CoD Warzone & MW3: Unlock Crimson Wyrm Camo

Warzone Map Fortune’s Keep returned in Season 2 of MW3. With its return came new Easter eggs and new surprises that offer you in both Warzone and MW3. To earn a free camo reward in Modern Warfare 3 Warzone, we’ll guide you through completing the Dragon Stirs Easter Egg in Fortune’s Keep Today.

MW3 & Warzone Crimson unlock weapon

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Fastest Way To Unlock the Crimson Wyrm Easter Egg Camo

Follow all the below set of instructions to get access to the Crimson Wyrm Easter Egg Camo.

The Lighthouse

Your first step is to start by dropping at The Lighthouse and then in 5 different locations nearby, you need to search gas can. You will find the gas stand at the Docks area much near the lighthouse.

MW3 and Warzone Map location

Place the gas can to light up the beam after moving to the top of The Lighthouse. You need to use the gas to refill the generator. Towards a specific building, you need to align the beam. To achieve a mystery lens, you have to melee the binoculars next to it. On top of the building place the lens in the bird’s nest located just left of the lighthouse point of interest facing northwest. There’s the beam that’s supposed to turn on from filling the generator.

You can either mark where the beam needs to shine on the tac map or have a teammate tell you when to interact with the machinery shop to stop the beaming light from rotating.


Next, head to the winery and search for binoculars outside. You need to find three lenses located within the tower views around the map. To get another mystery lens, Melee them. Place the lens in the bird’s nest after climbing to the top of the winery.

The Keep

On the fortress walls, go to the Keep and search for the binoculars. Each binocular and bird’s nest are highlighted in green and red respectfully below. To obtain the final mystery lens, Melee them. Place the lens in the bird’s nest after taking it to the top of the church at the Keep. Players only have to interact with the bird’s nest once to complete the step.

Finally, after all the lenses have been placed in their respective bird’s nests then the firecracker show will begin at the keep. You’ll get a pop-up notification in the lobby that you completed the quest after you’re done with that and the Keep will explode with the fireworks show. In the extras category in camos, you’ll get the free camo reward. That’s it for the dragon steer quest on Fortune Keep! Super easy to do, so it shouldn’t be much of a challenge!

Crimson Wyrm Camo Boost

Our professional Warzone players will help you as are completely aware that not all players have enough time to grind this camo. You can easily purchase the Crimson Wyrm camo boost from us and without any cheating and hacking software we will get you the Crimson Wyrm camo the very same day.