Today we’ll discuss everything that you need to know about the new Valorant agent, Clove. Clove is a Scottish agent and they have a bunch of unique abilities that you have never seen before in the game and they are going to be changing the way that Valorant is played in my opinion. The way the controller meta is going to be played after you try Clove is going to be insane. They allow for a unique playstyle different from every other game controller.

Clove is a Scottish agent in Valorant and she is a brand-new controller in the game and was released on Episode 8 Act 2. On March 5, Episode 8 Act II kicked off and it introduced players to the Primordium Collection. Riot Games confirmed Clove’s gender to be non-binary. Players who identify as non-binary may see themselves as both female and male or a combination of both. Besides the pronouns, riot hasn’t shared more details about Clove’s gender. If you want to master other agents then do check our Valorant deadlock agent guide, Valorant agent Gekko, harbor Valorant agent guide, neon Valorant agent guide, Valorant agent fade guide.
Pick-me-up (C Ability)
First off, we’re going to start with Clove C ability and it’s called pick-me-up. The way it works is after you get a frag, you can press your C and you’ll get an overheal. So, in a sense, the best way to describe it would be similar to Reyna overheal. When you get a frag, you can overheal yourself for 100 Health as a controller player, which makes it so that you’re more inclined to take solo fights on the controller than you would before.
Clove’s C ability also only costs you 100 credits compared to Reyna where their soul orb costs 200 credits but it does provide a little bit more value because you can dismiss it as well.
Meddle (Q ability)
Their Q ability is also pretty different from other agent abilities. It is a Decay orb and the way it works is once you throw it, it’ll have a line of sight that is hit by it. It detonates after 1.2 seconds, and when it does make contact with the enemy, it will deal 90 Decay damage. This makes your enemies one shot to a phantom or Vandal if they have half Armor.
Clove’s meddle ability or their Decay orb costs 250 credits, which is more expansive than the other Decay abilities in the game like Iso’s undercut, which only costs 200 credits.
More about Clove’s Q ability
The Decay Orb since it can’t be used for lineups, can be used in a bunch of other ways. A good way to use it would be like throwing it into B Main on Ascent and having an Odin to spam it since it does 90 Decay damage instantly, there will be no way to counter it if they’re hit by the orb and the Decay orb is quite big, the amount of space that it hits. It can be used in a bunch of different ways uniquely.
Ruse (E Ability)
Clove also has smokes that work very similar to the Omen smoke. When you’re placing them, it does look a little bit similar to Brimstone’s iPad. Both smokes will also regenerate, after only 30 seconds compared to Omen’s 40 seconds to regenerate their smoke. The cost of your second smoke is 150 credits, which is also 50 credits cheaper than the Astra Star, 50 credits more than Brimstone smoke, and the same cost as Omen smoke.
The best part about Clove smoke is the fact that you don’t have to worry about dying first as long as you’re not lurking. You can smoke for your team while you’re dead and you are out of the round, which makes it so that taking early fights on the controller is longer grief to your team, which is going to change the way that the controller meta is played, especially for Ranked.
Not Dead Yet (X / ULT)
Clove’s ultimate is not dead yet. After you die you can resurrect yourself, which means that Clove can quite literally self-revie yourself. When you do self-revive yourself, you’ll have a little bit of a timer that will pop up on your screen. It looks like the Jett Dash but if you get a kill while this timer is active you will respawn into the round.
When you do self-revive, you do pop into a Reyna dismiss form, so you kind of need to use it with the correct intention, or else the enemy can just run you down and get two frags on you in the round.
Clove’s ultimate also only takes seven alt points to use compared to Sage’s ultimate, which takes eight alt points. This is going to make Sage pick even less. Considering the fact that you can now revive yourself for fewer Alt points than you could to revive your lurking Jet. Now a slight con to Cloves to Clove’s ultimate is the fact that if an enemy just doesn’t peek at you after you pop it and they all just run away, you just die again.
Clove’s Smoke
One of the biggest problems that I have found so far with Clove smokes, however, is according to my timer, they only last 12.25 seconds meaning that after the smoke has formed, there would be the shortest-lasting controller smoke in the game.
Currently Brimstone smoke lasts 19.25 seconds, Omen last 15 seconds, and Astra last 14.25 seconds. So, if this was the case it would possibly make Clove the worst agent for delaying a push on defense by a few seconds, as well as you would have to enter with your team a bit faster on the attack.
From my impression of attacking while using Clove, it seems that you have to play more hybrid duelist but not a lurking controller as much of the way that the smokes work. After you die, you’re only able to smoke within the vicinity of where your corpse is. This means that if you entered a site and you died, you would be able to place smokes for your team there for the rest of the round.
If your team rotates, you will have no value in the round other than possibly selling a fake. So, on attack, as you play an aggressive playstyle with your team possibly as a second entry, this is going to be very strong on maps like Ascent, Bind, sunset, Split. But possibly not as good on larger maps like Breeze, and Icebox where Viper and Harbor are a bit stronger as their walls will be able to block a bunch more sight lines.
Clove Gameplay
According to Riot, Clove would significantly shake the meta in, due to their post-death smokes and this is the new concept in the FPS. Clove is a unique controller, from several other agents Clove’s toolkit takes inspiration, making them a versatile pick. similar to Reyna’s overheal they also have self-healing. On the other hand, their revive would remind seasoned players of Pheonix.
During their Pick Me Up ability, Clove also gets mobility, besides being an impactful shooter. Clove is somehow exactly like other duelists than any existing controller. Players with a hybrid style to offer the smoker roster a shot. Clove would be exceptionally viable on smaller maps Bind, Fracture, and Icebox.
Riot Games does not explicitly state the age of its Valorant agents and as the Clove is kind of immortal it’s kind of difficult to know Clove’s age.
Clove is a gender-neutral that has lately been capturing the hearts of many.
With the launch of patch 8.05, Clove is scheduled to be released on Tuesday, March 26.