Best Controller Bindings for Rocket League in 2025

In eSports the margin of error is slim if you miss a short by a couple of pixels you’ll get shot. You’ll get shot if you take half a second more to react to something, apart from shooting e-sport titles. In games like Dota 2 or League of Legends, those games are a little more forgiving as you don’t need to be as quick as in the fps title but you still need to be snappy and reactive according to the situation.

best controller settings for RL

The most common thing pros do to get quick is alter their in-game settings. Whether it’s the video settings, sound settings, or their keybindings. They alter it to make it the quickest thing available. Most Counter-strike pros use a mouse wheel for jumping while it might sound convenient it helps them to make more jumps in less time. 

In this blog, I will be talking about the best binding in Rocket League which will make playing Rocket League easier and most importantly will make you quicker to make more decisions. keep in mind all of these bindings will be for controllers and if you play on PC and are even a little bit serious about Rocket League then I would suggest you invest in a controller.

1. Air Roll:

The first on the list is air roll while it is always a good practice to bind it on a separate button and not collide with any other action. But you can take these one step further by using your right and left bumper for air rolls. You should bind your left bumper to the left air roll and for your right bumper, you should bind the right air roll.

What this will do is it will allow you to get better at air rolling by making it easier for you to make decisions. This also helps to get better at air dribbling because it gives you the precision to make micro-adjustments.

2. Throttle:

As observed most of the professional Rocket League e-sport players use throttle on their trigger or R2 for most of us. The reason that they use r2 or trigger for throttle is that it is easier to use while also using boost. While this will come as a learning curve it’ll give a wider range to use throttle while boosting or air rolling. This bind is standard, so let’s move on to the next one.

3. Powerslide:

The third on the list is the power slide it allows the player to do multiple things based on their binding of course. So if you have to bind your boost with the right or left bumper then you should also bind the power slide to that same button. This will allow you to boost and slide at the same.

This bind has a learning curve and it will take time to get used to it.

What this allows you to do is boost with a power slide with an option to control the camera with a left stick. 

4. Boost:

Boost is a very sensitive mechanic in rocket league and you should always bind it where you can reach and react to it the fastest. But if you have’nt built the muscle memory yet for any key then it’s best to use keys that most professionals use and 80% of the pros use the circle for it. If you X-box controller then it’ll be the “B” button for you.

You could also bind it with the right bumper this will make aerial easy for you. Whether it’s an air dribble or carry binding boost with the right bumper is a great choice. It will free up your circle button which you could bind for something else.

5: Jump:

After freeing the circle or b now you are left with one of the most ergonomic ones on the controller.  So if you bind jump with it which is also very frequently used in the game it’ll make much more sense considering that you can’t do anything major like air dribbling, carrying, or air-rolling you will need to jump to do all of that. By binding it with a circle or B depending on your controller it’ll give you much more room to spam jumps and get the best results.

6. Ball Cam:

Ball cam is purely situational bind and frankly, most of the new players don’t even use it. Ball cam is not itself a mechanic because it does’nt affect the gameplay not even a little bit. But it is not entirely useless. Most pro players use it to make air dribbling easier and make sure that the ball hit’s right angle so they get the perfect elevation to score.

Now if you already know how to dribble and have covered your basics then I want you to bind the ball Cam to “Square” or “X” depending on which controller you use. It will be easier for you to make a jump and just watch the ball collectively. It can be great if you know what you are doing.

7. Brake:

Breaks should always be quicker and they have the utmost importance in Rocket League whether you want to make micro-adjustments or just to give a precise pass to your teammate. Break is equally important to be in reach as much as boost or throttle. So most professionals use breaks on their controller’s left bumper but since we already have calibrated it with boost you should calibrate brakes with triggers. This will allow you to make drifts and it will be easier for you to spam breaks. You could also bind your throttle on your right trigger and break on your right bumper. 

8. Scoreboard:

Now that all your bumpers and triggers are bound with other mechanics you could bind the scoreboard with the “triangle” or the “Y” button on your controller. There is a couple of reasons why you want to do it. The first one is that if you are new to the game and are not very familiar with the arenas then with the help of this bind you can be aware of your surroundings and you can know where you exactly are. 

9. Air-Roll Singular bind:

The first bind was about the air rolls with two bumpers but if you have a little bit of practice then you don’t need two buttons for the separate direction. You could just bind one bumper for both directions. While this may seem stressful at first if you get used to it it’ll be quicker for you to press 1 button and air-roll with steer.


Q: What are the best control bindings for RL?

The most popular one is as follows air-roll on both bumpers for each direction. Boost on circle or B and power slide on the trigger.

Q: What controller do most Rocket League players use?

Controllers provide much more precision and better ergonomics for players to use in Rocket League. 

Q: What are the best controller settings for Rocket League?

You could try mix and match but these are the better setting for a controller.

Steering Sensitivity: 1.00 to 1.50. 
Aerial Sensitivity: 1.00 to 1.50. 
Controller Deadzone: 0.50. 
Dodge Deadzone: 0.50 – 0.70. 
Controller Vibration: Disabled. 
Ball Camera Mode: Toggle.

Q: Is Rocket League easier on the controller or keyboard?

Most professional players use a controller to play Rocket the reason behind it is that it’s easier to move your car precisely while doing air dribbles and air rolls are also easier on a controller than a keyboard.

Q: What is the best Keybind for air roll in Rocket League?

The best key bind to use for an air roll is to bind them with each bumper in the same direction right bumper for the right air roll and the left bumper for the left air roll.

Q: What hitbox do most Rocket League pros use?

Most pros use octane as their main car. More than 70% person of Rocket League’s e-sport scene uses octane as their main because of its balanced hitbox.

Q: Are there any recommended keybinding presets for beginners in Rocket League?

While it’s always preferential about what binds a player wants to use in general at first you need to get the basics right like binding air rolling to two different buttons to make things clearer.

Q: How can I improve my car control in Rocket League?

Customizing keybinds as your preference will help you a lot in terms of controlling your car and improving it over time.

Q: Can I use a keyboard and mouse instead of a controller for Rocket League?

Of course, you could use a mouse and keyboard instead of a controller and some professional players have done it before. But it is easier to get used to controller than to a mouse and keyboard combo.