Valorant Noob Guide: Do’s and Don’ts to Remember

Are you new to Valorant and feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information out there? Don’t worry, we are here to help you! If you are just starting or looking to improve your skills, this Valorant economy guide is for you. I will break down the dos and don’ts of Valorant in a detailed yet easy-to-understand manner.

Valorant Do’s

I have compiled a few of the Valorant dos that you should implement in your game. They will make sure that you are on the winning side of the match. 

Play a Safe Post-Plant

Try to stay alive once you have planted the spike. You have to deny the enemy information about your position. Crossfires can help communicate with teammates and maintain map control. You can win the round with this strategy.

Use Utility to Buy Time

Appropriate use of utilities such as Molotovs and flashes is important. They can delay enemy pushes during post-plant situations. You will get a few seconds for your team to secure the round.

Establish Gameplans with Lineups

You have to coordinate with teammates when using agent abilities effectively. It is especially important when following lineups for post-plant situations or retakes.

Keep Crosshair at Head Level

Maintain your crosshair placement at head level at all times. You will be able to land headshots and secure kills precisely by using this strategy.

Utilize Economy Wisely

Your decisions regarding weapon purchases should be based on the map. You should know your team’s budget and their skill levels. Select firearms based on weapon recoil, and spray patterns. Personal proficiency also plays a crucial role.

Adapt Positioning on Defense

You have to avoid rotating between different defensive positions. This will prevent the enemy from knowing your position. You have to make it challenging for attackers to be aware of your movements.

Communicate Eco Round Strategies

Develop coordinated strategies for eco rounds with your team. You should focus on increasing utility and getting the best from your opponent’s weaknesses.

Stay Aware of Ultimate Status

You have to be aware of your team’s and the enemy’s ultimate abilities. This way you will be able to get a better idea of their plays. Use this information to adjust your strategy.

Maximize Shotgun Efficiency

When using shotguns on eco rounds, aim for the upper chest. It will increase the damage caused and hence increase your chances of achieving the results.

Remain Agile in Hyper Situations

You should stay calm and focused during clutch situations. Avoid unnecessary movement and maintain a steady aim to win against the opponents.

Valorant Don’t’s

Now that you are aware of the strategies you should be using, you should know about the strategies that can cause negative effects. Stay away from these don’ts to increase your chances of winning. 

Don’t Reveal Post-Plant Position

Unnecessary noise or movement after planting the spike can bring negative results. It can give away your position to opponents and bring you down. You may face loss if your plans are disclosed.

Recoil Control with Vandal

The Vandal rifle is cool, but it doesn’t mean that you will spray wildly. You have to focus on controlled bursts or tapping to maintain accuracy and weaken the recoil.

Do not Force Buy

If your team’s economy is struggling, stay away from buying weapons or other items. It will only hinder your ability to purchase essential utility and play effectively in the rounds.

Communicate in the Plays

You should have a functioning microphone so you can always communicate with your team. It is necessary to coordinate strategies and share information throughout matches.

Avoid Over-Rotating on Defense

A common mistake is to get over in movements. Never over-commit to rotations based on little information. It can leave your position vulnerable and expose your team to unnecessary risks.

Strategic Movement with Keys

Have better control over the movement by utilizing the A and D keys to clear angles. It will help to minimize exposure to enemy fire and enhance your survivability in engagements.

Be Patient in Queueing

Take breaks between matches to reset mentally. It is vital to maintain peak performance. Avoid tilt and frustration as it can impact your match negatively.

Mindful Agent Selection in Competitive Play

You should not experiment with unfamiliar agents in competitive matches. Always choose familiar and proficient agents. It will maximize your contribution to the team.

Bottom Line!

Learning the strategies of Valorant is essential for success in competitive battles. Learn from these do’s and avoid the don’ts outlined in this guide. This way you can take a golf match and move towards a victory on the battlefield. You should be patient, and open to communication with your team. Continuously try to improve yourself. Eventually, practice will make you perfect in winning the Valorant matches. 


How can I improve my aim in Valorant?

Practice regularly in aim training maps and deathmatches to improve your accuracy and reaction time for the targets. Adjust your sensitivity settings to find the right balance between precision and agility.

What should I prioritize when spending my credits in Valorant?

You need to purchase essential utilities such as smokes, flashes, and defuse kits, especially for agents with supportive roles. Keep a check on your team’s economy and needs when selecting weapons and armor upgrades.

How can I effectively communicate with my team in Valorant?

Utilize in-game voice chat or text chat to provide relevant information. Talk about enemy locations, strategies, and status updates. Keep your communications concise and focused on valuable information to facilitate better play.

What should I do if I encounter toxic behavior in Valorant matches?

Mute or report toxic players to maintain a positive gaming experience for yourself and others. You should stay focused on your match and communicate constructively with your team.

How can I overcome tilt and maintain mental peace during challenging matches?

Take regular breaks between matches to refresh your mindset and avoid becoming overwhelmed by frustration. Practice mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing and positive self-talk to stay calm and focused during intense moments.