How to Rank Up Quickly in Rainbow Six Siege 2024

It’s a new Season and you don’t want to end up in the same old rank as last Season. Your goal is to hit gold emerald or diamond and Champ but how can you do that? Well, in today’s blog, I will give you some important tips on ranking up faster and easier. A lot of you are struggling with having good teammates then it’s about how you play and if you can win games over and over again. So, make sure to implement every tip we discuss as these tips might be the main reason you’re stuck in your rank.

Feature image saying rank up faster

Achieving a high rank in Rainbow Six Siege is a formidable challenge, including for the seasoned veterans who may fight hard to reach the prestigious Champion Rank. Especially during your initial season, it’s important to set realistic goals. The high level of strategic depth is one of the great aspects of Rainbow Six Siege.  No two matches and no two rounds play out the same way. Several destructible maps combined with 71 unique operators offer a robust experience. For players who are striving to climb the ranks, this complexity can be overwhelming for them.

You must maintain a proper winning streak to rank up quickly in Rainbow Six Siege. The current ranking system differs from the hidden MMR introduced by Ubisoft in Operation Solar Raid. The rating is still taken into consideration when ranking up through the divisions. Therefore, ranking up in the Ranked 2.0 is easier as the new ranking system only has 100 points per rank.

How Rainbow Six Siege Ranking System Works

There are 8 ranks in Rainbow Six and 7 of them have 5 divisions each. You can’t play ranked Rainbow Six Siege until you reach level 50. That’s when ranked is officially unlocked and the grinding can begin. Let me put down all of them below so you can understand the rank ladder better.

·       Copper: V, IV, III, II, I.

·       Bronze: V, IV, III, II, I.

·       Silver: V, IV, III, II, I.

·       Gold: V, IV, III, II, I.

·       Platinum: V, IV, III, II, I.

·       Emerald: V, IV, III, II, I.

·       Diamond: V, IV, III, II, I.

·       Champion.

There are a total of 35 ranks for the players to climb while Copper is the lowest rank and the champions are the pinnacle of the rank ladder. The new ranking system made the ranks lengthy to give them depth and to give the players a long route to achieve the best rank possible. Now how does ranking up or down work?

The 2.0 update ranking system was pretty similar to the good old Elo system where your matches get points and losses strip you of them. But to add layers to this system Ubisoft added RP (ranked point) and a hidden MMR system which will be used to determine how much RP you’ll lose or gain in a match. Your hidden MMR and your current rank point can be wide apart, your RP points depend upon the gap between MMR and RP and the bigger the gap between your MMR and your RP the more RP points you’ll lose.

All Rainbow Six Siege are divided into five divisions except for Champion. Those players who can gain 100 Rank Points can hope for a promotion to a higher division. This number remains constant regardless of the rank you are attempting to move up. The R6 ranked system depends upon your skill, which is flexible and is based on your game performance. However, your Skill will be valued at around 1,100, which grants you entry to the Copper ranks at the lowest point.

How Many Wins Required to Rank Up in Rainbow Six Siege

Every Rainbow Six Siege player will be curious to know how many wins to rank up Rainbow Six Siege. To make you sweat and grind for hours, all competitive shooters have one common feature. This is a basic requirement to achieve a higher division. As we mentioned earlier, moving from one division to another requires you to earn 100 Rank Points in total.

Speaking of how many games to rank up in Rainbow Six Siege, you must win 3 matches in a row. As you can never predict what getting to a higher division will cost you, so this number is averaged. The results depend on the following two factors.

·       Player’s performance

·       Numbers of game players played

If you merge all these factors, you can estimate exactly how long it will take to rank up in R6.

What rank Players can play together in Rainbow Six Siege?

Your rank is determined by your matchmaking rank or MMR. Keep in mind that each tier has a set rating you have to reach to get into that tier.

Your MMR will change after every match, impacted by your losses and wins. Your MMR will also be affected by the skill level of your enemy. If the opponent is ranked higher, your MMR will get a boost. Getting kicked and abandoning games will decrease your MMR.

