Overwatch 2 Tricks & Tips to Improve Your Gameplay (2024)

In this, I will talk about the top 20 tips that will improve your Overwatch 2 gameplay. The tips will range anywhere from beginners to advanced level. There will be some quality-of-life updates that you can instantly turn on and feel the immediate difference while some of them will help you improve at matchmaking and overwatch 2 as a game. 

In short, I will tell you things that you should do, things you should avoid, and things that will improve your overall experience as an overwatch player. So without further ado let’s get right into it.

Overwatch 2 characters & Immortal boost logo

1. Aim Practice:

The most important mechanic in the first person is aim. If you have a really good aim, you won’t need anything else. Because most of the time, you will be popping heads and being a killing machine while topping the scoreboard. But the question stands still: How do you get better at aiming? There’s a simple answer: “By practising.” You could use some aim trainers that are specifically designed for it. 

You can also play death matches a lot so that you’ll be able to get a grip on your main hero while improving your aim. I have never seen a player who practised his aim every day, and he still can not aim well. Surely, it takes time to get better aiming because it is one of the hardest things to do, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be better at all shooting games.

2. Know which playstyle and hero suits you:

Overwatch is a fantasy-based team shooter. In which every hero relies on their teammates for support. (You can check the best Overwatch 2 Support Hereos here) Because of that, a team has to be balanced, and every member should know how to perform well in his role. So, if you want to get better at overwatch 2, then I suggest that you at least take a week to play unranked with each of the characters you like. After doing that play with the one who is most suitable to your play style. 

Also, don’t try to change your main hero frequently. Get good at the game first then switch your heroes

3. Play with a team:

Overwatch 2 characters together

I know this might sound basic, but thousands upon thousands of players are at a disadvantage simply because they solo queue. As I’ve explained earlier, Success in Overwatch 2 is dependent on a good team. Those who don’t play with a team are at a disadvantage. So, if you are just trying out Overwatch 2 or if you are serious about it, then the first step would be to get a good team or at least two players who are willing to play and learn with you.

4. Set a custom crosshair:

Whether you call it a placebo effect or adapting to new things, setting a custom and new crosshair often helps your aim. Most beginners don’t even know that you could set a custom crosshair in overwatch. A custom crosshair will help you to land more shots and be more precise aimer. Playing with a new crosshair also feels different for the first rounds of the game. and if you do not like a crosshair you could just change it in a few seconds. Try a new one find which one you want the best and keep using it. 

5. Customize your in-game settings:

Customising in-game settings is a good way to make a game feel more personal. The first thing that most experienced competitive players do after launching a new game is to go straight into the in-game settings and tweak them until they find a perfect sweet spot. There are several benefits to doing this. 

Well, I am not going to go into details because everyone has their preferences. A good start would be re-adjusting your sensitivity and lowering some of the video settings so you can get an extra boost in performance.

If your game is laggy and you are getting low FPS, you need to check out our complete guide for  Improving FPS in Overwatch 2

6. Don’t Play ranked matches for a while:

While it sounds like a lengthy period. After getting the hang of the core game mechanics. You should only play deathmatches to improve your aim and unranked matches to build your game sense. You should avoid playing rank so early. Some players play rank mode as soon as it gets unlocked, but you should not do that. What you should do is play at least 50 to 60 unranked matches before playing a ranked match. This will help you so much in your placement matches, and it will also allow you to grow faster in rank ladders.

7. Take a break:

Overwatch 2 can get on my nerves sometimes because there’s just so much going on at any given moment, which makes players tilt and lose their aiming abilities, their game sense, and whatnot. That is why you should take a break. Do whatever you want, but don’t open the game or think about it, especially after a losing streak. Just relax and enjoy life.

8. Enjoy the game:

For some players overwatch 2 is more than just a game. It is their passion, and their love for this game is truly remarkable. But for average players like you and me, we should take the game as a game. I’m not saying that I do not take it seriously; I am saying that games are there to enjoy. So play overwatch to enjoy and not to be in a brainless hassle to get the best possible rank and the next shiny medal. Because, in reality, all of those things don’t matter if you do not enjoy the game.

9. How to make payload moves fast:

If you want to make the payload a little faster to move the easier way is to just sit on it. Yes, that is it, after clearing its route the only thing that is left is to sit on the payload and travel with it. For every teammate, it gets a little faster, so if you put your whole team on it, excluding two guys who are on the lookout, you could easily make the payload go faster.

10. Do not fight with your teammates:

All gamers share this same thing: whenever we die or however we die, it is never our fault. We blame it on lag, our PC’s performance, or ping, and sometimes we even blame our teammate, but as you and I both know, if you get killed, then 95% of the time, it is indeed your fault.

