Hello everyone! As I’ve already done the 20-kill badge tips guide, it would be best to do the 4k damage one.
I’m a Pro player on the Immortal Boost Apex Legends Rank Boosting team. Part of my job is creating badges for customers on any legend. But today, I will tell you the best tips to unlock a 4k damage badge.

4K Damage Badge Tips
To unlock the 4K Damage badge in Apex Legends, you must deal 4000 damage in a single game. This is also a legend-specific badge, meaning you must do this on every single legend you want to unlock this badge on. 4,000 damage is tough to do. The other thing that makes this badge hard is that it relies only on you and your abilities with the controller or the mouse. 4,000 damage is equivalent to killing 18 players with full health.
Only you can shoot bullets that will give you that damage. The badge is pretty obtainable if the players drop in the blue zone or any hot spot. With every single badge on this list, you are required to be able to stay alive for a longer time.
1. Playing with friends
Just like achieving the 20-kill badge, it is recommended to play with friends for better communication and understanding. Playing with random people will not allow you to touch a 4k damage badge. Playing with random people will only get you the normal match but to get the 4k damage match you don’t want a regular match.
While playing with your friends, you will expect cooperation, aggression, and better communication. Playing with your friends will help you to get as much damage as possible. To finish enemies, your friends can fulfil this purpose as your main goal is only to get maximum damage. They can give you a cover and protect you from being killed to get maximum damage that will automatically lead you to achieve a 4k damage badge when you get 4,000 damage.
2. Landing on the populated spot
To get the 4k damage badge, you must wipe up half of the lobby. For this, I recommend you land the best spot where you can find the maximum number of teams to get the maximum damage by knocking them. Starting a match by getting maximum damage will automatically boost your confidence, so find the location on the map before starting the match where you can get maximum loot, and remember your loot is your enemy.
You can find two or three teams in an area, such as a hot zone or any other populated location. So, your first step is to land in a populated area and get as much damage as possible without being killed. You can also land in the nearest zone to one of the hot zones on the map and find enemies there. Always communicate with your friends and land in the same location so that they can protect and give you cover. In this way, you will get maximum damage.
3. Finishing Down Enemies
Finishing down enemies is a good idea if you know that you can’t let them get revived or if you’re about to chase down the last member of the team. If you let the enemies die without finishing them, you remove up to 200 free damages, which could have counted towards your own damage in the end.
You can also finish downed enemies knocked by your friends or enemies to get maximum damage, meaning that you might want to finish enemies on the floor if you’re rolling in as a third party. Besides this, you’ll find opportunities to abuse the enemy teams for free damages.
4. Choosing the Best Meta to Unlock 4K damage Badge
Let’s cover the meta behind getting 4k games. You’re going to want to get the badge on your favorite legend, and if the legend and that legend happens to be a movement character or a defensive character then you’re in good luck. Still, if that character isn’t somebody with a lot of utility in movement or defence, then I would highly advise you to tell your teammates to play those kinds of legends.
I highly recommend you use Octane, Horizon, Pathfinder, and Valkyrie. These legends are really good for repositioning, whether during fights or when initiating fights. With a movement character like this, you can quickly traverse the map and take high ground whenever needed.
If movement isn’t your thing then playing a defensive legend such as Caustic, Rampart, Gibraltar or New Castle allows for some great defensive play, which can come in handy when trying to farm damage. If you don’t enjoy playing defensive characters, asking your teammates to play them is always helpful so they can help you.
5. Best Weapons to use for achieving 4k Damage Badge
The next up is weapons. Now, there are two primary classes that you be using to get 4K damage. For this purpose, the weapons that I recommend are Assault Rifles and Light Machine Guns. Currently, my favorite weapons for getting high-damage games are the following.
- R301
- The Flatline
- The Spitfire
- The Rampage
- The Havoc
- The Hemlock
These weapons are all great for getting serious damage because of their high DPS and medium-range capabilities. The hemlock is also especially useful because it can decently conserve ammo, which means you can farm for even longer. After all, you’re not wasting any ammo.
Primary Weapons
On your primary weapon, which should be an LMGS and ARS, you’re going to want to have a 3x or 2 to 4x scope. This will be the primary weapon that you can use when you’re engaging in medium-range fights.
