In Apex Legends, we tend to make mistakes. Mistakes are so obvious that other players sometimes laugh at them, but as we are newbies to that game, we don’t know what we are doing wrong. For instance, in csgo or valorant if you are playing them for the first time your crosshair will be on the ground.
While this is not a big mistake it shows that you’re new to the game and don’t know any better. But if you can avoid mistakes and start learning the actual game’s mechanics and playstyle from day one, it’ll rapidly improve your overall skill set.
I am a professional Apex Legends Booster and in this blog I will extensively talk about the top mistakes that beginner players make in apex legends and how to avoid them. If you’re a beginner in Apex Legends then this blog will help you to avoid such mistakes and it will help you to get better at the game more quickly and sufficiently.

Not practicing Aim:
The first thing that most players are horrible at is simply just the raw aiming ability. While this does’nt count as a mistake if you are in a low elo and you still getting one tapped or getting killed in a short duel then it is most probably your aim. In the beginning stages of the game, most player’s aims are not that good and most of them just keep playing the game without ever giving a thought to the most important thing in the game.
So avoid neglecting your aiming abilities and practice it thoroughly how to do it is up to you. You could take up a routine from a well-known professional player or you could practice whatever you feel like. The point is that do not neglect to aim at the start of your journey.
Getting trashed while chasing Ranks:
Another mistake that beginners make is after they complete their tutorials and initial placement matches. They kept on playing rank mode without getting a good grasp on the fundamentals of apex legends. The reasoning behind that is pretty simple a rank is a flex on their friends and other players. That is why these players play rank matches a lot and waste their time.
Without getting a firm grasp on the basics of the game is mindless and you’ll never get the rank you want by just playing rank while ignoring how to aim or how to move efficiently. So stop playing rank and start to learn the actual game and then you’ll grow at a rapid speed as a player. Otherwise, you’ll get hard-stuck in the lower elo without having a clue about what made that happen.
Solo queue is not for beginners:
Apex Legends is undoubtedly a team game which is why Respawn made 5 classes of legends. So players can mix and match the legends and make a combo of legends that complement each other. So a lot of new players play the game solo and as far as Apex Legends rank mode goes. Solo queuing is really hard for beginners. Not having friends or players is another thing that may happen to new players.
But if you try to find discord servers or groups that are filled with Apex Legends players I’m pretty sure you could find some members to group up with. Don’t ever solo queue as a beginner unless you absolutely have to.
Going into high-risk zones:
Another big mistake that amateurs make is that in the greed of loot, they tend to drop into a high-risk high-reward zone. While most players do it that’s why it’s a high-risk zone but when there are a lot of players in a zone things can get pretty fierce and dense in a matter of seconds. As a beginner, you should avoid it because if you don’t you’ll get killed pretty quickly.
There’s a perception that high risk zones train you better but in reality, they don’t because new players don’t have enough time alive to get the true sense of the combat and they get killed quickly without even knowing who killed and where they got shot from.
Choosing the wrong legend:
There are so many choices when it comes to legend selection as of now Apex Legends offers 25 unique legends to play. Understandably, players get confused while choosing a legend to main. Most new players pick Wraith just because it is famous but Wraith’s kit and movement are difficult and complex for most new players and by not choosing a beginner-friendly legend they make the game even harder than it probably is.
Avoid picking a legend just because most players are picking it. Pick a legend learn its kit and then proceed to main it. Some beginner-friendly legends that you can choose from are Ballistic, pathfinder, and Octane.
Camping is not the answer:
In most battle royals players try to camp and wait for players to peek at them or to walk towards them. The thing about Camping is that it is often successful because in it the camper has an advantage over other players but I don’t have to tell you much about camper gets criticized for doing it. It certainly kills the spirit of the game. So you have to understand that camping is not going to help you improve. It might help you to get kills or to be in the top 10 but it most certainly will not help you to improve upon the game. Play the game like it is supposed to be played.
Learn Recoil patterns:
While this might not considered a mistake but a piece of ignorance or a thing to forget. So each in apex legends has a unique and different recoil pattern. Each of the guns behaves differently when it gets sprayed down. Some guns go sideways while holding down the fire or some guns go up in the sky. The point here is that each gun is different and it will behave differently in combat and you need to be prepared for it
So Learning recoils for each gun will be beneficial for you. Because it will allow you to spray down the enemies accurately while not losing your aim over them. While recoil smoothing might affect the recoil of the said guns it will not flat-out eliminate it.
