Circuit Royal Map Guide – Overwatch 2

Circuit Royal is an Escort map in Overwatch 2 and was released on 26 April 2022, making it the 35th map added to the game. This spotless map was known during its development as Monte Carlo, based on the real-life territory of glamor, gambling, and glitz.

Circuit Royal is an upper-tax-bracket paradise and base of operations for Maximilien, a Talon-affiliated Omnic with money to burn within the Overwatch universe. In this guide, I’ll cover all the information you need about the Circuit Royal map in Overwatch 2, health pack locations, the best team composition and strategy, and much more on the Circuit Royal map.


overwatch 2 map

Circuit Royal Map Overview

Circuit Royal is located in Monte Carlo, Monaco, and features luxurious fashion stores, an opulent cityscape filled with expensive sports cars, and extravagant hotels. Circuit Royal features multiple narrow streets to maneuver through and high ground to take advantage of, making it a great locale for high-intensity Escort matches. This escort map takes place in 3 main locations: the Hotel, A Vertical Curving Racetrack, and The Casino Front. 

The Casino Front

The map begins at the Monte Carlo casino. Attackers must push the payload from the left of the checkpoint and round a right bend. This push is high ground on either side and an archway over the payload. With an environmental hazard, the end of the road is a large open area. You can find the checkpoint is at the end of the U-shaped curve near the end of the road and also the attacker spawns at the Casino. 

Vertical Curving Racetrack

The second part of the map is very vertical, with the payload moving on a steep incline that around and curves up. Most of the time taken is vertical movement as the actual physical distance between checkpoints is short. After the curve has flattened out, the checkpoint is near the entrance to the hotel. 

The Hotel

The final part of the attack is the hotel, in which the payload is pushed to the very back of it. The track has many high-ground areas and many of them are a significant height from the floor. On the right side of the map, there is a pool area that acts as a flank for defenders and attackers. Keep in mind that the defender spawns at the back of the hotel. 

Circuit Royal Health Pack Locations

Here are all the locations from where you can get the health pack on Circuit Royal. 

  • On Defender Side Spawn, On the balcony after the billboard. 
  • Heading to the Defender Side Spawn, In a boutique by the ramp. 
  • On Defender Side Spawn, On the outside staircase of the hotel. 
  • Found at the staircase before Le Pink Rose.
  • Inside Le Pink Rose.
  • Near the ramp at the center, on the first floor of a building across the corner boutique.
  • On Attacker Side Spawn, on the first floor of the building by the bridge. 
  • To the right of Attacker Spawn, on the first floor of the building. 
  • To the left of Attacker Spawn, on the first floor of the building. 

Circuit Royal Tips and Strategies

Here are some of the important tips and tricks that you need to know when playing on the Circuit Royal map in Overwatch 2. These tips will help you increase your rank in overwatch 2.

Take Advantage of Early Choke Points

The Circuit Royal’s early sections lean heavily in the defending team’s favor, they should always make the most of the map’s early choke points. Prioritize using Heroes who excel at using long sightlines and holding down tight choke points, like Sigma and Widowmaker, when playing defense on Circuit Royal.

Utilize the First Point’s Verticality

The area past Circuit Royal’s first checkpoint features a great vantage point and a high vertical skybox on the defending side. Both teams should take full advantage of the section’s unique terrain, with attacking teams prioritizing Heroes with high vertical mobility, like Winston and Pharah, and defending teams prioritizing Heroes that excel on the high ground, like Ashe and Junkrat

Memorize the Hotel’s Layout

Hotel Arche in Circuit Royal’s final section is a maze filled with numerous flanking routes and numerous vantage points, which means that teams familiar with the area’s layout have the upper hand. To improve your chances of winning in Circuit Royal, familiarize yourself with the hotel’s environment and terrain. 

Defense spawn

From the Overwatch universe’s Formula One circuit, the initial defense starts in an expansive garage that houses speedy, high-tech cars. Turbotron functions as a good nod toward the Rio de Janeiro map and is the crown jewel of the garage.

Next to the garage is the ritzy Hotel Arche, the attackers will try to bring the payload in for a rest. The hotel in its entirety becomes the final third of the map and includes a fancy lobby, a full pool with a bar, and several staircases. if you’re defending the hotel’s doors then you will not have time to enjoy any of the bars. 