Secondary Weapons
For your secondary weapon, you must have a close-range weapon that you can use to put down a lot of damage fast in case you need to fight at close range. You should avoid snipers; I can’t recommend using shotguns or pistols. In my opinion, the best secondaries are SMGs because of their high damage-per-second capabilities. If you’re running a heavy ammo setup, you should use that C.A.R SMG; if you’re using a light ammo setup, then you should use the R99.
6. Damage Farming
I use two main strategies to get a 4K damage badge. When it comes to getting high damage, you’ll initiate a strategy known as damage farming. This is where you try to get extra damage from your fights. If you were to kill each of your enemies immediately, you would need to kill half the lobby to get 4000 damage.
So you’ll need to make your fights last as long as possible to get as much damage as possible. As far as I’ve seen there are two main strategies players use. I will call the first the final fight strategy and the second the full-farm strategy.
Final fight Strategy
This is a more common strategy, and it just involves going for as many kills as possible throughout most of the match. Once you reach the top three teams, you’ll start to damage the farm. For this strategy to be viable, you’ll need at least 2,000 initial damage to end the game with 4k.
Full farm strategy
In this strategy, you want to fight as slowly as possible throughout the game. Your main goal is to get at least a thousand damage per fight. You only need to take about four fights because you’re trying to farm the entire game. As you’re playing slower and spending a lot more resources throughout the match, I recommend having the Loba on your team to help you collect things like ammo and shields, but this isn’t necessary.
When fighting, you want to focus on cracking the enemy shields as much as possible. Aim to take fights and focus strongly on your positioning. Ensure you’re holding a spot that allows you to put down damage consistently and only push into a fight when necessary.
This strategy has two potential uses. It can either help you reach the 2,000-damage threshold before the final fight, or, if done properly, it can get you up to 3k or 4k damage in and of itself. That’s why I think this strategy is a bit more viable and much more reliable, and it tends to be the strategy I use most frequently.
7. Use Long Range Weapons at the end
Once you’re about to achieve 4,000 damage, it is recommended to use long-range weapons. The game will close soon; the result is in your hands now. Longbow and Bocek are the weapons that you should equip to finish the final step of the match and achieve 4,000 damage in a match.
While not exposing yourself too much, your main goal is to get maximum damage and finish the last part of the grind. Fishing the last step of the match will get you 4,000 damage, as it is important whether you are at 3k damage or 3,000 damage, depending on how many enemies remain.
8. You must not die
Getting 4,000 damage is required to get a 4k damage badge, but if you’re already dead, how can you achieve this badge? Don’t be greedy by utilizing unnecessary chances. Your life is important; always get the damage whenever you feel no one can knock or kill you.
Stay close to your teammates so your friends can revive you if you get downed by the enemy. However, the first time when you get downed, you can be revived within 90 Seconds; for the second being downed, you can be revived within 60 seconds; and for the third time, your friends can revive you within 15 seconds. Life is unpredictable so don’t take unnecessary chances that will lead you to get being knocked or killed.
9. Your main loot is your enemies
Stop wasting your time looting the areas. Focus on the enemies, as you will get a lot of loot from them after killing them. If you spend too much time looting the areas, you will not be able to get a 4k damage badge. Simply kill the enemies, and they will drop the loot.
10. Poke your enemies
Play it normally as it’s not going to force a 4k game because it will make you play worse naturally. You will be consistently thinking about not dying and getting high damage. If you also want a fighting mentality, don’t play scared because you’re trying to get damage and poke your enemies. Go try out the game and then when you’re near your goal maybe start to poke to get that last 1,000 damage. A lot of players don’t realize that you can actually get 100 damage for finishing kills.
Purchase the 4k damage badge
If you feel it impossible to get a 4k damage badge, or if you are busy with the packed schedule or enjoying summer vacations with your family or friends, don’t worry. My colleagues and I will get you the 4k damage badge on your behalf within a few hours. Use our Apex badge boosting service to pick it up. Choose any legend, whether Crypto, Caustic, Bloodhound, or anyone else, and relax. We got you.