Overwatch 2: How to play Tracer (Tips and Strategies) 2025

Tracer comes back in Overwatch 2 with a strong appearance. Though he did not receive many changes, he will always be a good choice for the Overwatch 2 matches. He still holds the title of the quickest and the pulpy hero of the game. Overwatch 2 has finally been released after long waits from the fans. This guide will cover the abilities and some tips and tricks that you should be using for an interesting and powerful Overwatch 2 hero, Tracer. 

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He holds the lowest HP value among all other heroes. His DPS potential stands tall. He is a very fast character who depends on the ability to stay safe from enemies. So, if you want to get rid of this hero, this Tracer guide is for you!

Abilities Of tracer

Pulse Pistol

So, the first ability is the pulse pistol. It is a dual-functioning pistol that will cause heavy damage to the enemies. The shot is released at a very fast rate and spreads like a cone. Because they spread upon contact, they work best in close ranges. This makes it critical. Therefore, he has to get close to the opponent before he can get it down. 

Another drawback is the constant requirement of reloading the gun. It will finish the magazine within a few seconds. The only change in Tracer in Overwatch 2 is the reduction of damage to the pulse pistol by one point. It is now reduced to 5. However, he is still effective against equipped heroes.


This ability is inspired from the Reinhardt’s Barrier Field. This ability makes Tracer unique and a strong character. It is a type of teleporter that will transport Tracer a few steps ahead of his current position. It goes in the direction where Tracer is already moving. A great way to skip your enemy’s flanks, and cross paths that are otherwise very difficult. You can protect yourself from attacks with this ability.

Blink allows you to have 3 charges. To charge all of these, you will need 9 seconds. You can reload them and use them simultaneously, to distract the enemy’s attention. Blink has a range of 7.5 meters and it lasts for 0.1 seconds. 


This is another defensive ability of trace. It works uniquely. Once it is activated, Tracer will go back to the past 3 seconds. It means if he is shot, and you use recall, he will get back to his original health. Even the magazine of his gun is refilled if it was full 3 seconds ago. Any action that he took within the last 3 seconds will also be reverted. 

Using Recall may be a hard part of Overwatch 2, but this is worth the effort. It is a great way to keep Tracer alive throughout the match. You should be quick to act whenever a tracer gets shot. This way he can effectively release another shot. You can also use it to escape from a critical situation before the enemy shoots him. It takes recall 12 seconds for the cooldown while it works for 1.25 seconds.

Pulse Bomb

Pulse Bomb is the ultimate reality of a tracer that can cause massive damage to opponents. It is a bomb that is thrown at a nearby point. If this bomb hits an opponent, it will adhere to him. If this does not happen, the bomb will stick to any surface it hits. After it is attached, it will be exposed after a second. This explosion causes massive damage that will even kill the strongest Overwatch 2 heroes. 

If you want to get some extra from the Pulse bomb, air it with Blink and recall the abilities of the tracer. This bomb has a short range, so utilize this strategy. Use the blink, throw the bomb, and then recall to flee from the danger. The casting time for this bomb is 0.15 seconds after the ritis thrown, and 1 second after it sticks. It moves at a speed of 15 meters per second and spans an area of 5 5-meter radius. 

Best Combinations with Tracer and Ana

Since Tracer is a short-range hero, a long-range hero like Ana can complement him well. Ana can heal Tracer while she teases the enemy boundaries. If Ana’s biotic grenade is used along with Tracer’s high damage abilities, you can crush the nemesis within seconds.

Tracer and Zarya

Zarya is a shield for Tracer. While the tracer attacks the enemy, Zarya can activate the Projected barrier. It covers a 30 meters radius. Moreover, the Graviton surge by Zarya and Tracer’s pulse bomb will kill many enemies with the massive explosion.

Many of our Overwatch 2 boosters ask clients to pick Zarya while they play Tracer so that they can dominate every game.

Tracer and Sombra

Sombra has some disabling powers. Sombra’s Hack ability will remove the defenses of Tank heroes like Orisa, and disable the abilities of Kiriko and Mercy. These abilities are eradicated for 8 seconds, to get the target easily. 

Tracer and Genji

When Tracer and Genji are together, we refer to them as the dive duos. These DPS heroes work together and try to get down weaker enemies by reading their backlines. Their abilities don’t interact actually, but Genji’s vertical mobility and tracers’ horizontal ability will try to cover all the areas. 

Tips for tracer

  • All heroes will have different ranges of their primary abilities and Tracer does not work at long-range distances. It will be useless to shoot the enemy who is far away with the Tracer’s pistol. Moreover, if you are shooting them while hiding the enemies will find your location. A far-away shot can cause only half-point damage, only if it hits the head. So, better use Tracer when the enemy is near you.
  • Tracer’s superpower is to distract the enemies. It can switch positions and move from one point to another within seconds, by using his Blinks and Recall. You can use them to go around the enemies without them noticing. However, this strategy requires some practice. If new players do this, you will also get confused about your location.
  • Keep in mind that the damage caused by a Tracer is low, so be prepared for enemy reaction. The enemy gets a low damage so either they will shoot back at you, or escape from the situation. However you can counter it by coordinating with your team, Your team should help if you are in such a situation.
  • Never underestimate the Tracer’s recall ability. You can use it to get into the enemy hack line and kill a character. Use this a bit if you feel down by Lucio’s actions to get back into the game without waiting for the cooldown. Combine the recall with the Blink to get close to the end and surprise them at the same time. Stick the pulse bomb to their boy and recall back within a second. 

Here are some heroes that can go well against Tracer, so you should be prepared for them;

  • Pharah can fly high in the sky, so you never get close to her. She has the power to kill Tracer, but since Tracer works in short ranges, Pharah will escape easily. 
  • Any character that has the teleport ability such as Symmetra and Reaper cannot be damaged by the recall or Blink. They can easily get away from your surprise attacks.
  • Some heroes that provide support like Moira and Mercy will heal themselves while they are shooting at you. Mercy will also fly back to a safe point like Pharah, so you cannot catch her. 
  • The superpower of Tracer is his mobility provided by recall and Blink. So, any character that can affect this mobile will be able to combat Tracer. Such heros are Sombra, Ana, and Roadhog.
  • Tracer is not a good choice if you want to fight against heroes with an auto-aim ability like Torbjorn’s Turret and Moira’s Biotic grasp because they will keep Tracer away. 


Though playing with the hero and his abilities can be a hard part for you, It will give you many benefits in Overwatch 2. You need a lot of practice to learn about his abilities and to effectively play against them. He is not one of the heroes that you can learn fast, but it will be worth the effort. Start practicing so you can get the most from his abilities. Use them strategically and in a way that surprises the enemies. It will turn around the match in your favor. 

Also, you can check out our Overwatch 2 win boosting services to get wins with Tracer. Pro-tier boosters are always available for you.