If there’s anything that Apex Legends is known for, it’s probably movement. Normally, when we think of movement, people tend to think of Fade doing a backflip but in reality, the most important movements in Apex are just the simple ones. You don’t need to be on mouse and keyboard or be able to detach base or any of those things to be a good player.

So today, I’ve got five critical but easy movement tips that everyone should be using if they want to improve at Apex. If you want more in-depth guides on how to do all those more advanced movement techniques, make sure to head over to the blog section, where I personally have literally made hundreds of guides to help you become a better player.
Also, if you are a video person then you can check out this complete video for movement guide
These guides cover fundamentals, advanced movement techniques, advanced Legend tutorials, gameplay breakdowns, and so much more.
Without further ado, let’s get started with the tips!
- Holstering
- Quick Slides
- Pushing and Pulling
- Starfing
- Movement and Positioning
1) Holstering
I’m just going to keep it real with you, ladies and gentlemen: if you’re not holstering every time that you’re repositioning, you are doing it wrong. And no, I don’t just mean when you’re rotating from one point of interest to the next. I mean when you are under fire and need to get to a piece of cover before you die, or if you need to push up on a player who is only about 15 meters away (that’s one-five, not five-zero). I know it may not seem like much and not worth doing, but I promise you, in a game where the average time to kill is around one second, that 13% increase in movement speed can mean the difference between getting the kill or being killed. So really try to make a habit of holstering your gun whenever you’re repositioning.
2) Quick Slides
This actually leads me to my next tip, which is learning how to slide quickly. If you haven’t realized it yet, dead slides feel really bad. This is basically when you go to slide but then get slowed by a bullet or don’t sprint long enough actually to slide.
Well, you’re just going to crouch unexpectedly, and we all know how that leads to us ending up at the QQ barbecue to rant about how terrible the game is. Well, at least that’s the case if you’re like me. The reason this happens is that when you sprint with a weapon out, you have to build up enough velocity in order actually to do the slide. From a standstill with your weapon, it takes three full steps in order to do a full-velocity slide. This is where quick sliding comes into play. When your weapon is holstered, it only takes one step to build up enough momentum for that full slide.
Also, check out the best weapons to use in Apex Legends so that you can master this game!
3) Pushing and Pulling
This brings us to our next movement tip: using slide jumps for pushing and pulling. Slide jumps are the fastest way to move around the map unless you’re one of those Trident Charlies who drives around Storm Point like it’s Grand Theft Auto or something. Jokes aside, slide jumps are really strong, and the longer you’re exposed, the more likely you are to die.
It’s kind of simple math. That’s why using slide jumps to move from one piece of cover to the next is so important, regardless of if it’s to push or to pull because it allows you to cut down the amount of time significantly you are physically exposed.
If you want to master this trick, you can also hire our Apex duo booster and learn from him, as he will play along with you so you can see how a pro predator rank player moves around the map!
4) Strafing
You need to learn how to add some variance to your strafing to break that aim assist on the controller. You can do this by adding crouches, but make sure you aren’t spamming too fast; otherwise, it won’t actually do anything.
Just complete each crouch animation, and then it will help tremendously, I promise. Also, ensure that your strafes aren’t so linear. No more left to right to left or just strafing to the left for an hour straight. You gotta start doing far more erratic strafes using ankle breaks.
5) Movement and Positioning
For example, you can use movement to get to different positions faster or to get to a different piece of terrain that you would normally not be able to reach by conventional means. But the most important thing for you to remember is that movement generally makes up for bad positioning. Therefore, if you find that you need more and more movement in order to achieve better results, it’s likely that there’s an underlying issue of positioning, not necessarily your movement unless you aren’t doing the fundamentals that we’ve been discussing so far.
In the end, whether or not you decide to implement advanced movement is up to you. It can be a very good tool, especially if you are a more aggressive player, but it’s not something that is 100% necessary for you to be successful.
Wrapping it up
Hope this guide will help you master your movement in Apex Legends as I have shared the most important tips that you need to follow. If you have any other tips, you can drop a comment right below and let me know, and till then, it’s a goodbye.
Also, if you still need help, check our Apex Legends Coaching services where our pro-tier coach will help you improve your movement while watching your replays or live game!