WoW: The War Within: How to Complete Not Ready on Set quest

WoW 20th-anniversary update and questline just got a new update and we got Not Ready on Set quest. You can pick up the quest from Alyx at the anniversary event hub, she is just outside the Caverns of Time. Everybody is familiar with Alyx as she has that quest board next to her keeping us busy. You can also check out Damp Ransom quest.

However, Alyx has a new nickname now which is quite long. She’s now called Alyx “Volunteer Senior Assistant Lead Guest Relations Manager, Executive Associate Event Coordinator, and Temporary Service Agent.”

WoW: The War Within is going strong and with new patches and updates new season is getting Story mode raids. These raids in WoW The War Within allow you to tone down new difficulty Story mode raids. Which will require you less challenge on the final boss of a raid and the battle will not be as hard as a regular battle. You can also check our Halloween event and Fishing in The War Within guide.

The next major WoW update is coming soon with patch 11.0.7 and will take us to a new end-game zone called Siren Isle. The new update for WoW is going to be huge and a ton of new content is coming to explore. There will be returning fan-favorite game modes, new customizations, and new areas to explore.

Here’s everything you need to know about WoW: The War Within Anniversary quest Not Ready on Set and how to complete it.

WoW: The War Within Not Ready on Set Quest

You can follow these steps to complete the Not Ready on Set Quest.

Head to Ardenweald

You can accept the quest from Alyx and your first step is to go Ardenweald and find Dapperdew. This is a zone from Shadowlands DLC. Take the portal from the Caverns of Time and go to Stormwind. You can also go to Orgrimmar and take a portal to Oribos.

There is also a portal to Ardenweald right in the anniversary hub, so if you’ve never played the expansion before, or don’t feel like doing too much traveling, you can find the portal nearby the pet area.

Talk to Dapperdew

After reaching Oribos you can take the teleport to the second floor and take flight path to Ardenweald. The closest flight path is Heart of the Forest. Now follow the quest marker and find Dapperdew. Talk to her and he will ask you to collect a few items for her.

Find Props

You need to find a few props to move on and complete the Dapperdew quest and Not Ready on Set Quest. Here’s where you can find all the Props.

Prop Sword

You can find the Prop Sword item in the amphitheater back, go back to the audience area. You will find it on the floor. You can also go to these coordinates 42.24, 46.74.

Conductor’s Baton

The Conductor’s Baton can be found near the prop sword, up on the stage where Ampitheater Musicians are playing. The baton can be found on the ground in front of a large drum, at coordinates 43.27, 46.43. Click on the baton to pick it up.

Mask of the Trickster

Head back to the main stage where you first spoke to Dapperdew and go all the way to the back. Next to a glowing lantern, you’ll find the Mask of the Trickster on the floor, at coordinates 41.17, 43.77. Click on the Mask of the Trickster to pick it up.

Play Script

Behind where you collected the Mask of the Trickster will be a ramp. Follow it upwards until you come to a small rest area, where you’ll see a table with scattered papers, at coordinates 41.24, 42.79. Click on the papers to collect the missing Play Script.

Talk to Dapperdew and Quest Rewards

After collecting all the Props for Dapperdew return to her and you will complete the quest Not Ready on Set. This is a anniversary quest and you will receive 5 Bronze Celebration Tokens. You will also get the achievement “The Case of Staged Disaster”.

That’s all you need to know about Not Ready on Set quest in WoW: The War Within.