Your Matchmaking rank has to be at a 1,000 disparity to play a match with friends. This is implemented in four to 10 ranks. The Bronze IV players can pair up with a Copper V player. However, anyone above Silver V can’t join that Lobby.

Top 20 Tips to Rank Up Fast in Rainbow Six Siege

You can watch this video as well! It will help you get better at R6.

With plenty of operators, maps, and weapons to choose from, it takes new players several hours to get a hang of everything and more. Every R6 player wants to know how to rank up faster in R6 to claim better rewards.

Here are all the tips that you need to implement when playing ranked matches in Rainbow Six Siege.


The first thing you have to make sure that what you’re doing is getting yourself super ready for ranked. If there’s one game, you’re not dropping kills or not clutching or not performing in general then you better just stop playing because you’re not ranking up. Now what you have to do is to get into shooting range since Thon got removed and work on your aim and movement.

I recommend 15 minutes for warming up in the shooting range. Play with guns that have recoil and use different scopes. Practice tracking, flecking, and recoil control then do all those again while you’re moving. Just don’t lead spam or Crouch spam. Focus on what keys you’re pressing and how can you improve your skills. Once you’re done with that you have to play free-for-all.

Find Teammates

Here comes one of the most important tips, Teammates. You got to play a couple of games solo and perform. When you do that, then others want to play or queue with you so you can actually find some other solo queue players like yourself. One important question is whether should you have a five-star solo queue or a duo queue and which one is better. In my opinion, duo queue is the best you can get out of your rank games and I have experienced all of them. Five stacking obviously makes everything easier but at the same time, it can get things complicated.

Team chemistry might be low or you guys not wiping together or everyone’s talking too much and sometimes you altogether want to play by strategy but that might be too much for rank. Sometimes it’s better to just play Simple and adapt based on the situation. See what the enemy is doing during a match and counter it. Engage in casual matches or solo queues in ranked mode to encounter potential teammates. While it might seem hypocritical, always do your best to find better players than you, so you can learn new tips and tricks from their playstyle.

Play Needed Ops

You have to play the operators needed for that map and site. A lot of you pick your comfort Ops and that’s fine but there comes a time when you need some Utility or Center gadget to outplay or counter your enemies. Some operators can do three or four different things at the same time such as opening B, getting rid of utility, or covering the flank. Don’t be selfish as the more you help your team with picking the right operator the easier it gets to win rank games.

Take / Contest Map

Tip number four is to take and contest map control. A lot of low-rank players either sit on the side and give up so much space to attackers or when they’re attacking, they just want to stay out of the map and hold an angle for 1 minute. From now on, you should be expanding your site setup and holding more rooms and areas next to you, this way you give attackers a hard time taking that area and you waste time and utility. Then you should keep this up with the next room they want to take so at the end they have to take gunfights or plan with the limited time they have left.

As an attacker, you need to fight back and get control of the map faster. Don’t just sit and hold angles, waiting for them to pick you. Open up vaults, cut off angles, use your drones, and then utility to force defenders out of their position. Every minute that goes by, you should be closer to sight and ready to plan and execute.

Stay Close to Team

What you need to do in your games whether you’re on attack and defense is to stay close to your teammates to double up with them, reflect on them, or help them with your gadget or utility. Some players in the lobby are just lost in terms of situational awareness like you are fighting on the other side of the map and your teammate is just sitting somewhere else baiting up. Baiting is only getting kills for yourself but with ref fragging, you get kills, you take map control, and you might actually win the round.


Don’t care what rank are you or if you’re solo or not, open up your mouth and start talking with your team even if they’re not talking back. Don’t start saying hello or how are you because for some reason people start ignoring you instead. Players don’t like soloing because of this, so as soon as you start giving calls and helping them with info you encourage them to communicate and use their mic. Just don’t do backseat gaming and tell them how to aim, where to go, or when to reload. If they’re terrible then giving them advice will help much. Work your way with randoms and you might be able to play as a team not solo.

