Overwatch 2 Ramattra Guide – Everything You Should Know

Overwatch 1 season 2 released a battle pass, and a tank hero, Ramattra. Ramattra is an Omnic hero who is hesitant to resort to violence to defend his people. Ramattra can change forms as a tank, based on the circumstances. This makes him a versatile choice for various game modes. Here is all the information you must have to excel in Overwatch 2 while playing Ramattra. Are you already curious to learn about Ramtraa? (Check our real name here) Do not worry, we will start soon!

Also if you want to master how pro-tier players carry Ramattra, check our SR Boosting for Overwatch 2.

ow 2 character

Overview of Ramattra

Ramattra has two forms, with his primary form being named Omnic. Ramattra can produce temporary shields and has the Void Accelerator. It is a long-range weapon, at his disposal in this form. This gun shoots weak bullets in a concentrated spread across extended ranges. He can change into his Nemesis form. This will boost his armor and the ability to use his Pummel attack, which shoots short-range punches. 

This way Ramattra can cover his face to lessen the damage he receives from attacks coming towards him. When he activates his final skill, he enters the Nemesis state and generates a zone that damages the enemies.  The ultimate will keep going as long as someone is receiving damage.

Blizzard has referred to Ramattra as the initial “Tempo Tank,” because of his capability to change between his Omnic and Nemesis Forms. Ramattra becomes a long-range poking Tank in his Omnic Form. He can cause damage at all ranges. In his Nemesis Form, he transforms into a melee fighter. 

Abilities in Omnic Form

Void Accelerator

Ramattra’s main weapon in his Omnic Form is the Void Accelerator. It is a staff that can release a rapid projectile at a faster rate. The Void Accelerator causes significant damage with no decrease over distance. It allows for effective attacks on enemies from afar. Despite not being as quick as Sojourn’s main weapon in Overwatch 2, its projectiles are better than Lucio or Genji’s main weapons. The Void Accelerator works similarly to the beam weapons of Heroes such as Symmetra or Zarya when used at short distances.

Void Barrier

Ramattra’s second one-of-a-kind Omnic Form Ability is the Void Barrier. This is a sturdy Barrier that lasts for a brief period but has a lengthy cooldown. When looking at other Tank Barriers in Overwatch 2, such as Winston‘s Projector or Sigmas Experimental Barrier, using the Void Barrier can be challenging. It is not only smaller than other Barriers, but it also has a shorter duration and a longer cooldown. If you are playing with Ramatrra, you have to manage your time carefully.

Abilities in Nemesis Form


Nemesis form

Nemesis Form is an important ability of Ramattra that enables him to shift into his stronger Nemesis form for 8 seconds. IOt comes with an 8-second cooldown. This will boost his main and secondary Skills and also provide Ramattra with 150 Armor to help him survive in close combat.


In Nemesis Form, Ramattra’s main attack is Pummel. It releases energy-charged punches that can reach up to 12 meters ahead. It will even penetrate enemy Heroes and their Barriers. Pummel is great at dealing with Supports who are out of position or too close, such as Moira or Kiriko. It keeps damaging them even when they are taking cover behind Tanks or Barriers. Its broad attack makes it effective against agile Heroes like Genji.  Hence it is a good pick for dealing with DPS Heroes.


It allows Ramattra to lift his extra arms and decrease damage by 75% whenever he wants. This is a reliable defensive mechanism, yet it only defends against front-facing attacks and decreases Ramattra’s speed by half when in use.

Ravenous Vortex

The sole Ability that both of Ramattra’s Forms have in common is Ravenous Vortex. It is released like a grenade and activates upon contact with the ground. This results in a 4-meter radius that causes harm and reduces speed. It will bring down enemy Heroes from a height of up to 9 meters.


In Overwatch 2, Ramattra’s Annihilation Ultimate Ability triggers his Nemesis Form. It covers him in an 11-meter energy ring that causes constant, yet minor, damage to any enemy Hero that lies in range. It only remains active for 3 seconds, yet it will stop if there is at least 1 opposing Hero within its range. So, Ramattra can maintain both the Ultimate and his Nemesis Form as long as he remains ahead of enemy Heroes.

If you have a Support Hero, he can ensure Ramttra’s survival. He will become a powerful weapon against tightly packed enemy groups nearby. It will cause massive harm by eliminating weakened enemies individually using Pummel.

