When heard, the word cowboy appears calm, right? Well, likewise, when it is heard for Cassidy in Overwatch 2, it seems incredible.
While the game consists of 30 characters, the creator has done a good job making each character special and fun, with a distinct personality that makes them stand out from the rest.

Although this game consists of 5v5 gameplay, playing Cassidy has a vibe that is enough to get you hooked. In this blog, you will learn about Cassidy’s role, abilities, and tips for playing as him. To find out the real name, check out the Real name of every Overwatch 2 Character.
Cassidy’s Role
Damage, tank, and support are the three types of roles that Overwatch 2 divides its heroes into. Now, are you wondering what Cassidy’s role is in this game? Well, you can guess that by looking at his appearance. Cassidy neither belongs to the tank nor the support roles. However, he belongs to the damage role.
Cassidy, due to his damaged role, can make the enemy team heroes suffer if they’re not wise enough. The following are the tasks that the team expects from Cassidy:
- Cassidy is expected to lessen the number of rivals by finding the opponent heroes who are not found near a tank.
- He has the task of confusing the healer of the opponent team and triggering him to make mistakes by dealing high damage to the enemy.
- As a Damage character, he is in danger of being killed by allies when not around. Therefore, he must not let his guard down.
Abilities of Cassidy
In addition to the role, you must consider two reasons to choose a particular character in Overwatch 2: abilities and design.
There is no doubt that Cassidy’s design is incredible. However, he also possesses a significant share of abilities that make him stand out. Cassidy doesn’t have his unique passive.
The following are the abilities of Cassidy that makes him stand out:
When you press the button of his special cowboy revolver for this primary weapon, he fires it in the direction of his aim, a deadly shot.
When you press the secondary weapon button, especially when the enemy is nearby, his revolver shoots the rest of the bullets, which have a lot of spread. Once you hit the secondary weapon button, it goes on reload instantly.
Combat Roll:
He dashes and reloads his Peacekeeper rapidly. This attribute of instantly reloading makes him strong. Plus, it’s crucial to get used to dashing in the way you are moving and where you are looking.
Magnetic Grenade:
He can throw a grenade that can make the surrounding enemies suffer once the grenade explodes after a bit of delay. If the rival hero sticks to the grenade, he will bear the damage.
The grenade will burst into the air if it is thrown and exceeds a distance. If Cassidy is in closure with it, he can bear the damage.
With this deadeye button, Cassidy can lock on the enemies in his line of sight. Once the skull appears on them, he can kill them instantly.
They will bear less damage if you click the button before locking on an enemy.
Tips to Play as Cassidy
Cassidy possesses abilities that require skill to play. You must have good aim. Since you only have six shots, you should work on making them count.
Although he’s a bit complex character to adapt to, following the few tips below will be worthwhile:
Don’t Miss Out on Dash Reload
Forgetting one of the elements of your dash is among the most common mistakes you’ll make while learning to play as Cassidy. It is a great ability and is needed when you have to run back to the combat area rapidly. Still, his best attribute is his instant reload.
The most common encounter in the game is when you and your opponent run out of bullets. But due to Cassidy’s instant reload ability, he can knock out his head before his enemy reacts to it. When this ability is combined with the secondary weapon ability, which shorts fire in a burst, it is game over for the opponent.
His EMP Grenade has Aim Assist.
The magnetic part in the grenade name is actually there for a reason. How about you? Well, it’s because if you aim a grenade not directly at the enemy but a few inches away, it will still be dragged onto them. Interesting, right?
When you throw the grenade onto the opponent team, it becomes deadly. It decreases half of their health, and then you shoot them. However, be aware of this while doing this with Genji since his deflecting ability can be a counterattack for you.
His Damage is Less When Directed from Far Away
As a mid-short-range player, if the distance between you and your opponent is long, the damage you deal will be reduced, especially if you damage their body. But if you damage their head, you will surely scare them off.
In other words, when you are at a long range from your enemy, it will take at least five shots for you to kill him. Whereas if you are mid- to short-range from him, it will take up to 3 body shots for you to kill him.
During the Ultimate, it’s Crucial to Position.
Cassidy’s ultimate ability is to one-shot many rivals within a few seconds. However, if you are not appropriately positioned, this ability can be in vain. Therefore, having a line of sight on more than one character will be the best situation to use this ability.
It’s important to note that once you have started this ability, you can’t undo it without using it. So it’s better to shoot the ultimate prematurely if you think the enemy will get into cover before you lock.
Since we are talking about positioning, it might help you someday to remember that Cassidy’s dash is short-lived, so it has a challenging escape, especially when you are playing it for the first time.
Thank you for reading my Cassidy guide! In this guide, I have shared some tips on how to master this hero in Overwatch 2 and win every ranked game! However, if you still need help, you can always choose our Overwatch 2 boosting service, where my colleagues and I will help you win every ranked game to improve your SR. Select your rank, check out, and relax. We have got it covered for you without any worry!