Get Kills Always

Sometimes it doesn’t matter how good your teammates are or if you all communicate. The enemy team can be super good as well, so it’s a tough game and now it’s your time to shine. If you want to win then you need to expect yourself to drop at least 10 kills. You should be the guy that gets pissed over it. Checking all the angles in the map, always getting the first kill for your team, and clutching when it’s needed. Win most of your 1v1 to maximize your chance of winning. In the end, it’s really up to you to win rank games.

Don’t Quit Early and watch replays

Keep playing for a good amount of time or games. Some people play for a couple of games and they just get off or they stop playing as soon as they lose. Rank is the only place where you can actually improve and get better even when you lose. Instead of quitting, you want to see what your mistakes are and how can you fix them. Ranking up and getting the rank you want is a grind. You need to play like 100 games and never give up or lose your composure.

I suggest clipping some of the rounds you die and watching it back when you’re queuing for the next game. See if your movement was the problem or positioning or did you have picked the wrong side. Then as you’re playing the next game, keep reminding yourself to do them correctly. This way you not only play better but you become more confident. The only time you want to take a break and go off is when you lose three or four games in a row. Then starting fresh is so much better than playing with a negative mindset. Remind your friends of this as well because you might be playing well but they being negative affects your performance.

Keep Objective in Mind

Siege is not a game where your main goal should be getting kills. The game offers three main modes: Secure Area, Bomb, and Hostage, with only Bomb being allowed in ranked play.

·       On the defensive side, make sure that at least one teammate remains at the site. Adopting an all-on-site or an all-roaming strategy without a specific plan is a recipe for disaster. You still have the opportunity to retake the site if the defuser is planted. Try to retake the site from above if there are more bodies in your team.

·       On the attacking side, your objective is to plant the defuser at one of the bomb sites. Seize the opportunity to rush to the site and plant the defuser if you notice that the opponents have left a bomb site unguarded. Once planted, your task shifts to resisting the defenders from destroying the defuser.

Rainbow six ranks

Use Your Drones Efficiently

Your most invaluable asset in R6 isn’t your teammates, but rather a seemingly insignificant electronic device: your drone. This one pesky device can be the difference between losing or winning. Particularly when playing solo, treat your drones as if they were worth their weight in gold.

During the preparation phase, strategically position your drone in key locations, such as observing high-traffic areas or covering flank stairs. Before making your entry into the building, you can also use them to scout and clear areas. Leave behind the drone at spawn during the prep phase and save it for later use during the Attack Phase in a match. This will make sure that you’ll have two drones at your disposal to swiftly recon an area when required. What you absolutely shouldn’t do is take your drone directly to the site and get it demolished. Let others search out the site location.

Learn Ranked Maps

Rainbow Six Siege boasts an exceptionally steep learning curve, largely due to its complicated maps. Master the ins and outs of the maps featured in the Ranked queue to climb the ranks successfully. Use Custom mode to learn the general layout, including the locations of the hatches and stairs. Keep in mind that a significant portion of every map is destructible. To destroy the maps to find new angles, use operators like Buck, Ram, or Sledge in Custom mode.

When you are an Attacker, Vertical destruction plays a pivotal role in Rainbow Six Siege. You must know where to put the Breaching Charge to push out that bunkered-down defender from a guarded position.

Use Ping to Relay Information

The Ping system is extremely important in Siege because it’s helpful to relay information that text or voice chat never could. Utilize the Yellow Ping to inform your teammates where the enemy is, as the opponent won’t be alerted by this ping as they would with the Red Ping.

You can also use pings to mark individual attackers’ and defenders’ gadgets, signaling to your team to deal with that specific piece of utility. You might ping a Bulletproof Camera to prompt Flores or Twitch to destroy it using their special drones.

You should use the red ping as a last resort. To distract opponents and provide up-to-date information to their teammates, some players employ the tactic of spamming Red Pings in the final seconds of a round. Every player must learn when to use which ping in a match.

