Modern Warfare 3 was released in 2009, but I see so many people using a different method to get their weapons max level. Please do not make the same mistake I have gone through, and I have tested. I have the data; I have the numbers. I’m going to show you the best method, and we’re going to be comparing the two most popular methods, and I will be seeing one of them up on a pedestal.

We have something compelling to get your guns to the max level. The Modern Warfare 3 developers don’t like that, and they want to get rid of it, so take advantage of it first before it gets patched.
We know that whenever we’re trying to level up our weapons, make sure to use double XP tokens, Double XP, double weapon XP, and double battle pass XP. You can use all of that. There are a lot of promos out there for Doritos, Monster Energy, Etc.
You can do all that. There are some events out there in MW3. Just make sure you pop these weapon XPS. You can actually look at your weapon XP progress in-game to make sure you’re constantly maximizing that.
War Mode
Let’s get into the first mode that I like. We’re going to be covering all of this objectively, but it is the war mode. Okay, so the war mode is a three-stage mode.
Stage 1
The first stage is infantry versus infantry, where you’re trying to play control. The attackers are pushing forward, trying to capture two objectives, Alpha and Bravo. When they Capture One, it locks off, and then they have to capture the other one.
Stage 2
If they capture both, you move into phase two, which is now a tank escort. Think of it like payload on Overwatch 2, where you’re basically trying to stay near the tank and push it forward through the enemy.
Note: The nice thing about these modes is that the spawn points are really close to each other, so people are constantly fighting.
Stage 3
Once you push that tank all the way forward, you then move into the third phase, which is the missile diffuse or destroy section. The attacking team is pushing forward with the tank. The Defenders launch a rocket into the air, and it’s your job to go forward and hack into your, know, main frame or into the console and destroy the rocket while it’s in Flight.
You have to hack two separate consoles. The enemies have a chance to diffuse it, and if they don’t diffuse it, then it’s round over you.
Then, fortunately, flip is not RNG. You play both sides on every single map. From there, you’re the defender. You’re trying to prevent them from capturing, you’re trying to prevent them from escorting, and you’re trying to prevent them from diffusing.
General Strategy
So, let’s go and talk about the general strategy for this. Ideally, you’re in a full six-man or you’re with teammates, but the best strategy is to let the timer tick down as much as you can if you see that you’re in a lobby with not-so-decent players, and honestly, this mode seems to have significantly less SBMM.
What you’re going to do is try to team up, okay, and then wait until the timer expires or gets close to expiring because every time the timer hits zero, there’s a little overtime timer.
So as you’re attacking, you’re kind of chilling, waiting, farming, and then you start to get to about a minute or 30 seconds left, and then you capture those points really aggressively.
When you’re with the tank, you push the tank forward, but then you start going past the tank, and you start farming the enemies inside of their spawn and leaving the tank behind you because you want to get the most out of the lobby as we can
Once the timer starts to get too low, push that tank all the way forward, and then we’re going to do the exact same thing. We’re going to go to the missile silo, we’re going to push forward, we’re not going to try to diffuse. We’re actually going to go to their spawn and keep them locked into their spawn, and we’re not going to diffuse then what you can actually end up doing is when you reach these overtime segments when you’re attacking, you’re trying to diffuse the bomb right, and it and it takes the few seconds for you to enter into it and diffuse it you can actually go to that as the overtime timer is ticking down you can start the diffusion process and then hop off, and it’ll reset the timer.
So I’ve seen situations where they’ve had five people holding them an enemy spawn and one guy tapping it, and it just resets the timer, and they were just farming them indefinitely.
Zombies Mode
The second mode that we’re going to look at is the zombie mode. For this mode, there are three tiers: tier one, tier two, and tier three.
You can see it on the mini-map. Each one progressively gets more difficult, but fortunately, we don’t need to be fully kitted out. We don’t need to have max levels, Max weapons, or anything like that.
We’re going to pick the weapon that we want to have Max leveled into our insured slot. Now, if you end up dying with this weapon, your insured slot will take, I think, an hour to reset. Fortunately, you can just pick up any of your Contraband items if you don’t have those max levels, or you can go to weapons in the game.
There are wall buy stations on the mini-map, and you can buy a weapon from them, so you have many options here to get the weapon that you need. In general, using the strategy, I doubt you’re going to die unless you just make a stupid mistake.
