BO6: How to get Hand Canon

With the Recent Season 1 update in BO6 and the latest Hitlist event live, Hand Canon is a new gun available in the game. This is a returning gun from the Cold War and a fan favorite. There are a few different ways you can unlock the Hand Canon and unlock its Camos. Moreover, Hand Canon is coming as a part of Scorestreak in the Hitlist event. Now, community can work together and unlock the Hand Canon.

BO6 just released and is already the most-played game in the world. If you’re a casual Call of Duty player you’re aware of Call of Duty’s relatively new skill-based matchmaking system which is extremely strict at times and can make having a very high kill game or win very difficult. The players who don’t know what skill-based matchmaking is and are new to Call of Duty multiplayer essentially your personal KD ratio and win-loss ratio stats are getting tracked each game you play. 

Black Ops 6 Season 1 is starting with the Call of Duty’s annual reset. Players will be getting a ton of new maps, modes, weapons, and zombies content. Warzone is also getting a reboot with BO6 Season 1 starting with a new resurgence map Area 99. This is very big for Warzone and it will be integrated with BO6 getting all the cool weapons.

All this content will be available on day one of BO6 Season 1 starting on Thrusday, November 14, 2024. BO6 Season 1 will be getting a brand new battle pass. It is time to grind BO6 to unlock all the exclusive rewards and that new shiny Dark Matter weapon camo.

Here’s everything you need to know about BO6 Hand Canon and how to get it.

How to get Hand Canon in Black Ops 6

You can get Hand Canon in BO6 as a Scorestreak, which has been unlocked through the Hitlist event. You can follow these steps to get the Hand Canon in BO6.

  • Go to Loadouts
  • Select your favorite loadout.
  • Go to Scorestreak.
  • Scroll forward to Hand Canon and equip it.
  • You will be able to use Hand Canon.

NOTE: Hand Canon is available to use in both Multiplayer and Zombies mode.

Hand Canon was unlocked as a part of the Hitlist event. After all the players in BO6 competed for it in the event and got 24 Billion Kills which led to the unlock the exclusive Hand Canon. This shows how much players are still grinding in BO6 and the community wants everyone to enjoy the rewards.

Just as with other Scorestreaks, you can be lucky and get the Hand Cannon from a Care Package drop. Equipping the Hand Cannon as a Scorestreak in your Loadout isn’t the only way you can use it.

Devs also added about Hand Canon “Though it has a slow rate of fire and limited ammunition, it makes up for this with good handling, improved hip fire accuracy with faster hip-fire shooting speed, and the biggest bonus of all; high-penetration shots that can one-shot enemies.”

How to use Hand Canon in BO6

BO6 Hand Canon is a powerful Pistol and you can equip it for those extra kills during Kill Streaks. To use the Hand Cannon Scorestreak in BO6, you need to earn a score of 900 without being killed in Multiplayer. This will prove tricky most of the time but it is a neat enough Scorestreak to make it worth trying.

The drawbacks of the Hand Cannon are its slow fire rate and limited ammunition. However, this is heavily outweighed by the fact that it can kill enemies in a single shot. Additionally, expect to experience enhanced hip-fire accuracy and faster hip-fire shooting speed, allowing you to take a lethal shot at both long and short ranges.

Hand Canon also has three Mastery Level Badges. So, its time to grand those Mastery levels to unlock exclusive skins and rewards.

That’s all you need to know about how to get Hand Canon in Black Ops 6 and how to use it.