What is CS2 Boosting & How Does It Works?

Counter strike had just turned 25 this month and in these 25 years, it went from a mere mod of half-life to the most renowned first-person shooter in the world. To get an idea of how much fame this game has got we have to understand that only in June Counter-Strike had a concurrent player count of 1.8 million active players, which makes this game the most played one on Steam.


Just after the release of the new iteration of the counter strike called “CS 2”. The unique player count boasted up to 31.8 million. This directly makes the game one of the most popular ones on the planet. Now with that huge amount of unique players, we have a large chunk of new players who don’t even know about the basics of the game. 

They don’t know how to peek or move around the map flawlessly. This creates a very wide skill gap between the experienced players and these new players. Now there are numerous ways for these new players to get better at the game. Most of them are time-consuming and take a lot of effort to get good at the game. 

But what if you don’t want to waste time learning new smokes and new strategies to counter your enemies what if you just want to get better the fastest way and want to get the best rank possible? Now luckily there’s a way for you to get boosted by our professional booster with 0% risk and guaranteed rank ups. I’ll explain what CS2 boosting is in a bit how many types of CS2 boosting we offer and which one suits you the best.

What is CS2 Boosting:

The simplest explanation of boosting is that it is a service where you hire a professional player to play on your account and boost that account’s value. Whether it is rank-lifting or account-level boosting. While boosting is seen as a bad thing in the community but is not because, at the end of the day, you are getting what you paid for without doing any harm to any other player.

In Counter-Strike 2 the story is the same you pay a fee then you submit your account to us. And in less than a week we will boost your account’s rank or level according to your preference. We already have lots of 5-star reviews on trust pilot and other third-party rating websites so you don’t have to worry about your account. In case you do not like our service we also offer a money-back guarantee.

Most games do not allow boosting and if a player gets caught getting boosted then they get banned but luckily CS2 does not impose these kinds of restrictions on their players. That is why there’s so much prevalence of boosting in counter-strike 2. Now there are different kinds of boosting in a counter strike there’s placement boosting, faceit boosting, win boosting, and whatnot i will try to explain each of these types of boosting down below. 

Types of boosting in CS 2 and how do they work:

Now similar to every other competitive game counter strike also has different types of competitive ranked queues. Mainly there are three rank modes present in the game premier, ranked, and wingman. There are also third-party platforms like esea and Faceit which provide their servers for hardcore CS fans to play on.  In those platforms, the skill level between the players is on another level. 

I’ll start with each of the types with a brief explanation of how they work.

CS2 Premier and How it’s Boosting Works: 

There are 2 main rank modes in counter strike 2 first is the premier which is based on the elo system. The premier system rates players according to their wins or losses. It does not care about a player’s performance and how many kills they get. Upon accepting the match you get greeted with a map back or ban screen where you and your opponent ban maps until 1 map gets left and the last map that gets left gets played.

Here’s how the premier ratings works:

MMR Color of the rank
0 – 4999Grey
5000 – 9999Light Blue
10000 – 14999Blue
15000 – 19999Purple
20000 – 24999Pink
25000 – 29999Red

The most common rating among these players is the 8k to 9k rating. With each win, you get hundreds of points and for every loss you’ll lose hundreds of MMR points in case you lose two or three games in a row, you will most likely lose a lot more MMR than usual.

The boosting service works like any other one. You pay a fee choose your favorite booster and leave the rest of the things for us to do. Since there are not any major policies against boosting in premier things get done quickly and seamlessly.

How Competitive Mode and Rank Boosting Works:

Just like I have mentioned earlier the competitive rank mode and premier mode work completely differently. Premier gives the player a rating based on his performance which he can improve but it applies to all of the maps that are in rotation of matchmaking. But in competitive mode, each map you play will have a different rank meaning that you could be a global on mirage but a silver in vertigo. Which makes the competitive mode’s rank climb a lot harder and lengthy.

But unlike Premier in competitive mode, you have a choice of what map you want to play. So if you want to get good on a specific map then playing competitive mode is a really good choice.

So rank boosting or competitive mode rank boosting is a service where a skilled plays on an account on behalf of another player and boosts their rank on the player’s preferred maps.

Placement boosting and Win boosting:

After purchasing the prime status you get placed into the initial rank placement matches. These placement matches are what is going to decide your rank. The more matches you win the better your rank will. And in these placement matches your individual performance is also a factor.

So the placement boosting service works best in this situation and since placement matches are few it costs you a fraction of the amount to get the best possible rank. 

Now on the other hand win boosting is when you exactly know how many more matches you need to win to get a specific rank. This service is especially for the players who get stuck on a certain rank and are unsure about themselves to win that last match.

Faceit and Esea Boosting:

For most players getting 25k elo is the dream but because the skill gap between players is high and the players who have been playing this game for a decade or so they need to compete against the players who share the same level of skills. Faceit and Esea provide this unique proposition. These third-party matchmaking services provide arguably better servers than official matchmaking servers proper league systems and whatnot.

We here at Immortal Boost also provide boosting for both of these platforms. So if you want a fast cheap and reliable source of boosting you should contact us.

Is boosting allowed? Which type of boosting is best for you?

Unlike other games, Counter-Strike 2 has not directly said anything against boosting as such it condemned cheating or bad behaviour. You have to understand that even if a player got boosted and his skill level is way below his rank it would not take longer for him to de-rank. 

Now which type of boosting you should get? If you have just started then placement boosting is the best option since you can get ahead quickly by winning all of the initial placement matches via using our services.

If you are a casual player and you just want to get a good rank to play your friends or flex on them then you should get premier boosting. 

If you are close to a rank up and does’nt want to lose the chance to lose the rank promotion then you should get win boosting.

Lastly, faceit and esea boosting are highly subjective because unless you want to get good at the base game there’s no point in wasting money on Faceit boosting. But if you are good at the game and have played enough matchmaking then you should get Faceit or Esea boosting. This will let skip the whole queue and will save you a lot of time and energy.

Solo vs self-play boosting:

Lastly, there’s one needle left in the haystack, and that needle is the question of which is better. Solo vs self-play boosting. Firstly let’s talk about each of them and why you should choose either of them.

In solo boosting you give us your account and our top-skilled players play on your account and boost you this option is cheaper and faster as compared to self play boosting.

In self-play boosting you just have to add our booster as your friend and have to queue with him. He will carry you game after game until you reach your desired rank. But this leniency comes with a price tag. 

Benefits of CS2 boosting:

Now that you know every bit about every boosting service that CS 2 has to offer. Let’s talk about the benefits of CS2 boosting.

  • It is the easiest way to rank up.
  • The fastest and the most efficient to get the best possible rank.
  • By getting boosted you bypass all of the problems that low-solo queue players