Have you noticed something different in the Dota 2 behaviour score recently? Do you think it is working somewhat differently from how it used to? If yes, this is because of Dota 2’s new behaviour score update. And, this article is all about that behaviour score summary update.
Here, you will learn what is behaviour score, why is it important, what changes have been made by Valve in the Dota 2 behaviour score system, how is it different from the previous one, what changes players are experiencing after the update, and how you can increase your Dota 2 behaviour score after the new update.

What is the behaviour score in Dota 2?
Behaviour score in Dota 2 is a score that shows your conduct in the game, and your behaviour towards other team members. This score now ranges between 1 and 12000; earlier it was 1 to 10000. A higher behaviour score shows good conduct while a lower behaviour score tells that you don’t behave well in the game. And, your behaviour score is determined by the feedback given by your team members.
What is Dota 2 behaviour score update?
Here is what has changed after the behaviour score update in Dota 2:
1. Now Have Two Scores
Before the behaviour score update in Dota 2 , there was only one score – the behaviour Score. It only helped in matchmaking. This means you go to play matches with players having more or less similar behaviour scores.
But, after the new behaviour score update, now you will have two scores: behaviour score and communication score.
- Behaviour Score
The behaviour score will tell how your behaviour was during the match with other players. It ranges from 1 to 12000. Like earlier, behaviour score will determine your matchmaking. Now, it will also determine your ability to pause the game, drop items, and play a ranked game.
Here is what your behaviour score means:
10000 to 12,000: All good. You can give coaching.
Less than 10,000: No coaching.
Less than 7,000: No item drops after the game.
Less than 5,000: Can’t pause the game.
Less than 3,000: Can’t search for a ranked game.
- Communication Score
And, communication score will tell what was the quality of your communication during the match. Like behaviour score its range is also from 1 to 12000. Your communication score will determine whether you will be able to communicate and how.
Here is what your communication score means:
10000 to 12,000: Excellent. You can give coaching.
Less than 10,000: No coaching and no pinging allies’ abilities.
Less than 8,000: No voice chat.
Less than 7,000: Can’t do in-game tipping.
Less than 6,000: No text chat.
Less than 3,000: All communication will be shared for 30 seconds only.
2. Increase In The Maximum Behaviour Score
Earlier the maximum behaviour score you could have was 10000. Now, you can have a behaviour score up to 12000.
3. Behaviour Score Getting Updated Earlier Than Before
Before the behaviour score update in Dota 2, players’ behaviour scores used to get updated after every 15 matches. But, now your behaviour score will update after every 10 matches.
4. Lesser Change In The Score
Earlier, although the score was updated a lil later, players were getting a change of around 700-800 points. After the update, you will get a change of around 300-400 only after every 10 matches.
5. Real Time Check on Toxicity
Earlier you had to wait for a match to end to report a person who used abusive language during the match. With the new update, you can report such toxic players right away. You can keep a check on toxicity and reduce it with the new reporting system. For example, if a player is abusing, you just have to report it to the system. The system will do a real-time analysis of those reported chats and the player will get a penalty on the spot. As a penalty, their text and voice communication abilities will be muted.
How to increase behaviour score and communication score in Dota 2?
Below are tried and tested tips to increase behaviour score and communication scores in Dota 2:
- Communicate Effectively
- Be Polite and Don’t Abuse
- Don’t Throw Matches
- Avoid Reports
- Earn Commendations
1. Communicate Effectively
In team-based games like Dota 2, communication is very important. If you don’t communicate effectively with your mates, they might consider it your negligence and it will impact your behaviour score.
2. Be Polite and Don’t Abuse
To increase your communication score and behaviour score in Dota 2, be polite and don’t use abusive language during the match. It is normal to get frustrated, mad, or angry when things get heated. But, do not let your emotions impact what you say or type in the chat box. Because if you don’t, your behaviour and communication scores will decrease. Plus, choose your words carefully to avoid misunderstandings or misinterpretations that could lead to conflicts and lower behaviour and communication scores.
3. Don’t Throw Matches
Another tip is don’t throw matches. Because when you throw matches, your team members will view it as a betrayal and will give you a low behaviour score at the end of the match. So, always give your best for your team’s win. And, always complete the match to the end even if you think you are gonna lose.
4. Avoid Reports
Negative reports from other players will lower your behavior score. So, do your best to avoid reports. You can do this by being helpful, by avoiding harsh and abusive language, by staying loyal to your team, and by avoiding throwing matches.
5. Earn Commendations
Another way to improve behaviour scores in Dota 2 is by earning commendations. You can earn them by being pleasant and helpful towards your team members. Be polite. And, if you see any of your team mates struggling, provide support during the match. People value such lil acts. And, this is how you will earn commendations and your behaviour score will increase.
You can also choose our behavior score boosting service to increase your behaviour score in Dota 2. Not just that, we are also offering Dota 2 Boost for all those players who want to improve their gameplay and get better.
Also, after the new behavior score update, people are moving towards changing accounts because once your behavior falls below 3000, it will be nearly impossible to improve it – and to cover that up, you can buy Dota 2 accounts from Immortalboost at a very affordable price.
Dota 2 Players’ Experience After the Behaviour Score Update
After the Dota 2 behaviour score update, many players shared their experiences on various platforms. Here is how they are feeling now:
- Game quality noticeably improved! No trash-talking, no pinging skills, no flaming.
- The communication score gets stuck if it falls below 6000. Some players think there is some bug that makes the scores rapidly drop to below 6k and then freeze.
- Some players think the threshold for the ranked matches which is 3000 behaviour score is very low and should be increased.
How to check behaviour score in Dota 2?
To check your behaviour score in Dota 2:
1. First, open your Dota 2 profile.
2. Then, click on Player Behaviour Summary.
3. Here, you can see your Lifetime Behavior Score.
How to check the communication score in Dota 2?
To check your Dota 2 communication score:
1. First, open your Dota 2 profile.
2. Then, click on Player Behaviour Summary.
3. Here, next to your behaviour score, you can see your communication score.
To conclude, the new behaviour score update in Dota 2 will surely improve the gaming experience. With time, you will see reduced toxicity. As this is a new update, there are some bugs and they will be fixed soon.