Overwatch 2: How to Play Junker Queen Pro Tips

Hey guys, in this blog, we are going to talk about Junker Queen. This blog is basically going to be a guide on her. After reading this guide you’ll know everything about Junker Queen. Whether it’s her play style, her abilities and their best use cases, her backstory, and some of my favorite tips, before doing that, let’s start with her when she has added to the game, what her role is, etc. We have uploaded another article on the real name of Junker Queen.

So Junker Queen was added to the game in the beta of Overwatch 2. As the 34th hero of the game. She is a tank hero in the game which essentially means that she provides cover and makes space for her offense hero allies. Her kit consists of rushes of adrenaline and revolting against the overwatch team. You can come back later to check top tank heroes in Overwatch 2.

Her back story is also sorrowful as she got left behind in Junker Town as she got banished to Junker Town by the order of King Mason Howl. She was forced to live in a wasteland. The environment of that land was inhabitable for them and in-result her family died one by one as she was left behind alone. After thirteen years she returned to her hometown to participate in a free-for-all tournament to get revenge on the ruler of Junker Town.

Her backstory and initial intro are out of the way. Let’s get right into her playstyle and then how to use her abilities. 

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There are mainly two playstyles of junker queen: the super aggressive and always ready to engage one, and the second playstyle is more role-oriented and traditional in the overwatch sense. I’ll talk about both of them one by one.

The super-aggressive and always ready-to-engage playstyle requires a little more skill. But it is a lot more fun to play. What you have to do is to get a more mobile hero who can soften up the frontline enemies with you, and you have to blast the enemies. Get up close and personal with them. And since her main weapon is a shotgun you aiming with her is easier. 

Keep in mind that while Junker Queen is a tank, in this playstyle, we mainly use her to be in an offense-hero position. You could do some serious damage if you got good timing with her adrenaline rush. You can stay alive for a longer time making yourself more valuable for the team.

The second playstyle is the more traditional one. Using her as she is designed for. Keep in mind that she is not like other tanks in the game. Because, unlike Orisa or Sigma, she doesn’t have the ability to damage long-range or even mid-range targets. She needs to be into the face type of enemy to be an effective tank. So here’s what you could do: you could be the entry fragger of the team, and since you do have a large HP and abilities that provide you heals in combat, you could be the site taker of your team.


Her abilities and their best usage:

Adrenaline Rush (passive):

Junker has a passive which allows her to heal up to 200 hp.  The adrenaline rush allows her to heal the wounds of her enemies. The wounds can be applied on enemies by multiple things and abilities. The top of the list is her ultimate, which gives her the maximum amount of wounded hp. But since ultimates happen once or twice in the whole game. Let’s talk about the abilities that provide the most health per attack. 

Jagged Blade provides her the least amount of hp since they do not damage the enemy that much. Her carnage or her melee, on the other hand, provides much better healing. So be sure to keep in mind that jagged blades are only good for finishing off the enemies and not for healing the junker queen. If you want to maximize the usage of the adrenaline rush, just try to use your melees a lot because they give an instant impact damage, which gives you a nice little boost in health.

Jagged Blades:

Jagged blades are a form of melee but do more damage than them and are a great way to finish off low-hp enemies without putting in any extra effort. So the impact of these blades is 60 on impact and 30 hp over 3 seconds, making the total damage worth around 90, which is not enough, but considering that she gets a healing out of them, there are use cases of it.

Since the jagged blades have 6 seconds of cooldown, you could use them pretty often, just like Orisa’s javelin. The first use case is to use it as a secondary fire in the middle of the fight because it is really easy to and it does not matter if you hit the enemy on the leg or on the head it’ll give them the exact same damage. 

The second scenario is to damage the longer-range enemies since the queen does not have the luxury of a long-range weapon the jagged came in clutch for long-range fights. The blades can also bring the enemies close, just like the hog’s hook, so it as you like it.

Commanding Shout:

This is a bit of her that is centric towards her teammates. So what does commanding shout is that it provides the junker queen and her allies a buff in speed and it also heals them for a brief amount of time. There are several things that a commanding shout is good for. It gives an instant boost in speed which is vital if you want to jiggle or jump-peek a sniper. Because it gives a 30% boost in speed, your jiggle peek and jump peeks would be much faster, and it would help you to bait WidowMaker’s sniper or the bow of Hanzo. 

It can also be used to rush towards the enemy with extra speed and some additional health. All in all, the commanding shout can be really good in some situations and can be an extra pair of hands for help.


Junker Queen’s Carnage is one of my least favorite abilities in the whole game because it is just a glamorized melee attack with nothing major going in my favor of it apart from the healing. So what is carnage? it is an axe that, upon activation, gives wounds to any enemy in front of it. At the same time, it is not entirely useless in fights.

 You could use it as a last resort when you don’t have anything else to give into the fight. But it’s a cooldown of 8 seconds, and extremely slow animation time for a melee makes it a no-go in 1v1’s until or unless you have lowered them first, then it can be a good combo move to finish the enemies off.


Now it is time for her ultimate, which was really great until they nerfed it in season in season 9. So what rampage does it dash you in a straight line and damage everyone who is in front of her?  Unlike other heroes and their ultimate, this one requires a little more patience and skills. Because if you miss the timing it would be a worthless dash. So the timing holds the essence here.

Now, how to use it, you might ask. The best timing to use the rampage is to use it when the enemy team is in a group fight, and they are in their cooldowns. After the Nerf, a lot of heroes’ abilities can stop the rampage so it is critical to use it while everybody has used their respective abilities. Just dash through them which will heal you and will stop the enemies from getting healed for a brief time. In which you or one of your teammates can easily finish them off. There are a lot of variations to this ultimate so be sure to practice it.

The team compositions:


The first on the list is Reaper. He and Junker Queen can be really good in close or mid-range fights since one has enormous HP while the other one has good damage and mobility to climb out of heisty situations, making them a really good pair for each other.


Lucio can get paired with any character and can increase the value of that hero easily. Lucio, paired with the junker queen, can provide much more value since he has the much-needed heals and overall mobility, which can really increase the chances of the queen getting the picks.


Sojourn is also a good pair for the junker queen. Because she has the sheer amount of damage she can also support the queen for longer-range fights. In comparison, junker can create space for her while also maintaining a distance between the sojourn and the enemies. Both can be really aggressive due to their respective damage ability and health amount.

Wrapping it up:

Finally, we are at the end of the blog. I have tried to give you all of the information that you would need to play like a pro with Junker Queen, but you need to keep practicing with her until you get the gist of her abilities. Now, if I mistakenly said or missed anything in this blog, then you are more than welcome to comment on it and point it out. I would really appreciate it till then goodbye.

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