Ultimate Apex Legends Bangalore Guide (2024)

Hey everyone! Today, I’m going to discuss Bangalore, the new Apex Legends hero added at the launch of the game.

She is an aggressive legend with an interesting kit and a tactical ability. Since I’m a Predator Top 500 rank Apex player working with Apex Rank Boost service team here at Immortal Boost, I need to know how to play every legend so that if clients ask me to play a specific one, I should be ready.

Immortalboost brand name and Bangalore agent

There are a few Legends in Apex who can be considered true hybrid legends who can kind of just do it all and Bangalore is one of them. There’s probably no other Legend in the entire game who can be as detrimental to your team as this cold steel warlord. Bangalore might be the best Legend in the game right now. She’s great for offense and defense as well as being fun to play. Playing her wrong or poorly can just mess everything up so let’s help you not do that. If you master supportive Legend then do check our Master Loba Guide.

Double Time (Passive Ability)

The play-making ability, the passive of double time is one of the best passives in Apex and it’s an ability that probably does not get enough praise. For a short amount of time two seconds, Bangalore gets a 30% speed boost with gunfire or grenades barely missing her while she’s sprinting.

This gives Bangalore a lot of aggressive power to push in and out of areas with that extra-natural speed while she is under fire. There is no real way to activate the passive on your own. It kind of comes down to enemies missing shots and in general, trying to put fire down on you.

Tip for Passive Ability

One great way you will often get this passive to activate though is when you are rotating around. Rotating around and specifically in more open areas will let you be prone to getting shot more and this 30% speed boost is a massive way to just get you across those larger gaps without getting hit.

Knowing that you have this extra speed boost is the trick to utilizing Bangalore’s double time. Pushing enemies and knowing that you’re going to get that extra little kick means you slightly have more leeway when it comes to pushing enemies, which is quite powerful. This mainly again is because you are harder to hit when the passive is on and a lot of times players are just not used to tacking someone with 30% more speed.

This also works where you can push in get a knock, get some big damage, and then you get that speed boost activation to quickly get out of trouble or around the corner faster than any other Legend in the game. This passive ability also works very well with Bangalore’s tactical smoke launcher.

Bangalore’s passive isn’t that mind-blowing on paper but it has a lot more power than meets the eye. As Bangalore gets faster movement speed whenever a bullet comes close to him. For example, crossing some open space while being snapped at. The double time can help you get from A to B quickly or you could use it to push enemies at higher speed.

This becomes extra effective, however, in close range 1v1. Like Octane Stim, players can get very used to tracking the speed of players in fights. Muscle memory helps them aim at players and Bangalore’s passive adds a new speed into the game that can throw players off.  

Smoke Launcher (Tactical Ability)

The Smoke Launcher is just another pillar of what gives Bangalore a really good sense of hybrid play. The smokes can be used for a ton of different things but these smokes have a 33-second timer. You can store up to two charges and the smoke is active on the ground for about 23 seconds.

Tips for Smoke Launcher

The first technique and my least favorite technique is smoking oneself. There are a few reasons why smoking yourself can be good but to start you don’t want to do this. Dropping smoke at your feet and or around you does give you cover but it also blinds all of your vision to what’s around.

This means enemies can push up to you or reposition really without you having any idea as you’re blind to your surroundings. Another warning with Bangalore smoke that the smoke can be very detrimental to your team so you have to be very aware of what the smoke is not only doing for you but also for your team.

While you may be very weak and smoking yourself as needed, it might blind your squad and give them no visuals when they are very capable of fighting because they might still be healthy. There’s nothing more frustrating than when you are trying to play with a random Bangalore who just has a very poor sense of smoke timing and is constantly getting your entire team into trouble.

Smoking at your feet

The reason to self-smoke at your feet is when you are trying to quickly loot up a death box that may be in a position where there is no cover. Additionally, dropping smoke on knock teammate who has no cover or even when you need to revive a player that is down is a great time to do so.  

It also works when you may want to try and respawn at the beacon. The last reason why you would want to smoke at your feet could be when you are already running directly away from the enemy, this kind of makes a line between them, your smoke and then you who is already out of your smoke running away trying to get cover or heal up.

Smoking between you, teammates, and enemies 

This Kind of rolls us into the second technique of smoking and this is the smoke in between yourself, your squad, and other enemies. Smoking in between allows for some creative playmaking, where you can use certain angles or other terrain to your advantage. This technique gives you a lot of great play options as this way enemies can’t just walk out of your smoke and then it’s doing nothing.

