venture right out of the gate or any other heroes that you always wanted to play.

An all-new game mode:

In season 10, you will get to play a game mode that is quite unique and somewhat agitating. The all-new game mode is called “Mirrorwatch”. What will be different in this mode is that firstly, it’s a limited-time event, and secondly, everything in this mode is swapped out. For example, in this mode, the overwatch heroes, e.g. Mercy, Reinhardt, and Ana, would be the talon, and the talons, e.g., Widow Maker and Sombra, would be up against them.

While the mode is not based on the good guys vs the bad guys thing. You can play as whoever you want and however you want. Also, there will be a twist in the hero’s abilities for example Mercy can now shoot rockets and can detonate a fallen teammate or an enemy. Some heroe’s abilities are reversed by 180 degrees. The heroes who have damage-inflicting abilities can now heal their allies with them. In my opinion, this mode is really a fresh breath of air. 

The battle Pass Stuff:

Easy way to unlock rewards:

Respond to feedback from the community. Blizzard has introduced a coin-based system that lets players unlock their favorite rewards by spending money on coins. The said coins can be earned through weekly challenges and by completing your battle pass missions. 

Your Mythic Path:

The mythic prisms will allow players to pick and choose their favorite mythical hero skin. Blizzard wants the players to upgrade their battle to premium so they can customize their chosen mythical skins and upgrade them swiftly. The newest addition to the mythical hero skin is none other than vengeance mercy or evil Mercy, which, to be honest, is genuinely cool looking.

They have gone on and on with the battle pass stuff, which is boring as this blog is supposed to cover all of the things about the season. So, let’s just move on to the next things they have updated. 

Clash for the Win:

Another limited-time game mode has been added to the game. The ultimate tug of war will add a thrill and adrenaline rush to the players. In this mode, there will be five capture points, which will get placed strategically on a mirror, and both of the teams have to find and defend their ones to win. There’s also a whole new map being introduced through this game mode. Hanoka, which is in the area of the beloved Hanamura district, would leave you in puzzles.

Hero Updates:

Blizzard has also made changes to a few heroes here and there. The biggest change that they have made is with the wrecking ball. The said hero can now protect his teammates with an adaptive shield, which can be used to provide some well-needed armor health to his nearby allies. His grappling hook also has a few tweaks that let him control it a little more precisely. The cooldown has also been readjusted and can also be partially refunded in some scenarios.’

The next Blizzard that has been named to adjust are Sombra and Tracer. As we all know, both of them are annoying with their mobility and speed. That’s why Blizzard had adjusted Sombra’s virus ability, and now it will do lesser damage in more time. The tracer’s pulse will now be harder to aim in the hope of making the field a little more fair for her opponents. 

While they updated other heroes, the changes are not that significant to mention here. All in all, I have covered everything that has been part of season 10.