Baptiste is the incredible support in Overwatch 2 capable of not only dealing with huge amounts of healing but damage as well. Baptiste has an incredible kit jam-packed with helpful utility for the team in Overwatch 2. Overwatch 2 brings many new tank Heroes, new characters, and new content into the game. The disappointing upgrade in Overwatch is in the PvP matches, as now only five players will be participating in the PvP match instead of six players on each side, which was in Overwatch 1.
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Overwatch 2 has brought along a bunch of changes to Tanks and DPS. This has caused a huge shift in how players should approach the game, but support players are still struggling. With the loss of one tank, playing support in Overwatch 2 can feel hectic and daunting; however, within this Overwatch 2 Baptiste Guide, you can get right back on track and on your way to carrying your team with confidence in Overwatch 2. Baptiste Basics, tips, and match-ups to help anyone trying to learn this support hero. Bap is known as a “DPS” support and a good bap will usually have high healing as well as damage. His kit is extremely useful although it’s important to mention Kiriko is a better bap ATM due to Suzu.
Baptiste’s Abilities
Biotic Launcher
Baptiste’s Biotic Launcher has two different firing modes. The primary firing magazine contains 45 bullets, shooting 15 three-round bursts, and each bullet does 24 damage to the body with no damage falling off. The damage falling off starts occurring at 25 meters away from the target and ends its effect at 45 meters. Where each shot does 12 damage to the body. There is a recoil pattern that comes along with the primary fire.
Baptiste Secondary Fire magazine contains 10 healing grenades that heal for 70 If they directly hit the target and 50 for other teammates impacted by its explosion. Each grenade is arcing projectile meaning that they have travel time and fall while in the air. While the travel time is fast and it is noticeable and will have to learn it to scale large distances.
Baptiste’s Regenerative
Baptiste’s Regenerative provides a convenient healing solution for the whole team when needed in the pinch. When the regenerative burst is activated, it heals 15 per second to all teammates and 30 per second to yourself over 5 seconds. The regenerative burst has only a 10-meter radius. It will heal those teammates that will be inside a radius of 10 meters. A regenerative burst should be beneficial if it is utilized when your team gets dynamited by ash or after a great deal of splash damage hits your team from Pharah and Junk Art. Do not overuse this ability as it is on a 13-second cooldown. A creative way to use regenerative burst is to use it on an engagement with a brawl.
Immortality Field
The most important ability within Baptist’s kit is the Immortality field. It defines him as a character when thrown, the immortality field flies through the air until it comes in contact with the ground. It will create a 6.5-meter radius where all friendlies are immortal while within the field. The lamp accomplishes this effect by not allowing any friendlies to submerge below 10% of their max health. If the lamp is not destroyed it can last for a whole five and a half seconds which is fight-defining. The immortality field is on a 25-second cooldown. This ability requires extreme precision to get maximum value out of the character. Place the immortality fields on the corner so that you can get the effects and you want on your allies, out of the sight of your enemies to keep the field healthy as long as possible.
Amplifications Matrix
Baptist’s ultimate is the amplification matrix. A 9X5 garage door that amplifies all friendly damage and healing that passes through it by 100%. The matrix also charges extremely quickly so using it frequently can create a lot of value and win you more fights. Baptist’s ultimate can create the breaking point in which all resources are committed, optimally one team always beats the other team.
Exo Boots
In Exo boots, you can jump up to 9.1 meters in the air. The higher you climb the less you are going to want bunny hop especially against a window. It is important that you practice with this passive as it can get you out of a lot of tough situations. Try not to jump too much higher than your destination. A situation where you will want to use your Exo boots is when an enemy may wall off your Rhine. Immediately jumping over the wall can mean the difference between the won and lost fight. Jumping up gives you more options to either heal, damage, or use your immortality field.
Tips & Tricks in 2024 to Follow
Baptiste is most effective when he stays close to his team. This way, he can use his Immortality Field and area healing grenades better. He can shoot and heal at the same time to use his abilities fully.
In Overwatch 2, where moving quickly is important, Baptiste should be in the middle of his team. His Exo Boots let him jump high to heal from above or escape from enemies by jumping up.
A lot of players make mistakes when playing Baptiste involves poorly managing your resources. It is important that you do not use your healing grenades when you don’t need them before the battle begins and during the battle. You only need 13 grenades in a MAG before you have to reload. If you waste heal on targets that took bits and pieces of damage then you will lower your uptime because of this it will cause you to use your immortality field way early compared to enemy Baptiste and lose your fights consistently.