Also check our guide for top tank heroes in Overwatch 2 that are just like Ramattra.

Best Combinations with Ramattra

Ramattra and Lucio

Ramattra’s Nemesis Form is a melee fighter lacking a way to close distances. His Ultimate can be easily countered by moving out of its reach for three seconds. So, Ramattra will benefit from Lucio’s speed boost. He can move near Pummel and maintain a grip on enemy Heroes within his Ultimate for maximum duration.

Ramattra and Sojourn

Blizzard made some changes in the level of crowd control in Overwatch 2 compared to Overwatch 1. It removed some stuns and slowed. This is unfortunate for Ramattra’s Nemesis Form, as it depends on being able to reach Heroes trying to escape. Thankfully, the slowing effect of his Ravenous Vortex combines with Sojourn’s Disruptor Shot. They will slow down enemies in chokepoints. It will make them highly susceptible to Pummel.

Ramattra and Mercy

Ramattra gains more advantages from having a specific Support. It will protect him compared to other tanks, and Mercy is the best choice for this role. Mercy’s continuous healing will not only help Ramattra stay in the battle but her damage will multiply

Ramattra and Widowmaker 

Similar to other powerful tanks in Overwatch 2, Ramattra pairs well with Widowmaker in a team. His Nemesis Form will attract attention, and enable Widowmaker to target slowed Heroes from Ravenous Vortex. He targets heroes weakened by Ramattra’s attacks. While in Omnic Form, Ramattra’s Void Barrier will give Widowmaker a brief moment of cover to kill an enemy.

Ramattra and Kiriko

Ramattra can be quickly defeated by concentrated enemy fire. If it is paired with healing effects such as Ana’s Biotic Grenade it works well. Kiriko also shields Ramattra from sudden damage. This way, he can use his Nemesis Form more aggressively without as much worry of being overpowered.

Tips and Tricks to Play with Ramattra

  • Ramattra is very stationary. You may have observed that it lacks skills that provide movement speed or a means of closing the gap. Hence, it is recommended to team up with Lucio or Kiriko while playing Ramattra to gain mobility
  • Ramattra excels as a fighter on control points and payload maps where players must make contact with the objective. Here his immobility is not a hindrance. Ramattra is not a good choice on larger maps with plenty of elevated spots because here players do not have to group up.
  • Ramattra collaborates with Mei and Sojourn as well. The gradual impacts of both their powers combine with his abilities. It creates a complete area of immobility for enemies once ensnared. Not only that, but it will also leave a ton of damage
  • If you are playing with Ramattra you should know when to push. First, use your abilities to target far away enemies, Then go if it is not the enemy’s form to move forward. This will give control of the area yet. 
  • Ramattra’s long cooldowns make it challenging to play with her. It is better not to use his barriers to move forward. You should use it to defend yourself and your allies from enemy attacks. 
  • The Omnic form works well at a long range. When you end up in the nemesis form, you should be in a safe spot. When the timer for nemesis goes out, you will be left vulnerable in the Omnic form. Carefully monitor it to save your life. 
  • Use the nemesis form before you use your ultimate. This will keep you safe for a longer time. Only activate the ultimate when the timer for nemesis goes out. 
  • You can play Ramattra without ever needing to reload. With 100 ammo in your staff, you can deplete it all. It can be used to activate Nemesis and act. When you return to the Omnic form, your staff will be fully reloaded. Repeat the same thing.
  • Ramattra works well against major ultimates like D.Va, Cassidy, Reinhardt’s, and others. In Omnic form, you can simply use a shield in front of your team. In Nemesis form, block the ultimates. To save your life. 
  • If Ana uses her ultimate ability on you while you are in Nemesis form or using your ultimate ability the amount of damage you will deal is incredibly high. Ana is also a skilled partner. 
  • Teaming up with Mercy is also effective. You can deal huge damage while needing to rely on your Barrier and blocking skills. With her ability, you can boost the damage. 

Closing remarks!

Hope you have enjoyed reading this Ramattra guide. He is amazing in Overwatch 2 and never fails to impress his enemies. He is very unique because of his interchanging forms. Players love to use him to confuse the enemy. He is a vulnerable hero because he cannot escape from bad situations, but if you treat him well, he will never disappoint. Follow the above recommendations and develop a good but unique strategy for your team.