Improve your FPS in Apex Legends – 2025

Doesn’t it feel amazing to get free things like fries with free ketchup or donuts with free cream what I am trying to tell you is that everyone likes free things don’t we? 

Let me get to the point so in Apex Legends there are numerous things that you can do to get those extra frames like upgrading your system and spending a fortune on it or getting in one of those internet cafes and spending a lot of amounts and also a concern of account’s security to just play for hour or two on those high fps gaming rigs. But that’ll be no solution to your definite problem of getting low frames and input delay. So what’s your solution to this problem may I suggest my guide “How to increase FPS in Apex Legends 2023” on your existing system or what should You upgrade to maximize the frame rate? So here we go.

Before we start, you should know that I am a professional Apex Booster currently working with If you want to read my more blogs, you can simply head over here

For AMD Users:

Right-click on anywhere on your desktop and select the AMD Radeon Software. Now On the top left after Radeon’s logo, you’ll find 3 tabs Click on the gaming one. It will show you Every game you have on your pc and if it doesn’t on the right you’ll find three dots select the apex legends exe file manually.
After Selecting the file Do the following:

  • Set the anti-aliasing mode to “Use application settings.” This Will use Your Ingame anti-aliasing mode rather than forcing it to use Radeon’s preferred higher settings which can bleed some of the Frames.
  • Set the anisotropic filtering mode to “Use application settings.” Same thing Like Anti-aliasing nothing much to explain.
  • Set the texture filtering quality to “Performance”. It’ll Lower the Textures of the game obviously But in return, it’ll boost the performance of your game.
  • Turn Off V-sync. If you are somewhat experienced in pc gaming you know why is but if you aren’t it’s pretty simple to explain what v-sync does is that it put a limit on fps to the refresh rate of your display that way it prevents screen tearing. But it cost a lot of lost fps.
  • Disable “Image sharpening” it’ll prevent anything over-sharpened which causes fps drops.
  • Enable AMD’s HYPR-RX from in-game settings to make input lag a little short

For Nvidia Users:

Right-click on anywhere on your desktop and select the Nvidia control panel option.
Now Click on “Manage 3D Settings” It’ll be on the top of the left of the tab under the 3D section settings. Now Click on the “Program Settings” Tab it’s going to be in the right front of you.
Select “Apex Legends” from the list of programs or you can just use the ctrl and F shortcuts to make it easy for you. So At this step, you have to make several changes as follows:

After Selecting the file Do the following:

    • Power management mode: Set this to “Prefer maximum performance”. Pretty Self-explanatory that it’ll prefer performance over saving power.
    • Texture filtering: Set this to “Performance.” Because You want To get every last drop of those frames.
    • Anisotropic filtering: Set this to “Off.”
    • Anti-aliasing – Mode: Set this to “Off.”
    • Anti-aliasing – Gamma correction: Set this to “Off.”
    • Low latency mode: Set this to “Ultra.”
    • Shader cache: Set this to “On.”
    • Enable Nvidia’s from in-game settings what it does it’ll make input lag a slightly more short so from keystroke to in-game action it’ll take it from 70 ms to 40 to 35 ms and it’s a welcoming feature

Now Apply Them And Restart your pc so some of the settings can get applied.

Regardless of these settings, I know it can be intimidating sometimes but It looks more scary than it really is so don’t worry, and most importantly don’t be scared and certainly don’t do it if you are not really feeling it.

And Now for the part of general players regardless of their GPU manufacturers. Hence i can start this from

ALSO READ: How to Level Up Your Apex Legends Account Fast 2023

Disable Windows animations:

Windows animations can incur substantial effort, particularly on older computers. To disable them, go to System and Security > Performance in the Control Panel. Select the Adjust for optimal performance option from the Visual Effects tab. What it does is that it turns every animation of default Windows programs off which include the shadow behind your folder’s icon and swinging between application more retro.