General Strategy
The strategy is when you get into the map, obviously make sure you load in with the weapon that you want. Find a vehicle. The map is huge, so it’s pretty tough to move around. Find a truck, find a dune buggy.
Just be careful if you’re running over zombies. You’ll get XP, but it damages your vehicle every time you run over a zombie.
so I would suggest doing the Bounty. You basically have one armored zombie that you’re going to take out, and it was super easy to kill. I would suggest that some of the other contracts were taking me, like, you know, 5 to 10 minutes to accomplish; that one took me like 30 seconds.
Once we have enough money, we’re going to Pack-A-Punch our weapon. While we’re also doing that, we’re going to look in some of the crates, we’re going to look on the ground, and we’re going to see if we can find the upgrades there’ll be green, blue, purple, orange, they’re all Rarity upgrades that you can apply to the weapon that you’re holding.
So not only is my gun pack-a-punched, but I want to make sure it’s green and then blue, and all of those will raise the base damage.
Once we have a pack-a-punched weapon, this is where the XP strategy comes in. Don’t go into level two. Don’t go into level three. You get the same amount of XP for killing a level two zombie as you do a level one zombie.
Go to a level one exfiltration extraction point. Once you go up to it, you’re going to see a green smoke pop up. Once you get close enough, the zombies will automatically start crawling out of the ground and auto-populating.
You basically call in a helicopter to get you out. Go up and let those Zombies come out of the ground and kill all the zombies. Do your typical zombie strategy. Fortunately, we’re not stuck inside of hallways. We can just run around the map. You just start killing those zombies, training those zombies, and taking them all out. If you need to use it, use a because, fortunately, any XP you get from killing a zombie goes straight to your weapon. I
If you need to use your specialty mine, which is the L1 R1, throw out that little mine, and that’ll also get you super easy kills. Of course, you have things like installing kill Double XP armor max power. Don’t grab the nuke, in my opinion, because we want XP to kill zombies, and if you nuke, it kind of takes away that XP. Uh, from there, we’re going to go up to the helicopter, and then we’re going to call in the helicopter so we wipe all the zombies, and no one is left to kill. We call in the helicopter, and a whole other horde of zombies come, and you do the exact same thing: kite them around and kill them all. You’re just farming XP.
The helicopter comes the timer starts ticking down. Don’t get in the helicopter. We’re going to let the helicopter fly away, and then that, uh, the redeploy point will be on cooldown for like 45 seconds to a minute, you.
You get unbelievable amounts of XP, so you’re going to do all that until you get close to about the 3-minute Mark, and then you’re going to go ahead and exfill out, and then when you exfill out, you take all that XP with you.
Pros and Con
Let’s get into a real quick pro and con. We’ve been talking about it for the war mode big picture. Pros: There’s less spam. Okay, it’s less spam than all the other multiplayer modes that I’ve been playing. You get an insane amount of kills; I’ve seen people get 100, 200, even kills from that mode, and in my opinion, it is the best method for multiplayer camo grinding.
If you’re trying to get specific camos, you’re trying to accomplish challenges. It’s easiest when you’re not playing against demons all day, and the war mode is the best, in my opinion.
Another option is to choose Camo Boosting for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. It is the easiest and safest way to unlock any camos you want for your weapons.
Cons: it’s inconsistent. You could have teammates that are capturing objectives when you’re trying to farm, and over time, you could have enemies that are really sweaty because you know SPMM is just kind of RNG. You’d also have enemies running around with PRI Shield and RPGs, which I did, which torched the entire game.
If you run into people like that, either just leave or run through them real quick or purposely let them win real quick. It’s not worth it if we’re trying to farm XP. Those guys are just going to make your day a lot more miserable, and then it’s also best with a party.
Modern Warfare 3 Weapon Leveling Boosting
We understand that weapon leveling is not very easy, it’s time-consuming, and not everybody has the time to do it. This is why we can do it for you with our MW3 weapon leveling service.
Our professional Call of Duty players can level up any weapon that they want by using skills only. A normal player will take a lot of time to do so, but MW3 Boosters will do it within 2-3 days.
Utilizing all 3 strategies will help you easily increase your weapon level from 1 to 31.