How can any Overwatch 2 game get completed without any support hero? Support heroes are the foundation of an overwatch game. We have 8 Support heroes in Overwatch, but the best of them is Mercy. She can kill down strong enemies in a single shot.
You do not need to unlock this character; she is available for all beginners. She might not be able to beat other Support heroes, but she is the best single-target pocket healer.

Yet, the major power of Mercy in being a support hero is his healing ability. She can save his allies within seconds. With the launch of Overwatch 2, Mercy Hero has gained immense popularity because of the advancements in her character. She is a powerful hero who can give some excellent boosts to her teammates. However, learning Mercy can be a challenging part for you. Therefore, we have compiled this guide, so you don’t have to worry. It will cover everything you should know to master Mercy Hero.
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Abilities of Mercy Overwatch 2
Caduceus Staff
Mercy holds this primary fire to heal a team member. Using this ability, she creates a tether between herself and any team member that she chooses herself. The easy part is that she can choose any team member whether he lies in her line of sight or not. Her healing power works 50% faster for low-health heroes so it is best to use her to help the vulnerable and weak enemies. Her healing rate for allies is over 50% health is 45 points.
Using the Caduceus staff, you can boost the damage caused by your team members. This is due to the blue bean which is her secondary power. This ability greatly helps Ashe, Cassidy, and Soldier 76 as it helps to break the barriers.
Caduceus Blaster
Another powerful ability of Mercy, the Caduceus Blaster releases fast-moving projectile bullets. This is the only way Mercy can protect herself. It works well on foes with weak health for example it can easily kill a weak and vulnerable Widowmaker. It is advised not to use Caduceus blaster much because the chances of the enemy being killed with this bullet are lower.
Instead, you can pair her up with another firing hero to kill the enemies. If you activate Mercy’s ultimate, you will get access to unlimited Caduceus Blaster. If this is the case, you can use this ability to kill the weak enemies. It will also show you the damage that the enemies have so you can target them easily.
Guardian Angel
Guardian angel is the ability that makes Mercy better than other Support heroes. Using this, she will go into the air and reach an ally who has been damaged. She will heal them or help them escape from a bad situation. You can simply jump toward your allies and launch near them. In the latest game series, the cooldown of this ability has increased to 2.5 seconds. Her original short downtime made Mercy vulnerable to the enemies.
In Overwatch 2 the mobility of this hero has also seen an increase. Her super jump is very powerful which makes her harder to target. She can go towards the front, back, or upwards. If you learn to tie this ability well, you can easily confuse the enemies. Rapidly switch the movement directions to distract the enemy heroes.
Resurrect means to bring back a dead ally. This is a game-changing ability that brings back the strongest euros to the game, even if the enemies kill them. The Eemsi would be surprised. The exciting aspect is that this ally would have 100% health once he’s brought back to life.
Though this is a very good ability, it takes 30 seconds for the cooldown. It will not reset back if the hero dies. If you are a Mercy player it would be hard for you to choose which hero should revive. You can either revive a tank hero or a DPS hero. The choice depends on you and the game strategies you have planned.
It is not necessary to be in the vision of the ally if you want to revive them. However, your soul stays within the 7-meter range from the ally once this ability is activated.
Sympathetic recovery
This is Mercy’s passive ability. It has replaced the regeneration passive with the sympathetic recovery. Using this Mercy can heal herself for 25%. This will work well for her Caduceus Staff.
Angelic Descent
This is another passive ability that pairs well with the Guardian Angel ability. Using this you will fall at a slow rate. You can use it to evade the enemies by dodging their fires. In this situation, if you fall off the map, Angelic descent will slow your fall. In the meantime, another ally can come to save you.
The ultimate ability allows her to fly and grants her unlimited ammo in the Caduceus Blaster. You can use this anytime you want because of the low chagrin time required. It will boost the other healing wipers, so you can heal many allies at once.
You have the choice to either use Valkyrie offensively or defensively. Pair it with Soldier 76’s Ultimate, the Tactical Visor, or Reinhardt’s Earthshatter to get the maximum benefits.
Best Combinations with Mercy
Mercy and Pharah
Mercy and Pharah are always a good pair because she protects Pahrah while she has activated her ultimate. Use your Guardian angel for her defence while she is vulnerable.
Mercy and Ashe
If you give Mercy’s damage boost to the one-shot hero like Ashe, you can easily take down the enemies. Ashe will easily target the mid-range enemy heroes. You can also boost the damage from Dynamite to cause even greater burning to the enemies. You can also activate the B.O.B. if it is activated at the moment.
Mercy and Reinhardt
Reinhardt will be a defender of mercy with his shield. In return for this, mercy will boost the damage of the Fire strike. The best tip is to activate the Earthshatter, and then damage boosts other abilities of Reinhardt. It will cause a massive explosion on the enemies.
Mercy and Ana
Ana is another healing hero who will allow Mercy to pay attention to damage-boosting her allies. Ana will pay attention to the tanks of her team, while Mercy focuses on the stronger allies like a DPS hero.
While Mercy is a strong euro, some heroes have the potential to target her. Some of the examples are Sombra, Widowmaker, and Roadhog. Sombra can easily hack Mercy’s abilities and prevent their usage. If the enemy has a widowmaker you should find yourself a safe sport behind the walls or in the corners. This is because Widowmaker will give you a hard time. If you are in open spaces, try to use strafing to distract the enemy hero. Raodhog’s chain hook will separate you from your team. If he uses his Scrap gun, you will get killed in a few seconds. His ultimate will also work against you, so be careful near an enemy Roadhog.
Tips for playing with mercy
- Use your gun only in specific cases of emergency such as when all your team is dead. Use your time to damage boost or heal an ally. Remember that your goal is to keep the other team alive, not to shoot the enemies.
- If you have Pharah on your team, mercy should stick to her. However, if there is no Pahrah, use your healing abilities on all allies. Keep on moving on the map, and monitor which ally needs your help. If you want to stick to one teammate, do this when they are using their ultimate, This is the time when they are more vulnerable.
- Use your ultimate whale pushing towards the objective. You can also use it to defend your team against the enemy ultimates. Another reason is to use the ultimate when you want to take out your pistol for the primary fires. But don’t forget, your purpose is to help your allies.
- The resurrection ability will take 20 seconds for the cooldown and a few additional seconds to get completed. Make sure you time it well before activating it. It is better to use it on Tank or DPS heroes, but if the other healing hero dies you can also revive him.
- Use the damage boosting for a hero who has a strong ultimate. A strong ultimate, if coupled with a damage boost, will do massive damage to the enemies.
- Being a healer, you have to constantly move around the map to look for the weaker allies You can do this by hereof lying power. You can better track your allies from the above.
This was all about the Overwatch 2 hero Mercy. She is one of the best support heroes who can also be helpful to boost the damage of her allies. Utilise her abilities wisely. Her resurrection ability is one of the strongest abilities of Overwatch 2, but you need to time it all. Save it for a good opportunity rather than waiting for a weak hero.
Follow our highlighted tricks and select good combinations with Mercy to make your team the winner of the match.
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