Valorant Terms that Every Player Should Know

Like other FPS games, Valorant has its own set of terms. Without learning these learning Valroant would be hard for you. To communicate and play your match properly, you should know the commonly used words in Valorant aiming. These terms are beneficial for beginners and experts. Here, we will look into some basic and advanced Valorant terminologies for Valorant skins and communication. 

Basic Valorant Terms


The agent is the character you are assigned. All agents have unique powers and weapons, that are used while playing the match. Agents have four types;

  • Duelist: Agents with massive attacking abilities
  • Controller: Expert in area control and designing a strategy
  • Initiator: Helps in starting the attack
  • Sentinel: Agents that protect their fellows


The map is where your match will take place. All maps have different layouts. There are 9 Valorant matches till yet. 


If you are playing as the attacker, you have to plant a Bomb or a Spike in the enemy’s area. The attacking team will plant this bomb and guard it till it explodes. The defending team would prevent this. 

  • Planting

Planting means to place the bomb in the enemy’s region.

  • Defusing

The defending team diffuses the bomb to prevent an explosion.


A hidden corner on the map where players can hide themselves. 

Agent Abilities

  • Flash: Flash is the ability to make the enemy blind. This way you can move without them noticing.
  • Molly: Molly helps to prevent the movement of the opposing team. 
  • Ultimate ability: Every agent has a very powerful ultimate ability. It needs to be charged before it is used. 
  • Smoke: This ability blocks visibility and prevents enemy movement.

Terms to Indicate a Player


Clutch is the last person left on the map. When you or your team has killed all the enemies, you get this title.

Entry Fragger

The first player enters and starts the fight. 

Exit Frag

When players run away from the planting site, to prevent damage from bomb explosion. 

Top Frag

The player who kills the greatest number of persons. 

Bottom frag

The players with the least number of kills.

Lurk/ Flank

A lurk is any player who goes against his team members to attack the enemy from a different angle. This makes them able to catch the enemy off guard. 

Terms for Valorant Strategies


Push does not mean to push a person. It means moving towards a region aggressively. 


A hold is less aggressive than the push strategy. It is concerned with defending the planting site. 


This strategy is used when you are losing the game. It means to save your weapons and equipment for the next match.


Bait is any movement or action that grabs the enemy’s attention. 


Indicates the death of the opposing team member. 


Camping means staying in the same place for a longer time.

Ninja Defuse

If you manage to destroy the bomb without the enemy noticing, it is Ninja defuse. This usually involves abilities such as smoke to restrict the vision of the enemy.


Killing an enemy after he has killed your team member. It keeps the numbers since you have taken the event.


Purchasing a weapon for a team member.

Bunny hop

Bunny hop, abbreviated as b-hop is a faster movement than a sprint. It includes air strafing, and buffering the jumps.


Simultaneously firing when strafing in the reverse direction. Using this, you can shoot accurately. 


A headshot is a bullet that hits the head. If this headshot does not kill the person, it is called a Dink.


When the enemy is getting fired by two members of the opposing team from opposite sides. 

Line up

To arrange yourself to get the most from your ability. 

Jiggle peek

To take a rapid peek to get information about your enemies.


When an enemy has suffered huge damage and is about to die.


To get out of your spot to look for enemies. Peak on me indicates the other player to hide until indicated by the first player. 

Wall Hack

To see through the walls.

Wall Bang

Securing a kill by shooting across the wall.


Attacking a site with many team members.


If the player wants to defuse the bomb instead of tapping it.


The movement of players across the map.


Firing at a site where enemies are usually located without knowing their position. 


Winning the round without facing any causalities.

Terms for Communication


The site is the location where you want to plant the bomb. 

  • Heaven: It is the elevated location.
  • Hell: It is a lower position.

Clear site

Check the site thoroughly before the attacking team plants the bomb.


If your enemy is coming from the spawn, the term CT spawn is used to convey this information to the team members.


Eco round is where your team is saving money. You do not invest in expensive weapons or equipment. This is done to play better in the next round.


  • Full-buy

The team spends a huge sum to get expensive weapons and utilities. 

  • Force buy

When the team sacrifices their utilities and weapons to purchase things. 

  • Half-buy

This is an intermediate condition, where your team wants to purchase but their economy needs to allow it. 


When you’re fighting against a team with a low budget.


As indicated by the name, retake means to get control of a site after it has been taken over by the enemies.


When your opponent gets damaged, it is not enough to kill them. This indicates to the team member that they should continue the attack to kill him.


It is used to talk about a specific site on the map. For example, one map has different callouts including heaven or elbow.

Valorant Slangs


It denotes a player who is not actively playing the game. 


It means overpowered. This is used when any ember is too strong to handle.


Multiple shots form a weapon without any break. There is no time for a recoil.


These were all the Valorant terms you should know before playing Valorant matches. It will make the game easier for you. Do not worry if you cannot learn all these at once. Learning them takes time. You will get a better idea when you start playing the matches. A good tip is to watch matches of pro players to learn the game basics.


What is thrifty in Valorant?

When the winning team has load-outs of at least 2500 less credit value than the losing team.

What is a team ace?

A team ace happens when all the players of a team kill at least one agent in the match.

What does TP mean in Valorant?

TP is the abbreviated form of teleport.

What does NT mean in Valorant?

NT is a sign of acknowledging your partner. It stands for a nice try.

What is meant by FF in Valorant?

FF stands for forfeit, which means to surrender.

What is MMR in Valorant?

Valorant has a matchmaking rating system to make players of similar levels fight.