Diablo IV PTR 2.0 Fails to calculate damage when a player does infinite damage with his Barbarian build

With the Launch of Diablo IV PTR 2.0, Fans of the series having a time of life enjoying the new Diablo IV 2.0 Test server. The official Diablo IV 2.0 and The Vessel of Hatred expansion is just around the corner. The Vessel of Hatred will be live on October 8, 2024. However, one famous Diablo IV build enthusiast has already broken Diablo IV PTR.

Rob2628 Diablo IV

Rob2628 with the help of his Whirlwind Barbarian build, did so much damage in an instant that it broke down Diablo IV PTR. Diablo IV PTR failed to calculate the total amount of damage done in that certain instance. After that, it started showing an infinity symbol causing infinite damage.

This is due to different testing of builds and such passion for Diablo IV builds by Rob2628. He regularly pushes Diablo IV to its limits. However, it happened on the Diablo IV PTR 2.0 which runs on the upcoming Diablo IV patch 2.0. Vessel of Hatred will be running on the Diablo IV patch 2.0.

It is to be noted that Diablo IV PTR 2.0 is capped and is made in such a way that player levels are capped so such damage should be impossible to happen. But that was not the case and the damage was so high that it broke down the Diablo IV to calculate what is the actual damage.

One of the reasons defined by Rob2628 for this to happen was his build and new Runewords that are coming in Vessel of Hatred. He used two Runewords from Vessel of Hatred in his Barbarian build. One grants his build more life and the second one creates an earthquake when standing still. Rob kept on spamming his Barbarian’s Whirlwind ability.  And that made Thorn’s damage continuously scale giving higher and higher damage. Eventually, it made the game break down and display the infinity symbol.

He later on defeated the game’s greatest Pit Boss which was tier 100 in an instant. “This can pretty much speed-farm everything in the game, obviously, because we have infinite damage,” Rob said. This is likely due to a game-breaking bug and is likely to be fixed when Vessel of Hatred arrives on October 8.

Diablo IV Season 6

However, this whole scenario went completely against Blizzard’s goal to cut player damages which used to be fairly higher in these past seasons for Diablo IV.  Blizzard wants players to have damage against their stats and levels.