Complete Guide to Buy & Sell items in PoE Trade

In Path of Exile, trading with other players is one of the most important aspects. To craft and find every single item on a build, and even worse to farm for a low drop rate boss Unique is basically time-consuming. Trading in Path of Exile can save much of the time grinding low drop rate items which aren’t necessarily expensive. Crafting a Ring with Life and Resistance will require many Fossils or Harvest Reforges. Rather, you can trade 1 Chaos Orb for the same Ring.

how to buy and sell PEO

We know that trade can be intimidating, but don’t worry we got you as we’ll cover how to sell and purchase items and the trade etiquette required to keep all Traders calm. Just like learning how to build your character in POE, learning how to trade is also a skill.

What is POE Trade

Trading is the process of exchanging items between characters. Trading is done between two players in Path of Exile. Similar to games, there’s no auction house or single monetary system (e.g. gold or coins). However, there are various currency items (orbs and scrolls) in a ‘barter economy’ that players need to have before they can complete the transaction.

In other words, Path of Exile has a diverse range of currencies that also serve as crafting materials. Due to the 20 currencies in play, the item values are not standardized, and the game allows for haggling and negotiation reminiscent of a bustling marketplace.

Trading in Path of Exile

POE lacks a unified system for seamless player-to-player trading while keeping with its affinity for the antiquated and ancient. The only way to trade with others is to locate a buyer and engage in a manual transaction as the game does not feature auctions or in-game mail. The whole trading process may be challenging for beginners, so we’ll discuss the POE trade step-by-step.

·       Spot a buyer and get their in-game name, then invite them to join your lobby.

·       Track down the desired item in your stash.

·       The buyer will send a whisper pointing to the item they want and its position in your inventory.

·       Move the specified item to your inventory.

·       Verify that the offered price is accurate after placing the item in the trade window.

·       Complete the transaction by accepting the trade.

Buying on Path of Exile Trade Site

·       Go to Path of Exile Trade.

·       Before locating items for purchase, ensure your league is correctly selected.

·       Click the “Direct whisper” button after you find the desired item.

·       When the player is online, he’ll answer you and he’ll send you an invitation you will be added to his hideout for an exchange.

·       Escort the currency with you in your inventory.

·       Complete the trade in their hideout.

·       The POE trade website boasts extensive functionality for locating desired items.

·       You can specify major attributes like base, item type, and socket count, or the currency you wish to use for the transaction or focus on finer details such as item level.

·       Simply input its name in the search bar to locate a specific unique item.

·       You can refine your search using the “Display filters” button by the given vast array of items available.

·       Click on it and select the attribute you’d like to focus on. To further hone your search results, you can include or exclude specific affixes.

For example, just suppose it is day two of Sentinel league and you need new boots for my Seismic Trap character. You should be looking for something with fire resistance, movement speed, and life. You can select these options in the filters and find every matching item currently listed for sale by other players.

Selling on Path of Exile Trade Site

Trading guide

If you want to sell items on the Path of Exile Trade Website then the only thing you need to obtain is a premium stash tab. Premium stash tabs provide the ability to customize tab names and colors, making organization easier for you, and also numerous benefits over regular stash tabs.

You’ll need to set your premium stash tab to “public” in order to make your items visible to other players. This will make sure that your items will appear in search results on the Path of Exile Trade Website and allow other players to view and potentially buy your items. If you want to set your premium stash tab to “public,” then follow the given steps below.

·       Open your stash in-game, move into your hideout or any town to interact with it.

·       Press the LMB on the premium stash tab that you want to set to “public.”

·       Toggle the “public” option in the tab settings menu to enable it.

·       Select the appropriate option under the “Price Items” dropdown menu. Doing this can let you set custom prices for your items, or choose to use a default price for all items within the tab.

·       To finalize your changes and make your tab public, click on the “Save” option.

·       The Path of Exile Trade Website will automatically index your items, and they will appear in search results for other players after your tab is public.

The players will send you a whisper in-game to initiate the trade if they are interested in purchasing one of your items. To ensure a smooth trading experience, keep your in-game status set to “online” and be responsive to trade requests. For successful transactions and repeat customers, maintaining a good reputation among the trading community is essential for it.

First, right-click your premium tab’s name tag and select the “public” and “each item individually priced” options. Then, place the item you wish to sell in the tab, right-click the item, and select a price.

