Follow These Steps to Get Super Sonic Legend in Rocket League

Hello everyone. My name is Warren and I will tell you about how to reach SSL in Rocket League. If you play Rocket League regularly you would know how hard it can get sometimes. When your teammates trash-talk to you for missing a shot or they keep getting afk. There’s no doubt that Rocket League is a very tough game, but these types of players make it even tougher. The lower your MMR is in Rocket League the more you will encounter this type of player.

The better your rank gets the more serious teammates you’ll get. While this might not be true it happens most of the time because at the bottom the players don’t care enough about the game but at the higher players have something to lose like their MMR or their ranks etc. which is why they take the game more seriously. 

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While getting better at any game comes with a cost of commitment, hours of practice, and a never-giving-up attitude. And in Rocket League that is not so different. In this blog, I will guide you on how you can achieve the highest rank the game has to offer which is The supersonic legend. If you read this guide carefully and perform everything well enough you’ll get that rank in a couple of months.

Keep in mind that supersonic legend is the most prestigious rank in the game and only 0.010% of all the players possess the rank. So it is safe to say that it’s a tough and complex road to that rank.  You will need to get at least your MMR in the 1900 range to get the rank it’s the threshold that you need to surpass to be a supersonic legend. That means if you have completed your placement match and got placed at bronze 1 you will need to win 190 matches to be safe. 

Now here’s a step-by-step guide that you need to follow to get to supersonic rank.

Make a routine:

So as you know only a very small number of players are super sonic legends and most of them are professional players meaning that they do this for a living. So if you want to be like them you have to behave like them. Most professional rocket Players have a practice routine as well as a daily routine that they follow.  I will focus on their practice routine because their daily routine is kind of out of point here. 

Just eat healthy and do some exercise to get the optimal focus for the game. Now let’s get to the warmup routine. So firstly download some workshop maps related to the precise aim which maps are completely your own choice now play on them for over 10 to 15 minutes. What this will do is it will build your muscle memory and instinct to put the ball in the net. 

The next thing that you need to do is to practice aerial control whether you do rings or an overall map run over, it’s entirely up to you. If you just started to play the game then skip this one out because it’s harder than it looks. So play some regular games and get used to mechanics before jumping on rollovers. Doing aerial cart control will help you handle the car well while dribbling or air rolling.

After playing on both of these maps for 10 to 20 minutes, load up free play, try to control the ball as much as possible, and apply whatever you learned in the warm-up. After playing on freeplay load up the game and start to play real players.

Watch Pro Matches and gameplay:

This is a universal tip for any game out there. If you want to get good at anything watch how the best of that field get their thing done and try to replicate that. So if you want to get the best rank in rocket league you will need to replicate what the best rank players do in their games. Now there are two things that you can do to achieve this.

The first one is that you could watch some of the tier-one professional streams. While this is an easy one because most of the pros are fun to watch at the same time it is a lot more time-consuming. The second thing you can do is to just watch tier one tournaments and analyze them critically and take anything that you can do as of your current skill level and practice it often. 

This will make it easier for you to get better at the game which is the ultimate goal for you. And doing what you currently can will also boost your confidence. Even If you do dumb things in a game with enough confidence they can turn out to be great.  Apart from pro matches, you should also revise your gameplay because they will give another perspective on your performance. 

Read more about:  40 Tips on How to Rank Up Fast in Rocket League 

Master the Mechanics and Game Sense:

Now the next step would be to master the mechanics learn positions and rotations and develop game sense. 

Mastering the mechanics:

Mastering any mechanic in Rocket League would take practice and a good amount of time before you even get remotely good at it. So to speed up the process you only need to focus on one thing that is in your domain like if you are a defender trainer for shadow defending if you are an attacker focus and train only for shooting and spacing. Doing this will minimize the time it takes to be proficient at a skill.

Game sense:

Game sense is one of the most important things in any competitive game. Game sense is a thing where you can predict accurately what your enemy is trying to do or what he might do. But unfortunately, unlike practicing the game’s mechanics you simply can’t practice or train yourself to attain game sense.

The only way to develop game sense is by playing the game a lot and analyzing the games you’ve been playing. The more you play the better your chance will be to predict and rebuttal against your enemies 

Wrapping it up 

Increasing rank to SSL can be hard but not impossible. I have shared some pro tips that you can follow to increase your Rocket League rank up to Super Sonic Legend. If you still need help, you can always check out our RL Boosting service and let me and my colleagues help you reach SLL.