By putting the smoke between you and the enemy, you’re just allowing your awareness to take over to make plays. Additionally, smoking in the middle of longer hallways or rooms will allow you to have some visuals and let you see if enemies are trying to take that bait to run through your smoke while you’re waiting on the other side to beam them.

if you are making an aggressive play-up a zip line that has enemies around, sometimes smoking at the end or the start of a zipline can be a great tool to give yourself some cover while you ride that zipline.

Smoking On Enemies

The third way to utilize smoke is my preferred method and this is using the smoke on enemies. Using the smoke directly on enemies has a ton of advantages but for starters, it blinds their vision, not yours and still more or less gives you the same effect. If there are multiple teams around then this doesn’t apply but blinding someone else is generally the way to go.

The second advantage of this is that you can completely relocate by either getting an alternate angle or pushing up so that you can breach a gap and push a fight to that enemy.

Smoking on enemies while exiting the ring

Another great way to use this type of smoke is by smoking enemies that are exiting the ring. Whenever you smoke near that orange glow of the ring, it makes enemies in the smoke very transparent as it kind of silhouettes them.

This means that everyone on your team looking at the enemies near the ring has a digital threat. This is also a warning to not smoke yourself when you are near the ring because you will be semi-revealed to enemies.

It’s worth taking a second to say that digital threat optics for Bangalore are literal wall hacks. By far there are some of the best items to give to a Bangalore and if you are running with a Bangalore then you should be on the lookout for these teas, so everyone can use that smoke.

More Tips for Passive

A few more tips for the smokes that you are going to want to know. If you properly space the smokes apart meaning not spamming two at the same time, you can have nearly continuous smoke coverage. So, if you can then don’t spam two at once.

Additionally, when you are in smoke or fighting around smoke, and if you’re a controller player then aim assist gets wonky, and most of the time you aren’t going to have it, so you have been warned. Be mindful of fighting around smokes.

Another tip that you can utilize is to pop smoke whenever you do need to rip a Valkyrie ultimate or if the teammate does need to ping those beacons. You can also use your smoke to support your teammate who may need to cross open areas or need help such as looting death boxes.

While it is not much, smoke will deal 10 damage to enemies. This is enough to be super annoying and make enemies feel like they need to use shield cells which will slow them down.

Rolling Thunder (Ultimate)

The rolling thunder ability probably is not the greatest ultimate in the Apex. It still has a lot of viability depending on certain circumstances such as positioning, timing, and your general play style. As I discussed earlier Bangalore is a true hybrid Legend and this continues to be the case with that rolling thunder ultimate ability.

How does it Ultimate ability work

When using, Bangalore throws a flare on the ground and missiles start to land in a zigzag formation. Starting from the flare and going forward 70 meters. Six seconds later, the missiles will start to blow up starting from the first to land and going all the way out to the end. The rocket will do 40 damage per rocket hit and will also stun enemies. They also leave a slight smoke effect allowing for a brief moment of cover.

Tips for Bangalore’s Ultimate

The big tip with this is that the missile will start from where the flare hits the ground, so you can throw the flare a little bit further to start that rocket pattern a little bit more distance away from Bangalore or you can drop it right at her to start a little bit closer to herself. Every time the rocket will also come down and go forward in the direction she is facing.

The three-minute timer is the worst out of the ultimates in Apex but is not the best, so I would suggest using this ability when it matters.

Dropping and following the rockets

The first technique and way to use the creeping barrage is an aggressive fashion. Similarly to the smoke, if enemies are forward of your position then dropping the ultimate down and then following those rockets as they explode is an insane way to beach some gaps even more so if you can’t get your passive to activate for that additional speed.

This gives you a lot of play-making potential where if the rocket does connect enemies then enemies are going to be hurt and they’re going to be stunned and on top of that you’re at minimum going to be more than likely able to force them to move so you can’t get some movement into their position.

The Ult is great for just forcing movement if you need to get to an enemy’s location. You can take this and the opposite way of using the rocket defensively to make some nice plays as well. If enemies are stuck against the ring or in a tough spot then you can’t drop the rockets down to force them to move or just take that ultimate damage.

You either can push them after they get hit by those rockets or you can watch them scatter and beam them as those rockets are going off.  

Dropping Ultimate at Bangalore’s Feet

One of the defensive ways that you can use this ultimate is to drop the ultimate at her feet while you’re running away. You could do this by either looking forward and throwing it or just turning around if the enemies are a little bit further behind you and throwing the ultimate toward them.