Attack spawn

This is where the attack initially begins in Circuit Royal and it wouldn’t be a gambling city without a glitzy casino. The gold-plated casino, which resembles the one shown in the “Masquerade” comic where Maximilien meets with Doomfist, has multiple Omnic butlers manning the tables and a grand ceiling. 

Overwatch 2 map layout

Payload path

To the Hotel Arche through the city’s winding streets and numerous hills, your job in Circuit Royal is to escort a race car from the casino. players will be faced with a street full of shops after leaving the attacker’s spawn. The staircases heading to the upper levels of the map and the open shop spaces offer dozens of places for snipers to hide out as this market section looks quaint. 

Best Circuit Royal Attack Team

Best TankWinston
Best DPSGenji, Sojourn
Best SupportsAna, Mercy

Team Explanation

This unique team composition focuses on dealing with foes that make use of Circuit Royal’s long sightlines and high verticality by having Heroes with flanking potential and high mobility.

Best Circuit Royal Defense Team

Best TankSigma
Best DPSSojourn, Widowmaker
Best SupportsAna, Baptiste

Team Explanation

This team composition uses Circuit Royal’s high verticality and long sightlines as its strength. You must use Heroes that excel in medium to long-range firefights and in holding down choke points and narrow pathways in Circuit Royal in Overwatch 2.  

Alternative Tanks

Doomfist and Wrecking Ball: These Tanks excel at disrupting enemy positioning, and quickly maneuver around Circuit Royal, making them the best alternative picks for aggressive teams. They also have abilities that make them particularly strong around the 1st checkpoint and can shove enemies into environmental hazards. 

Reinhardt: Reinhardt is a solid pick for attacking and defending teams, blocking sniper fire, and covering narrow pathways with Barrier Field. His Fire Strike and Earthshatter are also potent skills when used along the map’s flat choke points.

Zarya: Zarya is another solid alternative for attacking and defending teams, capable of absorbing heavy firepower with her Barriers and turning the damage around with her Particle Cannon. Graviton Surge also excels at disrupting enemy teams that clump up around payload and choke points. 

Alternative Damage

Hanzo: Just like Widowmaker, Hanzo is another marksman who excels at landing lethal headshots with his Storm Bow from Circuit Royal’s vantage points. He is a great alternative sniper for defending teams, capable of granting enemy information with Sonic Arrow and eliminating groups of foes along the map’s narrow pathways with Dragonstrike.

Pharah and Junkrat: These heroes are great alternative picks for defending and attacking teams, offering plenty of area-of-effect damage for breaking through or securing the map’s choke points. Pharah offers more offensive utility, capable of taking to the skies and attacking from different angles. Junkrat controls the area with his traps, offers more defensive utility, and lobbing grenades from high ground. 

Sombra: Sombra is the best alternative flanker for attacking teams, using Hack to disable and dispatch enemy snipers and other crucial targets and capable of moving through sightlines undetected with Stealth. EMP is also potent for disabling grouped-up foes and initiating team fights. 

Alternative Supports

Moira: Moira’s Coalescence and Biotic Orb shine along Circuit Royal’s narrow choke points and tight corridors, being potent damage and healing tools. She also has great mobility in Fade and excellent burst healing with Biotic Grasp. 


Zenyatta pairs well with Circuit Royal’s high vantage points and long sightlines that let him efficiently mark teammates with Orb of Harmony and crucial enemy targets with Orb of Discord. To provide supportive fire and land devastating critical hits, he can also efficiently use Orbs of Destruction from these positions. For defending control points with its massive healing aura, His Transcendence is also great

Brigitte: Brigitte is also a must-pick alternative Support for both teams. She reliably follows and assists Damage Heroes in the frontline with Inspire and Rocket Flail and she can give protection to her allies and push away threats in tight choke points with Whip Shot and Barrier Shield. Rally is also useful for attacking and defending payloads, allowing Brigitte to move around faster while providing temporary health to her allies.

Wrapping It Up:

I hope you liked my guide on how to master this map in Overwatch 2! Sorry if I missed anything, if you have any questions regarding this guide, feel free to reach us out via our chatbox and we will answer all your questions.