Every competitive game has a unique ranking system that places every player in their respective skill set group. This ranking system also helps give the players a fair match-making experience every time because it puts the players with similar skill sets against each other, making the game challenging but not too hard to play.
Most games use an MMR or ELO system, meaning that with each win or loss, you’ll either gain points or lose points reflecting your rank. Games like Dota 2, valorant, and the finals use this system to evaluate their player’s ranks

As you know today’s blog is on the Rainbow Six Siege and its ranking system. Since Ubisoft changed the ranking system and how it was used to behave. I will go in-depth about the ranking system i will explain everything about this new ranking system and we are also going to do a recap of the old ranking system which was similar to the Elo system.
So firstly we have to do the ranking system 1.0 so we can understand what the new 2.0 version does and how it is better than the previous one.
How was the ranking system 1.0?
So the first ranking system which lasted for about 8 years was pretty straightforward. Firstly an unranked player gets placed in placement matches to determine his skill set. These placement matches last for 10 matches then after getting placed into a rank. The players start earning MMR or match-making ratings. So if a player wins a match they will gain mmr and if they lose a match they will lose some of the mmr.
A continuous win streak causes a rank up and a continuous lose streak causes a rank demotion. This ranking system was pretty standard as it is used in most of the other mainstream competitive titles like valorant or Dota 2. This ranking was straightforward but it had some shortcomings like no rank decay as well as less precise matchmaking. Nonetheless, it laid the foundation of the rank ladder in Rainbow Six Siege.
The new and improved Ranked 2.0:
Ubisoft introduced this new ranking system to improve upon their previous one. The first major difference between the 1.0 and the 2.0 was the disparity between the visible rank and the hidden MMR. This means that your hidden MMR could be way higher than your visible rank or the other way around. Now this disparity adds complexity to the game.
Since your real visible rank does not tell the full story about your skills that is why the hidden MMR places you in the matches accordingly. The second big change was the removal of placement matches. I am not a big fan of it because if new players do not go through the initial placement matches they will not have the basics and soon they will bum out in the game. In ranked 2.0 every player will start from the lowest rank the copper V and the players have to grind the game to get a better rank and so on.
Another change was that ubi soft removed the de-rank situation and added a rank protection system.
So if you lose a match and lose all your RP you still would not lose the rank. After losing the rp and being at 0 rp you would have to lose another match to lose the rank and if you win the very next match you will get to keep your current rank.
The next that this new ranking system changed was that it introduced divisions with each rank. Now each rank has 5 different divisions.
Check out this video for a better understanding
How ranks work in Rainbow Six Siege:
As I stated above there 8 ranks in Rainbow Six and 7 of them have 5 divisions each. Let me put down all of them below so you can understand the rank ladder better.
- Copper V, IV, III, II, I
- Bronze V, IV, III, II, I
- Silver V, IV, III, II, I
- Gold V , IV, III, II, I
- Platinum V, IV, III, II, I
- Emerald V, IV, III, II, I
- Diamond V, IV, III, II, I
- Champions.
There are 35 ranks for the players to climb while Copper is the lowest rank and the champions are the pinnacle of the rank ladder. The new ranking system made the ranks lengthy to give them depth and to give the players a long route to achieve the best rank possible. Now how does ranking up or down work?
As I mentioned earlier this 2.0 update ranking system was pretty similar to the good old Elo system where your matches get points and losses strip you of them. But to add layers to this system Ubisoft added RP ( ranked point) and a hidden MMR system which will be used to determine how much RP you’ll lose or gain in a match. Your current rank point and your hidden MMR can be wide apart and the bigger the gap between your RP and your MMR the more RP points you’ll lose.
Source: https://rainbowsix.fandom.com/wiki/Ranked
Matchmaking and rank progression in Ranked 2.0:
Like every other competitive game with a rank queue in Rainbow Six Siege, you also get placed against the same ranked players as you. Ubisoft has added this new thing in this ranking system most of the time the visible rank could be lower or higher than the player’s hidden MMR. So you as a copper player can get placed against players in gold or platinum ranks because of your hidden MMR being on the same level as the gold players despite your visible rank being very low.
Rank progression is also really dependent on the hidden MMR. Now after every rank reset or after every season ends all of the players will start from the copper v. whether they were a champion player or the gold player after a rank reset everybody will start from copper but those who were in higher ranks like platinum or diamond will rank up faster than the players who were silver or gold before the rank reset.
Rainbow Six Siege also rewards players with rank charms. With each new season, the rewards and charms change after reaching each rank you will unlock emblems and charms that you can flex upon. For every tier, you’ll unlock charms and alpha packs in which you can find backgrounds, cosmetic items, weapons skins, and whatnot.
Before playing the ranked mode you need to unlock rank mode. This is pretty straightforward forward but it is a lengthy process since you need to achieve 50 levels to unlock the mode by the time you reach level 50 you will have the fundamental knowledge about the game. This also helps in rank mode because it will be very chaotic if most of the new players who are playing the rank mode for the first time don’t know what to do.
How Do I Rank Up Faster in Rainbow Six Siege?
Now here I will share some of the tips that will help you to rank up faster in Rainbow Six Siege.
If you have ever watched any of the professional player’s POVs and their comms you will find one thing. All of them stay very calm throughout the game they communicate with their conciseness and calmness. Since shouting or blaming yourself self getting on the comms will only hurt you and your team.
So try to stay calm while communicating with your team. Also, be precise with calls you make and strip out any unnecessary information like how much damage you gave the enemy or how he killed you just be clear in your comms and most importantly stay relaxed.
Play with Friends:
Since the whole point of any game is to enjoy it. Playing Rainbow Six with friends can give you so many memories and laughter that you can recall. Rainbow Six Siege is supposed to be played with a team if you have friends who play Rainbow Six you should also queue
Crosshair placement:
The first tip would be to learn crosshair placement because if you learn how to place your crosshair on the potential headshot angle it will be a lot easier to kill the enemies. Since you will not have to readjust your time to kill would also be a lot less.
You could learn crosshair placement by playing on specific maps and trying to aim for heads. You could also use aim trainers that are specifically designed for this.
Learn the maps:
The second tip would be to learn the map and their layouts. Since Rainbow Six Siege is highly tactical and the margin of error is really low you need to know where your enemy could be learning the map layouts will help massively because you would know which angle to hold and how to trap the enemy.
Rewatching your gameplay can help you to learn the maps faster if you don’t want to do that you can also watch analysts decoding the gameplay of professional players.
Select an appropriate agent:
Similar to valorant agents play a massive role in Rainbow Six. Since all of them have different abilities that come in handy in heisty situations picking the right agent for the right time can be the difference maker. If you are new to the game here are some of the great choices for agents for beginner players.
- Sledge
- Ash
- Thermite
- Rook
- Mute
- Kapkan
How does ranked 2.0 work in Rainbow Six Siege?
In ranked 2.0 Ubisoft has separated the MMR into rank and skill. The hidden MMR will be used to match you up with similar rank players while rank will be visible to show your status in the game.
What season was ranked 2.0 introduced?
In Y7S4 the new ranked system 2.0 was introduced.
Is copper 5 the worst rank in R6?
After the ranked 2.0 every player will start their ranking journey from copper 5. So while it is the worst rank in the game all of the players will have to go through this rank making it not that bad.
How does champion rank work in R6?
After reaching the threshold of 5000 MMR the players will enter the champion rank and for the most part, the champion rank does work like every other normal rank despite it being the best rank.
Does unranked affect KD in R6?
It does not affect the players by any means at all.