Overwatch 2 Reaper Guide – Abilities, Tips, and Much More

With the launch of Overwatch 2, Reaper has gained immense popularity. He has rapidly gained a loving position among the Overwatch enthusiasts. He can be the best fit for you whether you are a beginner or an expert player. If you are here, you might want to learn about Reaper’s abilities and some tricks to play with him. We have got everything ready for you. This guide covers, in detail, his abilities and the best combinations you should pick for the hero.

Check out the real name of Reaper as well before you start learning about the gameplay.


In Overwatch 2, Reaper has not changed much. He only got some upgrades in his Hellfire shotguns. Reaper is known as the flanker in Overwatch 2. He works best to punish the enemies from the backlines with his Blackwatch icon that keeps him in the shadows. It now has 5v5 setups rather than the previous 6v6 setups. It means there is no off-tank so Reaper would not be able to stand on the enemy backline. This is because the enemies will not be distracted because of only one tank against them. 

Reaper loves to play in close quarters. His shotgun works best at long or medium-distance opponents and causes huge damage. It can even secure a kill with some body shots. He also works well at short-range targets so you may need to sneak around the enemies. 

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Abilities of Reaper


Hellfire Shotgun

Reaper has two aggressive weapons, or shotguns that allow him to tackle enemies from both hands. He shoots them one by one by pulling the triggers alternatively. Use them against vulnerable enemies who are at a nearby spot to cause huge damage. If your shots hit the enemy, you can easily secure a kill of a non-tank hero. Yet, the distance it works at is very short. Stay within a few feet of the enemy position. If the enemy moves farther away, the damage caused will be reduced. 

In the Overwatch 2 upgrade, the Reaper’s Hellfire shotguns can see a little change. The damage they cause has decreased from 6 to 5.4, Yet, it comes with an increase in the spreading of the shot by one point. It means that shotguns would hit more enemies, but cause less damage. So, staying close to the enemy remains crucial for this.

Wraith Form

As said earlier, Reaper is a flanking hero. If you catch the enemies, they will not be separated by Reaper. Reaper has a get-out-of-jail card. This is his Wraith form which makes him immune to any type of damage. When this activity is active, Reaper gains a boost in speed. Yet, he cannot shoot during this time. Wraith form is a defensive tool, you cannot shoot but you can escape from critical times with it. 

If you see an enemy shooting at you, you never need to worry. Just activate the Wraith form and escape! Quickly find a safe spot before the timer ends. You can also use it while you are advancing toward the enemies as it gives a quick movement boost. This will shorten the gap, and allow you to shoot with the hellfire quickly.

Shadow Step

Reaper loves to take sneak peeks at what his enemies are up to. This requires him to have movement abilities that allow him to rotate on the map freely. Shadow step is a teleport that releases a mist that will make any position where you can teleport. Activate the teleport and get to the marked position within a second. 

Keep in mind that the enemies will know your location because of the red mist, which makes you vulnerable to the heroes. Be careful when you teleport yourself. Use it to jump near the enemies to get to higher areas where your enemies cannot reach. This can also be used as a defensive tool to escape from your enemies and their shots. 

The Reaping

Here comes Reaper’s passive ability that will help him from any kind of damage. It heals him according to a small percentage and allows him to stay alive for a little longer. It works best in one-on-one fights because Reaper will shoot with his Hellfire gun, and continuously heal himself with the Reaping ability. Heal yourself after any shot that hits you. 

In multiple hero fights, when the enemy gets diverted to other heroes or tanks, you can easily find time to recharge yourself using your healing power. If you learn how to position away from the enemies to find a safe spot and help yourself, that would be incredible. It would give you the most advantage from the healing power.

Death Blossom

This ultimate allows the Reaper to sweep across the shooting power of a Hellfire shotgun in all directions. It will completely crush the already weak enemies by washing out their small health bars. This ultimate may hack the Reaper but you will have an easier time in tackling the enemies. 

Remember that many tanks in Overwatch 2 are large enough, so Death Blossoms may not kill them. They can still attack at Reaper. You should not target the death blossom at the squishy enemies. It’s better to avoid characters like Ana, Sombra, and Roadhog. They can combat the ultimate with a dart or a hack. Reinhardt and Sigma have some shields to project for this ultimate. Use this ability at tanks that are not in a position to protect their allies. 

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Best Combinations With Reaper

Reaper and Sombra

If you combine Reaper’s Ultimate with Sombra’s Ultimate, nothing can beat you. It prevents the enemies from using their abilities. In the meantime, Reaper will release his Death Blossom that the enemy cannot escape from.

Reaper and Zarya

Zarya’s ultimate allows Reaper to fight against close-range targets. Zarya’s ultimate will gather the enemies. Reaper can jump into them and activate his Death Blossom for maximum damage.

Reaper and Kiriko

Reaper is usually present in the backlines, so healing agents may not have access to him. However, a hero like Kiriko would help. Kiriko will allow the Reaper to teleport even through the walls. This way Reaper can target enemies with his shotgun. You need to have good communication for this.

Reaper and Orisa

Orisa’s ultimate is her power to pull out enemies and use her spear against them. Carefully time the Reaper’s ultimate with this ultimate to completely wash off your enemies. Any enemy left from Death Blossom would not be spared from Orisa’s ultimate.

Tips and tricks for Playing with Reaper

  • While you are using the Shadow step your location is visible to the enemies. They can target a headshot at you at this time. So, whenever you use this, activate it in a safe spot. Shadow step can also be used mid-sir to reduce the speed of falling.
  • If you see any DPS hero or support hero from the enemies, use the Wraith form to get closer to them. When you shift to the Warith form, your hellfire shotgun will automatically get charged. 
  • Keep in mind that you do not need to activate Reaper’s healing ability. The reaping is a passive ability that will automatically heal you after a little damage.
  • Reaper works best in Control point or push game modes because of his short-range weapons. He is ideal for defense in the Payload objectives. Do not worry if you are too close to the enemies, you have a healing weapon to help you. You can also use your Wraith form to escape if you receive multiple shots. 
  • Reaper is always playing near the enemy. So, it is difficult for the team healers to help him. They will try their best, but they should not follow you towards the enemy backlines. They can get caught due to this. So, whenever you get damaged it is better to use your escape abilities rather than the healing abilities of your allies. Wraith form will take you to long distances as well, so you never need to worry.
  • If your enemies are close together, use the Ultimate. Before you use your Death Blossom check for enemy abilities that can counter it. Some shields and absorbing abilities can easily get your ultimate down. They usually come from their tank, so keep a check on him. It is best to use the death blossom when your enemy’s ultimates are on the cooldown. Some support heroes like Lucio can also counter it. 

Final Words

With Reaper, always try to focus on squishier targets, particularly if any of them cannot escape from you. Practice using the Wraith form as it is your best tool. Carefully think before you use your Death Blossom as it can either go to waste or secure so many kills at once. Pair the Reaper with some best combinations given above to get the most out of his abilities!

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