So, if you want to improve your Overwatch 2, the first thing you have to ignore is fighting with your teammates. Fighting brings nothing but bad energy into the game, which eventually leads to failure.

11. Increase the field of view (FOV):

This tip is only for beginners but is a reminder for others, too. Go into settings and set the FOV to its highest range. You deserve to know why. Setting the field of view to the highest helps the players see more of their surroundings, which makes it easier for them to be aware. The consequence of not increasing the field of view would be a bit of a performance bump, but in my opinion, it is a worthwhile tradeoff. 

12. Do not push the robot in some scenarios:

Let me explain it a little bit. There’s a new game mode in Overwatch 2 called Push. In this mode, you have to push a robot just like you would in an escort. So when you are playing Push, the robot, you only need to beat the other team’s distance. Now, here’s something you shouldn’t do. If you have a lead against the enemy team and there’s little time left on the clock, then you should not push the robot further.

Why, though? You might ask because if an enemy touches the robot in the last few seconds, it would push the match into overtime. Anything can happen in overtime, so I highly advise you not to push the robot if you have a lead and there are a few seconds left on the clock.

13. Bind mouse wheel for jump (For Selective heroes):

I know this might sound obnoxious but believe me. If you have a hyper-mobile hero with double jump abilities you should bind your jump key on the mouse wheel. Now I won’t recommend you to do it globally just go into that hero’s custom settings and change the jump key to the mouse wheel. What it will do is it will make it easier for you to spam jumps and it will also help you in your movement around the map.

14. Sometimes baiting your teammate is good:

Obviously, you should not bait your teammates just for the sake of kills or to troll them. Baiting is always considered a bad and unhonorable thing to do in competitive games But sometimes baiting is good. If you have really good mechanical skill and you want to kill the top scorer of the enemy team and you’re sure that you will take him out then baiting your teammate in front of that enemy will provide a pretty good chance of landing a hit on him and killing him. In some of these instances, baiting is good. 

15. Check the kill cam:

The kill cam provides some much-needed information. It reveals what you were doing when you got killed and whether you hit the guy or not. It also provides information about your enemy. So next time you get killed, put extra focus on the kill cam because it reveals the enemy’s ultimate charge and how many bullets and HP he has left. You could communicate all of those things with your team to gain an advantage over the enemy.

16. Watch professional gameplay:

If you want to get better quickly you need to start watching e-sports games, and there are a lot of reasons to do that. First, they are the best the game has to offer so just by watching them you could understand the game better. Secondly, if you want to take it a step further you could download the entire match’s footage with their comms. Even if you can’t match their aim or their ability usage you could match their positioning, and things they do in certain scenarios.

17. Rewatching your gameplay:

Overwatch 2 is a fast-paced shooter, and in the heat of the moment, most of us make mistakes that we wouldn’t do in normal gameplay. That is why rewatching your gameplay makes you better. It gives you another perspective on things that you have dealt wrong or plays that you missed due to a lack of information. After a bad Rewatching, gameplay is a really good habit, so make sure you build up one.

18. Communicate with your team:

This might sound very obvious, but in reality, apart from premades. I have rarely seen players that communicate when they are playing solo. There’s nothing worse than a team being dead silent even in most action-packed scenarios. Keep in mind that communication in competitive games is one of the most important things. It is also important to know how and when to communicate. So next time you are playing, call out your shots, ask for help and give help to your teammates. I promise at the end of that match you’ll feel a lot better. 

19. You can’t save everyone:

If you are a support hero, you know how hard and tense it gets. Since the new passive, all heroes can regenerate their health but support heroes still need to save their allies. But realistically, you can’t save everyone because if you try to save everyone, you’ll save none. So prioritise your healing and support, and if a teammate dies, it is not going to be the end of the world. Be relaxed and mindful of your support.

20. Don’t peek at everything and everyone:

I’ve seen it countless times: Once a player gets killed by an enemy angel, they start an ego fight over that, which doesn’t help the team but damages the chance of winning. So don’t peek at every hero or every angle. Be prepared and plan your next move. I know sometimes you feel like you can not miss, and even if you peek at a sniper, you’ll one-tap them. 

But that does not necessarily mean it will happen. Play with a presence of mind and peek only when you have an advantage or when you want to learn about the enemy team.

Bonus Tip:

You can choose the Overwatch 2 Boost service where a professional booster will play alongside your side to win the games for you. Not just that, you can also choose Overwatch 2 coaching services where professional coaches of OW2 will re-watch your old gameplay or your live games to tell you about your mistakes and what to avoid further to improve your gameplay. 

Wrapping it up:

I have completed the list in this blog and shared some tips that you could use while playing Overwatch 2. I kept the list fairly simple and easy to follow. But if you don’t understand some things in this blog, you can comment below, and I will explain them in detail. Till then, goodbye.