Unfortunately, if you don’t own a premium stash tab then selling items will be difficult.

·       Make a thread in the trading forums.

·       Get links to your specified items from your character page on the website.

·       Connect them with the link in your thread with the “~price x chaos” tag.

Selling items is much easier if you purchase a premium stash tab from the in-game store. This is the closest thing to a pay-to-win mechanic in Path of Exile, and an understandable frustration point.

PoE Trade Tools

The ability to sell nearly any item except for quest-related ones in Path of Exile presents players with numerous opportunities to acquire valuable resources and currency. The biggest challenge lies in differentiating between those items that may not be worth the effort to trade and high-value items. The price difference between various consumables might not justify the time and effort spent trading them while consumables consistently sell.

Participating in the Path of Exile community, such as social media groups and forums can provide insights into popular builds, items, and strategies that may affect the value and demand of certain items. You can optimize your trading experience, ensuring that you invest your time and effort in transactions that offer the most significant returns by staying informed and utilizing these resources.

It’s essential to leverage tools that provide accurate information on item values and currency conversion rates as it’s crucial to focus on worthwhile transactions to make informed decisions about trading. One of the websites that help players gain a comprehensive understanding of the current market trends and conversion rates for different in-game currencies is

To gain detailed in-game information about your items, including their value and potential demand in the market, the Awakened POE Trade tool is another valuable resource that you utilize. You can quickly assess the worth of your items without needing to leave the game or consult external sources with the help of this tool.  

Which currencies should you trade with in Path of Exile?

POE has multiple currency items with values tied to their in-game crafting uses. There are only two you must be concerned about for trade. Chaos Orbs are the dollar of Path of Exile. Especially, early in a league, most trades are priced in Chaos. It is recommended that you list most of your low-to-mid-value items in Chaos Orbs 99% of the time.

Divine Orbs are now the go-to currency for high-value trades due to a shakeup in patch 3.19. Most of the Exalted Orb’s value came from metamods, which are high-end crafts that are utilized to cost Exalted Orbs to perform. Now, these crafts cost Divine Orbs. It will take some time for the dust to settle, but it would be a shock if Divine Orbs don’t replace Exalts as the new high-value trade standard. Check the Bulk Trade tab to see the relative value of each currency. Expect Divines to cost far more than Exalts ever did, there are fewer sources of Divine Orbs than Exalted Orbs in Path of Exile.

Common trade scams to avoid

Keep in mind that, you’re going to face the occasional bad actor while trading in Path of Exile. Similar to other games, some people try to cheat the system and get ahead. You can avoid trade scams and enjoy the game properly if you know what to look out for.

Trade cancel bait and switch

Both players will have to hover their cursor over each item they’re receiving, forcing you to check that you’re getting what you asked for when executing a trade in Path of Exile. Many scammers will wait for you to check their items, cancel the trade, initiate a new trade, and swap in a replacement. This could be a smaller currency or any item that looks similar but has bad stats. There are multiple valid reasons to cancel and re-initiate a trade. A player may need to grab an extra one from their stash or split a currency stack. but if a player does cancel and re-initiate, be sure to double-check that you’re getting what you want.

Fake six-links

Both weapons and armor with six linked sockets are a massively crucial part of every Path of Exile character, and trade in extremely high volumes throughout a league. The common scam here is listing a six-linked item, then throwing a three, four, or five-link in the trade window and hoping you don’t notice. This is especially common with high-demand unique body armors that contain gold or brown colorations that can look like a link at a glance, like Carcass Jack or Shavronne’s Wrappings.

Low-ball messages

The other minor-effort scam of all is the simple low-ball message. A player will message you to buy an item with the standard, auto-generated message from the trade site, but replace the price with a lower one. These scammers hope that you don’t notice that their offer is different from your listing and that you will accept the amount in their message.


Path of Exile is an essential aspect of the game that allows players to enhance their characters, obtain valuable items, and contribute to the in-game economy. To sell items, set a premium tab to the public, right-click your item, set a price, and click the checkbox. To buy items move to the site, find for what you need, copy the message, and paste it into the game.

Players can make informed decisions, maximize their returns, and ultimately have a more enjoyable gaming experience by understanding the intricacies of the buying and selling process. Here’s everything you need to start trading in Path of Exile! The process can seem intimidating, but once you dip your toes into trade things quickly get easier.