Not using the map properly:
A map plays a big role in any first-person competitive shooter because it tells everything about what is happening on the battlefield. Most beginners do not take this seriously or are unaware of how much it can influence their play style. In apex legends, a map will tell you the ring is closing as well as the ongoing fight around and the map also indicates loot boxes.
There is not a particular practice about how to use the map properly but my point was that new players should be aware of the map and they should use it more often.
Learn about legends and their abilities:
As I stated earlier in this blog don’t jump on the bandwagon of the popular legend and pick it just because everybody else is. Furthering that topic learning about legends is always a good idea as there are over 2 dozen of them in the game. Having a main legend to pick is great but if you learn about each of them in the firing range it will also help you in the long run. It’ll also make you more versatile as a player.
Giving 10 to 15 minutes to each legend is not hard. What you should do is learn about their abilities, their movement speed and their playstyle gathering all of this information will give you an upper hand in strategic moments where you want to counter a specific legend.
Dropping randomly:
Amateurs should stay away from the crowded spots and hot zones on the map but they should not drop randomly. As I stated earlier high-risk high-reward zones are not for beginners but that does not mean that you jump and drop randomly on the map. it would take some time for you to learn properly where to drop in a particular map.
The easiest thing you could do is to free look and examine where are the other players dropping and what are the name locations on the map. Because name locations will always have more loot than random places on the map. Also, a free look will improve your dropping ability over time.
Ignoring Sound cues:
In any competitive shooter sound is one of the most important and sensitive things. In competitive shooter sound and audio cues play a major role because by using sound cues properly you could predict your enemy’s location and where he currently is. Most of the new players tend to make the mistake of ignoring sound cues while playing the game and it is one of the easiest ones to avoid.
From now on if you are playing Apex Legends you should focus on sound cues, footsteps third-party fights, etc. Buy a good mm driver headphone if you don’t own one and focus on sounds. By avoiding this mistake it will elevate your gameplay and skill gap almost instantaneously.
Carrying too much or too little ammo:
One must avoid over-looting in Apex Legends because it can overwhelm you to make choices later on in the game. Overlooting ammo or underlooting it both are horrendous choices while one is more forgiving than the other. Carrying too much ammo will sacrifice resource management while carrying enough ammo will get you killed.
In apex legends like in real life, different guns have different ammo. But don’t get discouraged by it getting to the right amount of ammo could take some time. Because each match is different and most beginners never know how much ammo is enough to survive a whole match.
Separating From Their Team:
Apex Legends is a team game and no matter how good you are you can not win alone. Following this point you can always play with premade but if you somehow can’t play with your friends and have to solo queue then try not to separate from your team. Because not only will it make you more vulnerable but it will also get disheartened from the game.
I understand that sometimes apex legend’s players can be hard to deal with. But playing alone is equally worse than playing with a team that is not listening to you. Try to keep up with your team and don’t get separated from them.
Not picking up grenades:
Grenades are great if you know how and when to use them. Some times a grenade is the only way to survive and sometimes a wrong grenade can turn the entire match’s outcome. Not choosing to use grenades is entirely different than not picking them up at all. Throwing grenades has a learning curve to it. But it is worthwhile hassling once you learn how to perfectly throw a smoke not only you could revive your teammate more freely but you can also block the enemy’s angles of shooting.
A grenade is also a great way to flush out campers or to bring an element of surprise into the situation. Because once an enemy sees a grenade they are bound to react upon it and that is the moment that you need to take full advantage of. My advice would be to pick up grenades and learn how to throw them efficiently.
Rushing into fights:
We all love a little action that’s why we play the game we do. But in Apex Legends you always have to think before doing anything. A lot of beginner players make this mistake when they rush into fights without knowing where they are, how many squads are fighting, or how many enemies they are up against. They just rush towards the action and most of the time it results in them getting eliminated from the match.
Don’t ever rush without thinking first everything has a time and place try to find timing against the squads and then rush. Blatantly rushing towards fights will do nothing but damage to you.
Wrapping it up:
There are more mistakes that beginner players make than is listed here but try to avoid these simple yet damaging mistakes while playing Apex Legends. It is only a matter of time when you can also get the rank you imagine and as your rank increases the game will also get tougher and more enjoyable avoiding these mistakes will help you in the journey.
However, if you want to increase your rank rapidly, you can try our Apex Legends rank boosting. You can simply choose the current and desired rank, we will help you reach that rank with ease.