Playing Baptiste well means knowing the best time to use his Immortality Field. Using it at the right moment can help your team win against strong enemy attacks. It’s good to use it when the enemy uses powerful moves like D.VA’s Self-Destruct, Genji’s Dragonblade, or Doomfist’s Meteor Strike. This can protect your team.
Baptiste Playstyle
Baptiste has changed compared to where he was before in Overwatch 1. Baptiste is no longer your standard brawl support pickup instead his role is shifted while it has not been Meta yet. If Arisa shifted into a better position, then Baptiste would be the pick. He would have to keep up with her needs that isn’t to say that he would not be good with other brawl compositions and function better with Brigitta and Moira. Baptiste does thrive especially in spam compositions.
When in spam composition Zenyatta his damage is impeccable comparatively over other supports. Which allows for fantastic Shields bursts against enemy Sigma. Baptiste also provides herb peeling opportunities for Zenyatta in the scenario that the enemy decides to pull out a tracer or Genji. Any Zenyatta should be able to deal with a flanker when he has over 300 effective HP. Baptiste has now peel and damage potential. In Brawl compositions, he is still going to stack with his entire team and look to push with more aggressive immortality Fields. While with spammy poke compositions, he will be staying close to his tank.
Best Synergies
The characters that will be recommended doing within the ladder include the following.
- Reinhardt
- Resa
- Mccree
- Zenyatta
Dealing with a Reinhardt means you can both set up the pace of every single game. Which is a big deal on the ladder. Doing with a Hits can provide a lot of clutch potential with windows If your team isn’t up to par with the lobby. When doing with Zenyatta or another support player during spam Metas, ensuring the specialists on the characters can be a big deal, especially with the damage that Zenyatta can do.
Baptiste Matchups
It is good to play Baptiste into Sigma. if he alts, you can toss out immortality and usually will not focus it and you will just live and get immortality filled off and you just shift as if nothing happens as a result you are full of health.
Roadhog is the best character to play Baptiste into because you build alt so fast. You will not have the time to stop and from hooking your teammates. Also having a waste immortality field on a hook is worth it but its cooldown takes much time. The best strategy is to just farm your ultimate window, kill Roadhog, and press on.
Orissa is not bad to play Baptiste into because it is easy to hit her aside, when if she is using the Javelin Spin.
Ramatra Macho alts and new window and you have one person with you, you can burn her Ramatra. It’s a lot of damage and most of the time. They won’t be blocking and they don’t respect the window.
Zarya range isn’t that good. She can’t focus on you unless your health is not in a good position. She also can’t chase you. Her health is also low. If you window and your team shoots at her she will get exploded.
Junker Queen
Junker Queen is a low HP hero. The only issue is if she does knife you, you will probably die.
If an Enemy team is running Anna and your team doesn’t have a Kiriko then in this case the immortality field isn’t that great versus anti grenade. It will keep them alive but the aim that focuses on that field breaks quickly and focuses on the person who is untied and they die as well especially your tank.
Win Conditions
Win condition is how a team can win a team fight. There are many different win conditions for every team fight but some conditions are more effective. There are ways to win a fight by using a minimal number of Ultimates to get the maximum value needed.
Let’s talk about the composition where Baptists can be played with powerful win conditions and how the win conditions interact with different compositions. A simple Baptiste brawl composition includes Reinhardt, Zarya, Mccree, Baptiste, and Lucio. This composition wants to close the distance on the enemy quickly while pressuring out the enemy Reinhardt as much as possible with heavy damage on his shield and the threat of May’s ice wall. This is a basic win condition.
In terms of ultimates, Zarya and May using their ultimates together creates a devastating combo that will leave the enemy little options. The mirror match-up teams may consider running a D.Va to counter combo as well as counter the insane amount of damage destroying Reinhardt’s shield. Beating the enemy Baptists to the window first generally means you have won the fight and can take position advantage into the next fight. While window strike is a good combo it will hinder the overall impact of your window, so make sure you look for situations where it is appropriate and when it isn’t.
Amongst the various supports Overwatch has to offer, Baptiste’s dynamic kit sets him apart from the others. Great skill and discipline are required however to get the maximum value out of Baptiste as a flex support. Within this comprehensive guide to Baptiste, there is something for everyone trying to learn Baptiste, from beginners to advanced players.