Pudge is way ahead in terms of popularity when compared to its pick rate. This hero is constantly popular for all the patches no matter how many changes he went through. It is the most picked hero in the last month, in the previous three months, in the last six months, and so on in the MOBA’s history to been played in more than a billion matches, making the portly butcher the game’s most popular character by about 300 million matches.
As tracked by the website Dotabuff, Pudge had been played in 1,001,478,517 Dota 2 matches at the time of writing, with a Pick Rate of 33.03%. This puts him significantly ahead of the second-most popular character, Phantom Assassin, who has been played in 704,903,677 with a pick rate of just 23.25%.
If you want to win games with Pudge, you can hire our Dota 2 duo booster, and he will play mid-lane, whereas you can pick Pudge.
What makes Pudge Popular?
Pudge has a butchery design and a unique concept which makes him stand out from the other heroes. Why pick the other warrior when you can mock the opponents with a rotten chunky butcher? His Meat Hook is famous and is one of the most unique and rewarding spells in the game. On top of that, Pudge was hyped by the veteran Dota 2 professional, Dendi. He highlighted his spectacular Pudge and satisfying fountain hooks with Chen’s teleport combo during his time with NAVI throughout the early 2010s.
So with Pudge achieving the billion milestone in total picks, which hero will follow in its footsteps? At its current rate, Phantom Assassin is the closest with almost 705 million total picks. But who knows another hero may rise in popularity and take over the Number 2 spot. What do you guys think? Let us know in the comment section.