Best Defending Tips in Rainbow Six – 2024 Updated

Defensive rounds can either make or break the reason why you win a ranked match. In this guide I will be share some tips that will definitely help you in your defending strategies in Rainbow Six Seige.


1. Counting Drones

Drones are a central part of attacking rounds, so your main focus on defense in the prep phase should be analyzing and seeing how many drones you’ve actually shot. If you and your teammates are in a five-stack, then you guys can get a quick rough idea of how many drones you’ve shot. I like to be a little extra when it comes to this. For example, on Oregon, when it comes to bunker, at the end of the prep phase, I will literally run outside and shoot as many drones around barrels.

Killing drones is the most important thing to me because drones can be the most essential part of attacking. It’s the only way that anybody’s gonna get intel. Drones can do so much for the attackers because they can either watch flanks for people, they can get into where operators are, or if someone’s really sneaky with their drones, they can set up a drone in some really nice spots that give them some nice z-pings.

So just killing the z-pings and killing any type of intel is one of my favorite parts of defense.

2. Knowing When to Rotate When Roaming

What I noticed a lot of players doing around the gold elo is that they think the main objective when roaming is to run around and just kill people. Your main objective should be wasting time.

Here’s a huge tip that a lot of players don’t do but should: when you’re roaming, say if you’re Vigil or whoever, a big thing that you should be doing is if you shoot like three to four drones and they’re still having a hard time droning you out, if you can, rotate back to site.

You did a huge job there killing the drone economy. Just like I said in the first tip, killing the drone economy is so important. So you don’t always have to get a first essential frag or die. If you get like three or four drones, just rotate back to site, play man advantage, and hold crosses because they’ll have to blindly go into the site.

3. Roamers Should Reinforce

Everybody should at least put down two reinforcements. A lot of times, ever since this new reinforcement pool came out, what I notice is players will just go AFK or they’ll go run around trying to prep a spawn kill or something, and they won’t put down any reinforcements. Then half the site isn’t reinforced.

So, just because you know you’re Vigil or you’re Jaeger, at least put down two reinforcements. Especially an operator like Vigil who doesn’t have any prep time to actually do anything like put down ADS or all that. At least get more than two walls if you’re Vigil.

So don’t be scared to reinforce and just cut out that BS of wanting to go set up a spawn peek. Because a lot of times what happens is players will end up getting fragged out, and the defenders will have to try to pick up the slack and reinforce all these other walls, and they end up getting rushed. So just reinforce, please.

4. Basic Communication

Basic communication like calling what angles you’re watching or what you’re watching in general is a big thing that will help you. It’s simple as hell, but calling, for example, if you’re in a 2v2 scenario, asking your teammate what they’re watching or you telling them what you’re watching will help you guys more than you think.

Something I notice when it comes to a lot of players is they’ll be in a post-plant scenario, and it’ll be like a 2v2 or 2v1, whatever, and the defenders will just run at the attackers. They won’t communicate what they’re doing. They won’t tell them what type of play they’re trying to make. They’ll just do it and assume that the player just all of a sudden won’t know.

Your main objective should just be communicating what you’re pushing and trying to play off refrags.

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5. Prepping Windows

Prepping windows means breaking the glass on the windowsills that’s in sight. A lot of times what happens is players on the attacking side will rappel up and just randomly shoot through barricades, and most of the time it’s common angles in sight. You’re not going to hear it because you didn’t shoot the glass.

So at the start of the round, just go around and shoot every single window or barricade and break the glass off of it so you can get the initial audio that someone’s rappelling.

6. Getting on Cams

This tip is mostly for the people that anchor. At the start of the round, they have nothing to do, so they just sit there making holes in the wall and punching smiley faces. What you should do to help your roamers do a better job is get on default cams and call out what cams are shot and what cams are up. You can usually tell where operators spawned just by what default cams they shoot.

Also, when you’re dead and you’re not the only person dead, and there are multiple cams up, communicate to that other dead person what cam you’re watching. It just makes your life a thousand times easier instead of both of you doubling up on the same cam and doubling up on callouts.

7. Playing Passive

A lot of times, people do not play man advantage, and they end up playing way too aggro and losing rounds that should not have been winnable. A lot of times, what I notice is players just get very impatient, jump out windows, play aggro, and feed the attacking team kills. If you truly want to win more games, playing man advantage and holding crosses with your teammates is probably the best type of situation.

As soon as you get one pick and you’re in a 5v4 scenario on defense, just hold cross angles and play off refrag. Just learn how to play passive, not bait, but just play passive.

8. Rotating Utility

A lot of times, players don’t do this enough. For example, if they’re holding a big side of the map like on Oregon, and they have all their utility facing the boiler side, and the enemies don’t attack that side, you should be able to pick up your utility and rotate it. This is just a simple quick tip that a lot of players don’t do.

Final Thoughts

Okay so these were the tips that everyone should follow while defending in Rainbow Six. I hope this will help you improve your defend strategy! Cheers.