If you’re pushing ahead, the rocket will land as you are running with them and they will end up covering your back as you’ll be able to run out of range before those rockets begin to explode. This should more than likely give you an advantage by creating some separation and allowing you to reset, heal, or just get away.

This ultimate covers a good amount of space so waiting to use it around the end game can be a good strategy. Especially, if it’s an open-air end game and there are no buildings around. I suggest trying to time this appropriately so you can at least have one ultimate to use at the end of your matches.  

Combo the Ultimate

You can also combo Bangalore’s abilities together by smoking enemies and then throwing that ultimate down. If enemy sight lines or just vision is covered then it’s a lot harder for them to understand and figure out what are the best ways to escape from those rockets. It will also increase the chaos and opportunities for you as well.

If you do have a few squads around you, looking to push or maybe a third party then dropping the ultimate down in the direction of one team and then pushing another squad is a great way to make some separation and take a sight three-on-three fight rather than getting third partied right after you do take that fight. This will not give you more amount of time, so you need to be efficient with your playmaking and be very communicative with your squad.

Tips you need to know

Bangalore boom with Seer and Bloodhound. At this point, if you’ve been playing Apex for a while then you probably know that scanning is a huge deal. Being able to throw smokes down and then have your teammates reveal them with those scans, it’s a huge deal.

Bangalore will also be a big help to any movement Legend, so don’t be afraid to smoke your more immobile teammates if they do need to cross some open areas. Both the gold helmet and gold backpack are also a superb item to give to a Bangalore. This helmet is going to help you keep those smokes up and that three-minute ultimate timer will be reduced by quite a bit.

Ranking Bangalore in Apex

Ranking Bangalore and being successful third really just comes down to having the right mindset. She’s a pretty offensive Legend so being aggressive is good. Weaving in and out teams, using her smoke as cover helps her stay mobile and even more so with the assistance of her passive speed boost.

She is not invincible and from the time you pop a smoke to the time you run away, you’re still open to attack so you cannot overextend things and be very mindful of your surroundings. It also still takes a second for that smoke to pop out and activate before you can get some cover.

There are other Legends like Fuse and Mad Maggie who both have little scanning abilities because of this Bangalore is just not a top-tier Legend but she’s also not a bottom tier as well. For me, she’s in the middle around a top 10 to top 12 Legends in Apex.      


In the World of Apex Legends, Bangalore’s real name is Anita Williams, and is a skilled combatant and a professional soldier known for her tactical prowess and disciplined nature. Born and raised on the planet Gridiron. She comes from a military family and enlisted in the IMC at a young age.

Gridiron Bangalore’s home was a planet embroiled in a conflict between the IMC and the frontier militia. The IMC sought to exploit the planet’s resources while the frontier militia fought to protect their home. Bangalore deeply loyal to IMC became an exceptional soldier and served with distinction.

Best Bangalore Perks

For the first perk, we have a big bang through which you can see through walls and death boxes. I don’t feel like that’s good for Bangalore. I feel like you want to have a reduction ultimate cooldown by 60 seconds. For tier three perks, auto pings are good as they can trigger Double Time which is Bangalore’s passive ability. You are also better off just picking the regenerate HP while inside a smoke as it’s a free syringe while you’re in a smoke.

If you pick tac cooldown, it goes from 35s to 30s = 14.2% cooldown decrease. Ult cooldown goes from 4.5m to 3.5 m = 22.22% decrease.

35s to 30s ~ 6 vs 7 smokes per 3.5 min. 21m (max game length)/3.5 = 6 ults per game vs 4.667 ults per game.

So +1.333 (effectively +2 with no ult XL) more ults (4.667 vs 6)per game vs +6 extra clouds of smoke (36 vs 42) per game.

Paring Bangalore with other Legends

To gather intel that allows you to plan your attack, you can use Bloodhound to track unsuspecting enemies. Try to utilize Bangalore and Caustic’s abilities to overpower enemies in closed-in areas, after moving in on your victims. You need to have Bloodhound and Caustic on your squad if you’re looking to dominate the map.

The combo of smoke and poison will make sure that the enemy team is distracted and overwhelmed, and this will let your team move in and kill the enemies. You can smoke them, send down your artillery, and poison them if they are fighting.


Thank you for reading my guide and I hope you dominate every game with Bangalore! You can check out our badge boosting for Apex Legends where we can unlock any badge for you with Bangalore. Being a professional Apex Legends player, I am also providing coaching services for Apex Legend where me and my colleague will help you understand the matrics of each player and how to win the game.

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