Use Your Primary and Secondary Gadgets

In Rainbow Six Siege, your firearms are just one aspect of your arsenal. With a roster of 71 operators as of Y9S1 Operation Deadly Omen, there are 71 distinct primary gadgets at your disposal and each operator boasts a unique ability. You must learn the functions of each gadget and how to use them. Don’t be that guy who doesn’t heal his teammates when playing Doc or forgets to drop armor plates when playing as Rook.

While a strategically placed Kapkan trap can secure some unexpected kills, Operators like Blitz excel at swiftly clearing the map. Also, don’t ever underestimate the utility of your secondary gadgets simply because they’re not unique to your operator. A pre-placed C4 or well-placed Claymore can win you a much-needed round. Use all the tools present in your arsenal.

Find Your Perfect Sensitivity

To optimize your performance and rank up fast in R6, discover your ideal mouse sensitivity settings. Experiment with different sensitivity levels until you find one that strikes the right balance between fluid movement and precision aiming. Most pro players choose 400-1600 DPI while setting their sensitivity to 28 or lower. Start the game with moderate sensitivity and adjust it based on your comfort.

While also enabling swift target acquisition and responsive movement, aim for a sensitivity that allows you to make precise adjustments. Practice consistently to build muscle memory and enhance your overall gameplay when you have found your perfect sensitivity as it will lead to improving your performance and rank up faster.

Help Teammates Even in Death

Death is not the end in Rainbow Six Siege. You should be on cams or drones when you’re eliminated. You will not be ranking up if you go afk every time you meet the Killcam screen. Get on the cams and give callouts to your team members. Notify them about your opponents’ location and how you died.

Take Risks

The more you let fear dictate your actions in R6, the greater your chances of losing the match. Wrap calculated risks and if you sense any chance for a spawn peek then seize it. Don’t hesitate to capitalize if you identify a flaw in the defender’s setup. A daring runout by a defender can disturb the attackers’ strategy entirely.

Use Voice and Text Chat

Rainbow Six Siege is a team-based game and communication is key to success. Voice chat is always preferable over text chat because you can relay crucial intel quickly. You also can’t control your character if you have Text Chat open, so that’s another win for voice chat. Use Text Chat to communicate with your teammates if you have a bad mic.

Create Strategies

Brainstorm and refine various strategies with your teammates by using the custom mode. Once you’ve sharpened your strategies, put them to the test in Casual or Unranked mode. Don’t hang back to draw inspiration from strategies pro-league players employ.

Improve your Aim

Commit ample time to practice at the game’s shooting range. Practice with various guns and attachments to determine which combination best suits your playstyle. Start with guns with low recoil. Mastering aim and recoil control in R6 is art. It can take you months to learn the way shooting works as the game features complex mechanics in both of these aspects. Recoil control and practicing aim are what matters in competitive shooters.

Don’t Give Up

The last tip is not to tilt, get upset, or lose focus. Obviously, when you start playing, you’re not going to get an ace every single round or the first game you play. Things might go bad actually and you drop zero kills in the first to three rounds. You might get tilted over your teammates not holding your back or not giving calls or you might be upset from the game you just lost.

If you keep this up then it ruins everything from your aim and movement down to what strategy you’re using. All you need to learn is to move on and start thinking about what you or your teammates did wrong. All you have to do is focus on the next round and do the basics. Giving up or being tilted is not going to win new games.


You can significantly improve your R6 ranks by mastering the basics, watching and learning from the Rainbow Six Siege pros, communicating effectively, continuously reviewing your performance, and maintaining a positive attitude. Remember, success in this game requires strategy, dedication, and teamwork. If you’re eager to elevate your gameplay without the grind, consider buying a Rainbow Six Siege boosting from Immortalboost. Jump directly into high-level play and start your journey to the top ranks today! You’ll be well on your way to becoming a Rainbow Six Siege champion with the right account and the tips outlined here.