And so on and so forth. This table will become very lengthy so I’ll tell you right away that for reaching the 50th level and unlocking the ranked play, you’ll need 17000xp

A prestige system is also available in Apex Legends in addition to the standard leveling-up process. At level 500, players can prestige their account. The player’s level is reset to 1, but they also receive a special badge and a fresh round of goodies when they prestige.

Set Windows to its highest performance mode:

Windows has a variety of power plans that might have an impact on performance. Open the Control Panel and navigate to System and Security > Power Options to set Windows in the optimum performance mode. Click OK after selecting the High-Performance plan. So it will give room for your game to use more of your PC’s resources to get used on your game rather than wasting them on useless Windows animations and text shadows.

Some more steps you can do is you also can Modify the application’s settings. Some games feature options that affect FPS. For example, you may be able to boost FPS by decreasing graphics settings or turning off anti-aliasing. Turn off full-screen optimizations. Full-screen optimizations can occasionally have an effect on FPS. To turn them off, right-click the game’s executable file and choose Properties. Check the Disable full-screen optimizations box on the Compatibility page.

Turn Ultimate performance mode on:

There Is a command that can be used to unlock a hidden mode on the power plan of your pc to get that extra inch of performance to enhance the frame rate so put this command into your CMD
powercfg -duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61
And You’ll get a new option named “Ultimate performance mode” Turn that on and you’ll notice a slight difference in your PC’s performance.

Remove the in-game FPS cap:

For these, you have to go into Steam and right-click on apex legend, and put this command in there “+fps_max unlimited”. Hence on default apex has a fps cap of 144 frames per second and by putting this command into the page you’ll unlock the fps cap therefore you’ll eventually will get a smoother experience. Your pc will utilize its full potential to produce the best frame rates and all of the above tips I give you will be getting a fair shed of light.

Alongside these general settings, we also have to give you the best and optimal in-game settings which can offer you the best frame while keeping up with the usual visibility for pleasing gaming sessions.

In-Game Display settings:

  • Display mode: Full Screen It’ll force Windows to run the program in full screen giving it a high priority because rather than normal full-screen programs tend to be more important and it’ll make a slight difference.
  • Aspect Ratio: Native Aspect Ratio Just put this native form of your display’s aspect ratio most esports pros use 16:9 u can do it too to see if you like it or not
  • V-Sync: Disabled I already explained why it’s so crucial to disable it. V-sync just caps your frame rate to your display’s refresh rate.

In-Game Graphics settings:

  • Anti-Aliasing: Off Texture
  • Streaming Budget: Low or Medium
    Texture Filtering: Anisotropic 2X
  • Ambient Occlusion Quality: Low Sun
  • Shadow Coverage: Low
  • Sun Shadow Detail: Low
  • Spot Shadow Detail: Off
  • Volumetric Lighting: Disabled
  • Dynamic Spot Shadows: Disabled
  • Model Detail: Low
  • Effects Detail: Low
  • Impact Marks: Low
  • Ragdoll: Low

These settings will offer you the best framerate possible while not compromising too much visual quality. You can also apply differently and make your own custom settings to provide a better frame rate or visuals depending on your taste and skills I was just giving you an idea of how to cope with the situation.

So after reading and applying all of the above tips that I recommended to you you might be asking “Why do I need good fps I can play at spiking fps from 40 to 60, I don’t mind a few hiccups and jitters” so to answer that I’ll tell you that “A consistent frame rate is vital for competitive play in esports games, where every millisecond counts.” A steady frame rate indicates that the game will operate smoothly and consistently, with no abrupt decreases or spikes in performance. This is significant for several reasons, including

Reaction time: A consistent frame rate allows you to respond to what is going on in the game more swiftly. It might be tough to keep track of what is going on and make rapid judgments if your frame rate is continuously changing.

Accuracy: A consistent frame rate might help you shoot more precisely. It might be tough to keep your sights on target if your frame rate is continuously changing.

Smoothness: A consistent frame rate may make the game feel smoother and more pleasurable to play. The game might seem choppy and jarring if your frame rate is continually shifting.

So that’s it for the “How to increase FPS in Apex Legends 2023” I have guided to from the start and through to the end and I really hope that you’ll find this help full.